Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Term project part III Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Term part III - Statistics Project ExampleSimilarly, businesses allow come to a tie-up if the shame rate is high in the city. This sketch leave alone therefore in nominate the police subdivision and other relevant bodies involved in combating crime on the measures that are needed to be undertaken in order to mitigate crime rate in the cities.Since the study seeks to relationship between city crime rate and the number of render forces in those cities or any other variable, the city dwellers will form a desired representative sample population for the study. This means that the city dwellers will form the crisscross population for this particular study. So as to obtain a representative sample, the population will stop all the adults over 18 years old regardless of gender, race or place telephone line of the respondents.Since it is not possible to interview all the city dwellers, a random sample of 400 participants will be selected. A systematic random sampling will be used to select the participants into the study. That is, the study will identify 8 cities of interest from which 50 respondents will be drawn. The entropy set will be obtained from the FBI and topical anaesthetic city websites. Questionnaire will be the main tool to be used in collecting the views of the people.The variables of interest in this case will be crime rate (dependent variable) and explanatory variables (number of uniformed forces, mean income per year, education level and population size). Each data set for every variable was sourced from websites of local city and FBI. The data set for education level variable was obtained from this website www.census.gov/Descriptive statistics, particularly histogram, was used to learn each variable. The histograms presented below, by visualization, show that all the data set followed a normal distribution (the data set is normal). From the all the histograms below, most of the observations were around the mean at least for each variable. This concentration of
Monday, April 29, 2019
Management - Virtual organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management - practical(prenominal) organization - Essay ExampleThis kind of group undergoes the same stages of development. In realistic group tat and norms atomic number 18 both important. Cohesiveness is the ability of the team to attract the members to be involved and really centralize on the development. Norms are standards that are set by the member of the team that can either be a pro-management or anti-management.Building an effective virtual workgroup involves activity facilitated by computers. Interactions of the members are done thru the internet. In a normal workgroup they meet most of the time to talk about the project while in virtual group the communication and brainstorming are done thru the use of the web. Since there is no expect to ask many questions the forming stage in the development are not the evident in the virtual group. The group understand what they need to do just by handling them the outline of the work. There are seldom storming stage in the virtua l group. Although they have different ideas on their mind the focus is on the development of the IT.Leadership is important in any project. Virtual team leaders are run within a different framework. Some of the behaviours considered good management practices were changed, or even eliminated, because the team was physically separated. In the virtual team the leader usually conducted meetings thru conference call.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
A response on The Yellow Wallpaper Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A response on The icteric Wallpaper - Thesis ExampleA response on The Yellow WallpaperThe earliest seeds of feminism brought new changes to the lives of women. During the late 19th Century, they began to express demands on equality, along with the rapid industrialization and their inclusion in the workforce. Gilmans short fiction reveals the restriction of womens roles in the society. at that place atomic number 18 various things that the fibber sees within the yellow paper, which are actually expressions of resistance for the unequal sermon of women in that time. According to Hume, The Yellow Wallpaper appears to be a text that simultaneously mirrors Gilmans ideological limitations as a feminist reformer, and symbolically moves beyond those limitations (par. 4) The first time the narrator is in the room where the cover is found, she just expound it as a particularly irritating one (9). However, the longer she stayed in the room, the to a greater extent fixated she becomes wi th the wallpaper. It is noticed that the ardor of adjectives used to describe the wallpaper increases. . For example, the narrator describes it to be irritating, horrid, and hideous the increasing intensity of the descriptions may connote that the more society suppresses womens rights, the more they are encouraged to fight for it. On the other hand, it could also describe the feeling of women towards their limitations to motherly roles. When the narrators obsession is at peak, she described the wallpaper to be hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing (15). Such rumor might describe men as hideous because of the restrictions they made for women. The ugliness portrayed by the wallpaper mirrors what the author sees in her society the distorted and often absolute roles that women must portray because of social expectations. In the middle to the last part of the story, the narrator hallucinates ab appear a faint figure behind that seem s to shed the pattern as if it wants to get out (14). In this part, the theme becomes more apparent, as it implies about the women to be prisoners of their own household. As the faint figure disturbs the narrators mind, the more she feels that she has to help her get out of that wallpaper. This empathy would suggest that the author herself experienced the same kind of imprisonment, and having known the difficulty of being oppressed, she wanted to peg down that woman in the wallpaper free. In the end however, the narrator concludes that she is one of them, that she is one of the women locked in that wall. The narrator declared that she gets out at last and they cant put her back because she peeled mop up all of the wallpaper (26). The Narrators Insanity as an Effect of Suppression By the sustain of her only daughter Katherine, Gilman suffered from post-partum depression where women tend to be hysterical and nervous. The narrator of the story shows the same symptoms as she gets so nervous when she is close to her baby (6). As a treatment, the narrators husband, John, and her brother, as they are both doctors of high acclaim, advised her to refrain from any kind of work. Ironically however, John sees nothing impose on _or_ oppress with her wife, yet he
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Religion And Its Effect on Medical Decisions Essay
Religion And Its Effect on Medical Decisions - Essay useThe author of the essay Religion And Its Effect on Medical Decisions believes that religion is an impactful force in the lives of more individuals, it undoubtedly impacts checkup decisions. Health issues such as life, death, abortion, chemotherapy, etc have attracted religious arguments. At most instances, medical decisions are taken in accordance with the religious beliefs in order to avoid moral clashes. However, at many places, religion and medical decisions have conflicted to culminate in inhibited wellness care. The case of ex Lovell is an example of when his parents let their religious convictions to risk the life of their two and a half year superannuated son (Novotny, Perkin, and Orr).At the end of the essay the author comes to a conclusion. He sums up that medical decisions are impacted by various factors many of which are influenced by religion and spirituality. Also, the religious orientation and propensity of patients and their families are central factors that dominate the level of religiosity impacting medical decisions. The notion that religious individuals tend to go for life extending treatments is not generally true as willingness varies from person to person. Also, for serious illnesses and diseases such as cancer, the health care professionals may not consider religion as a priority for decision fashioning as opposed to life saving scenarios that involve a greater focus on clinical recommendations than religion. That said, religion still dominates medical decisions as many patients are more religiously inclined.
Friday, April 26, 2019
RF Energy Harvesting - Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
RF Energy Harvesting - - Literature review ExampleEnergy gather allows for recycling and harvesting of lessened close electromagnetic energy to cater for the energy requirements of devices suing radio technology such as wireless personal area networks (WPANs), wireless local networks (WLANs) and Cellular networks. In RF energy harvesting, electrical magnate is transmitted from one location to another without the application of an artificial conductor. As such, there is a prodigious requirement for rectennas to be present in the circuit as they important in the harvesting of ambient RF power. The rectennas should be preconditioned for efficient energy harvesting by ensuring good performance at low incident power density, relative high rectification efficiency at wide bandwidth and tyrannical polarization. The advantage of harvesting energy using rectennas is in its ability to generate unlimited energy collect to it unlimited lifetime without the need of replacement as in batte ries. Furthermore, the energy generated is green and therefore suited or energy sustainability (Suh & Chang, 2002).The term rectenna refers to a rectifying antenna that serves to combine the functions of high efficient rectifier circuits and an antennae at atomise power transmission systems. Rectennas were developed with the aim of completing the wireless power transmission system. The purpose of the rectennas is to change over electromagnetic wave into DC power after being received. Rectennas can exists in the their simplest form where they brood of multiple receiving antennae elements that enter a low pass filter circuits that is usually terminated at definite rectifying diodes. In RF energy harvesting, a rectenna is used due to its desirable characteristics the efficiency of energy harvesting resulting from conversion of microwave power to DC power can reach 85% and they can be objected to cater for different desirable frequencies capable of harvesting RF power that is easy to design and economical
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Economic Perspective of the Liancourt Rock Dispute Research Paper
Economic Perspective of the Liancourt Rock Dispute - Research Paper congresswomanThe claims of sovereignty over the onshore territory where the islands argon lying are for the most farewell triggered by the stinting value of the islands and its surrounding amenities. The area was found to be rich in aquatic or shipboard soldier animals that are a potential source of income. The economic value of the area is said to be realest mind why both countries, lacquer and South Korea, are very effortful in acquiring curb over these areas. What are Liancourt Rocks? These are actually bundled formations of small islets that are mostly composed of rock formations. For the Japanese, the Islands are called Takeshima and for Koreans, it is called Dokno. These islands are deliverned in the Sea of Japan. The islands are situated around 87 kilometers in the eastern resolve of Ulleung Island, a South Korean island 157 kilometers in the Northwestern portions of Oki Islands in Japan. The area is very pristine and is mostly uninhabited. 2 What are the economic values of Liancourt Rocks? One of the probable reasons of the dispute that led to the conflict surrounded by these two nations, with regards to the sovereignty and control over the islets, would be its economic values. ... n this law, Parties to UNCLOS are entitled to as much as 200 nautical miles, (equivalent to 370.4 kms), ..of maritime and jurisdictional exclusivity. To discuss this topic thoroughly, it is ideal to assort these economic benefits in two first, the economic benefit brought about by the establishment of sovereignty second, the life interchangeable benefits of the islets, either direct or indirect. First, an establishment of sovereignty over an offshore territory, as stated above, leave behind eventually grant a certain nation a control to the seas that are legally part of their territory and would therefore give them an exclusive economic partition off or EZZ. What is exclusive economic zone? This is a right of a country to perform economic operations in different forms like exclusive fishing and mining operations on the seabed. Seen this way, certain holes revealed that these two contesting nations are grimly move all their efforts to gain sovereignty over the islets so that they can make use of the islets to boost their economy. This go forth serve both countries economically. However, this remains an unresolved issue for the mean time for the reason that South Korea and Japan are discussing the arguments with too much friction. 3 What are the economic benefits of EZZ? Certainly, EZZ would bring a great opposition to the economy of a certain country. If you cogitate on the idea that a country will have an exclusive access and use on all resources that can be found within the offshore territory, there is a great chance to generate and exhaust these natural resources and be utilized as economic boosters. In 1998, the Korea-japan fisheries agreement had set a parameter tha t considers the waters surrounding the Liancourt Rocks as a neutral territory which means that in an
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Weekly assignemnts Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Weekly assignemnts - idiom or Presentation ExampleThe arithmetic mean is explained in terms of the juncture of all observations separate by the total number of observations. The arithmetic mean provides the sightly value for each of the variable. Therefore the average score for ADDSC is 52.6, for IQ is 100.26 which is very good, for EngG is 2.66 and for grade point average is 2.46.The standard divergence can be explained as sum of the squared deviations about the mean divided by N-1 (Ho healthful, 2011, pp. 87-88). Since it is measure of dispersion it allows us to predict how more than dispersed the data point lie from the average value. In the given case the standard deviations for GPA (0.86), EngG (.95) and EngL (.52) are small and exhibit that the average value for each variable presents the data reasonably well since 66% of the data lie deep down 1 standard deviation of the arithmetic mean. The standard deviation for ADDSC (12.42) and IQ (12.98) is high suggesting a platyk urtic curve, although the mean seems to represent the data very well in much(prenominal) case too.GPA, EngL and EngG exhibit a around negatively skewed data (-.264, -0.06 and -.352), whereas IQ, ADDSC show a slightly positively skewed data (.395 and 0.04). All variables exhibit kurtosis that is somewhat platykurtic. Besides all the statistics discussed are within the form range of -2 to +2, therefore it can be said that the sample has a symmetrical and normal distribution. The descriptive statistics for SocProb, Dropout, Gender and Repeat seem meaningless.In order to employ Pearson Coefficient for correlation analysis the save one distributional assumption is needed i.e. one-dimensionality. Pearson coefficient assumes that the association between the variables under investigation can be defined using a straight line and the most feasible way to explore linearity is by constructing a scatter plot. The Inferential procedure necessitate that the joint distribution of desired X
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Black Power Mix Tape Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Black Power unify Tape - Movie Review ExampleDavis argues that any movement would require a focus towards its goals and the consummation of these goals needed to be done through means that were available to the resisting confederation. Davis points out the hypocrisy of the government, members of whom make incitive comments against the African American community and in the same breath accusing the African American community of violence. Daviss grouse against such comments stems from the institutional violence that African Americans have to face on a daily basis, leading to reduced economic and political opportunities.Diane Ravitch argues that society as a whole, if it is to be an improve one, would have to preserve its integrity (Ravitch). This idea can be connected to Daviss notion of revolution. Revolution, for Davis, is for the memorial tablet of a society that has integrity. The very notion of revolution too is characterized by its honesty, as far as Davis is
Discuss research associated with the development of secure and Essay
Discuss research associated with the development of secure and insecure attachments in children - Essay eccentricInfants instinctively reach out to a caregiver for security and protection caregivers instinctively protect and fosterage babys. This mutual responsiveness is what creates the secure base for early development (The Project, 2006).Inefficiency to tackle problems in its initial stages leads to fellowship paying a high price for it. Collectively the cost is reflected in social disruption, poor educational attainment, physical and mental ill health, anti-social behaviour, and the financial cost related to each of these (Vision, 2005). In 2004 the Department of health placed greater emphasis on prevention of illness, The NSF for Mental Health (1999) recommended promotion of mental health and wellbeing NSF (2003) bond theory is a child - development theory that helps in the understanding of child-parent family kin from an early age. According to this theory relationship b etween children and their parents, lays the foundation for the childs future relationship that can be either social or emotional. It also has a bearing on the manner the child functions at school.The lasting emotional ties created between infants and their parents are called attachment. Children of abusive parents too, develop attachment towards their parents. Attachment usually grows through repeated interactions that take place in the first year of the life of an infant with their parents. An infant can develop multiple attachments with the father, mother or grandparents, but they subscribe to generally bingle parent who is their primary attachment figure. The two basic attachment patterns are secure and insecure. Researchers have found that responsive and naked parenting, results in secure attachments where the child uses his or her parent as a source of comfort. Dependence on the parent leads to independence, which is the key principle of attachment theory.Parents of secure children are sensitive and responsive. The
Monday, April 22, 2019
Discussion board forum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Discussion board forum - Assignment ExampleHowever, there are trusted advocates that indicate that this is an incorrect approach. Instead, these individuals promote the understanding that a far more effective technique is to condition the job, cheekal structure, or oversight style as a function of reducing the move of much(prenominal) stressors itself. Unfortunately, there are a number of key drawbacks with respect to this particular approach.The first of which has to do with the particular that stress itself will still be exhibited regardless of the organizational structure or approach that management might take to want to assuage this particular issue. As such, even if efforts are made to exchange the dynamic by which stress is passed on to the stakeholder, it is virtually impossible to diminish or otherwise rent an entire organization or business/group of stakeholders from known stressors. Whereas it is of course admirable that firms are seeking to perform such a functio n as a way of shielding their employees from the detrimental corporal and mental aspects that stress create, thereby considering the Golden rule and how the importance of treating others as one wishes to be treat itself is important, the difficulty and application of this particular approach is considered the fact that if stakeholders were successful in seeking to reduce the impact stress individuals at the lower end of the organizational chart, the stress will necessarily be transferred to managers and leading within the organization.Rather than moving the stress from one part of the organization to another, a far wear out approach is to understand that stress is a very real part of life and that the firm/organization/or group of stakeholders must take it upon each other to reach out and assist their associate degree employees in situations in which extreme personal or departmental stress is being exhibited. In absolute application,
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 4
Strategic management - Essay ExampleHenry get over founded the company with many innovations introduced to the ways products were manufactured. One of these is the best-known model T of mass production, the moving meeting line which is actually composed of conveyor belts where time of work was reduced (Goh & Garg, 2008, p. 57). Ford revolutionized the car industry, give higher wages to factory workers, and made cars affordable to anyone. (Purvis, 1997)Ford became a multinational corporation in 1970 but was predominantly operating in North America with subsidiaries in major markets in countries uniform Britain, Germany or Australia. These subsidiaries however have their own manufacturing plants. In Britain, the around popular Ford in the Cortina. With terrific globalisation, the Ford organisation started to restructure internationally. In Europe, Ford was consolidated with further product development and designs which were to begin with European. Ford manufactured cars of diff erent designs. (Grant, 2005, p. 440)In the UK, Ford is the biggest in the automobile industry with over 550 dealers crossways the United Kingdom and employing about 35,000 people. In its website, it says that it currently sells 440,000 vehicles annually, with Ford Focus as the car most Britons love. (Ford Motor Company, 2010)In the United States, Ford is now best known for its cars, trucks, crossovers and SUVs (Ford, 2010). In 2008, Ford was adjudged by Standard and Poors as the worlds second largest motor vehicle manufacturer, producing cars and trucks, including pliable and glass parts of the cars they make, and including replacement parts. Ford has a 33% stake in Mazda Motor Corp. fiscal services include Ford Motor Credit (automotive financing and insurance) and American Road Insurance. Ford has a big share in the world market. It has ventured in many countries, trying to feel its presence stock-still in China, which is the fastest growing market in the automobile
Saturday, April 20, 2019
English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
slope phrase - Essay ExampleWhen we verbalise about present day society, we be actually focussing the significance of the domains of position nomenclature in a cultural context, where global popular grow in the name of globalisation is challenging the essential mythologies of English delivery (Mair, 2003, p. 19). The way English language is misused in the cultural context does not needs refer to culture-specific aspects, although it is obvious that many of the concepts in this category are alien to many Third populace cultures and the corresponding texts are imported from the First World (Greenbaum, 1996, p. 188).English as a world language serves all the worlds citizens irrespective of caste, culture or creed and its postulated universality makes it equally relevant everywhere, as though it can function independently of contemporary power balances, both global and local (Mair, 2003, p. 20). Although globalisation in the international spread of English language may be regre ttable and undesirable but we cannot tailor that global English today has become an agent of reform and fairness. Despite a globalised language, the pressures of a rights-oriented culture may one day enable English to become the vehicle for articulation while maintaining accredited worldwide standards of protection.English language from economic perspective has been able to bridge the gap between various cultures and economies therefore it has served as an exchange-facilitating institution, where exchange is not the only economic function English language has performed (Reksulak et al, 2004). English language development has been shaped by revealing the constellation of economic and other forces. However, the impact technology upholds in the innovation, trade, and economic growth on the English-speaking world is evident in the rising share of nouns in new quarrel added during the past two or three centuries which make up 58% of the words originating in the 19th century and more than 70% of the words originating in the 20th (Reksulak et al, 2004).There is no doubt that English language blames grand scale globalisation factor and put all the intensity and vitriol on its shoulders, but it is this language that is responsible for the growth in regional interactions from trade to travel. These interactions fuddle long engaged in promoting the spread of English language among other regional languages (Fishman, 2000, p. 13).The significance of English language lies in the notion that it is present in societies where local languages are disappearing, in cultures where local languages are not considered, English is understood and spoken (Moritoshi, Nov 2001). ReferencesBryson Bill, (1990) The mother tongue English and how it got that way. New York HarperCollins.Fishman A. Joshua, (Spring 2000) English The killer Language OR A PASSING PHASE In Whole Earth. Greenbaum Sidney, (1996) Comparing English widely distributed The International Corpus of English Clarendon Press Oxford. Mair Christian, (2003) The Politics of English as a World Language New Horizons in Postcolonial Cultural Studies Rodopi Amsterdam. Moritoshi Paul, Nov 2001,Perspectives on the Role of English as an International Language, Accessed from Reksulak Michael, William F. Shughart Ii & Tollison D. Robert, (2004) economics and English Language Growth in Economic Perspective In Southern Economic
Friday, April 19, 2019
The reassessment of security issues and their impacts on Adventure Essay
The revue of security measures issues and their impacts on Adventure Works business processes - Essay ExampleIn set to upgrade business on the web requires certain security measures and a fail / safe ne iirk environment. afterwards reviewing, the factors that may disrupt shaping services are identified below No Security polity Defined No Protection of critical Assets on the communicate No proper information relievo polity Moreover, some critical issues or weaknesses that may influence an organizations business works need to be addressed on an urgent basis. The top rated issues are Security Issue No 1 No data backup policy defined Security Issue No 2 No Disaster recovery plan defined Security Issue No 3 No Support for Server requiring 100% uptime Security Issue No 4 No IP surveillance for critical master of ceremonies Security Issue No 5 In sufficient security for local area mesh It is vital for Adventure Works to overcome these issues as soon as possible, as these vuln erabilities will directly affect the business operations of the organization. Creating Security Policy As there is no security policy defined currently for Adventure Works, the new security policy will illustrate the implementation procedures of security controls that are identified by analyzing the current network and business practices. Security Issue No 1 As the organization is maintaining Entity Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management Server that are considered as core servers may face loss of data or server crash that may issuing in halting the services. Adventure Works is dependent on these servers, as these servers process most of the paperless work, creating a backup on a regular basis is essential. Recommendation In order to incorporate a mirror of these servers, disk-mirroring techniques using RAID is recommended. As RAID will synchronize the data on two servers simultaneously, if any one of the server stops responding, the other service will be triggered to primary operation mode. Security Issue No 2 As one of the branches of Adventure Works is in Mexico, there is a possibility of an temblor. The impact of earthquake may create disrupt the overall operation of an organizations network, as well as loss of data. Recommendation Relocating the instance of critical server data on a different location may be a better choice. In that case, if an earthquake affects Adventure Works network seriously, the data can be extracted from the second location. Security Issue No 3 As the core servers of Adventure Works are CRM and ERP, there is a requirement of fashioning their availability 24/7. Moreover, an alternate connectivity is also required that may make them operational if the primary network access is not available due to some issues in a switch. Recommendation in order to ensure stable power supply, a Power over Ethernet technology is recommended. A comprehensive definition is available in network dictionary, which states as Power over Et hernet (PoE) technology describes any system to broadcast electrical power, along with data, to remote devices over standard twisted-pair cables in an Ethernet network. This technology is useful for powering IP telephones, radio LAN access points, webcams, Ethernet hubs, computers, and other appliances where it would be inconvenient or infeasible to supply power separately. Moreover, the network engineer can rout a dedicated alternate network connection for making the server operational. Security Issue
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Allocating a Scarce Resource Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Allocating a stingy Resource - Assignment ExampleAccording to FAO Director-General Dr. Jacques Diouf, agriculture is the number-one manipulationr of fresh piddle worldwide. The agriculture sector must take the lead in coping with water scarcity by finding more than efficient ways to conserve rain-fed moisture and irrigate farmlands (FAO Newsroom 2007). As validated by Rogers and Wilson (2000), irrigation represents by far the largest use of water in the secernate of Kansas. In recognizing the need to conserve this limited resource, the state has outlined guidelines for an irrigation water conservation plan which aims to assist irrigators in preparing plans for water conservation in their respective local beas (Kansas pee Office, et.al. 2006). As properly identified by state authorities and by the farmers themselves, and by preparing said guidelines for water conservation for irrigation purposes, the local residents of Kansas have recognized the imminent danger of water resou rce scarcity and state water conflicts. The state recognizes the need to curtail waste of water and ensure that water use does non exceed reasonable needs (ibid). Three state agencies are closely monitoring water irrigation practices of farmers. These are the Division of Water Resources (DWR), the Groundwater Management Districts (GMD) and/or the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). In an important ascertain conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Kansas Water Office, the effect of irrigation practices on water usage was determined. The results of the mull revealed that despite increased efficiency in irrigation practices, water usage did not decrease or til now increased significantly (US Water News Online 2006). Another study conducted by Perry (2006), although irrigation water use for all(prenominal) Groundwater Management Districts showed no statistically significant trend, an apparently increased efficiency of center pivots irrigation syst ems with drop nozzles has allowed more water-intensive crops to be grown onmore irrigated acres.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Three questions for corporate social responsibility Essay
Three questions for corporate genial responsibility - Essay ExampleThe ability of enlarged corporations to influence how the economy is moving is perhaps one of the most important reasons why their governance should be taken seriously. The administrations of these corporations should always be put under the microscope and watched closely so that they do not terminus up doing business which is unethical and which might end up making investors lose confidence in it. Consequently, it has become necessary for corporations to confuse strong boards to oversee their accomplishmentivities since without them they would lack direction. art object this should be the case, most corporations ar often lax in their governance since their major aim often tends to be to make usefulnesss at any cost (Morrison 2004, p.122). There is the suggestion that companies only take their governance seriously when they sapidity that they are at risk of not only losing their customers, but also their cl ients as well. Companies need to drive proper validation for their coifions and to ensure this they have to take their governance seriously. It is a fact that those companies or corporations that have strong principles of governance are the ones that are the most successful and this is the reason why this matter should be taken most seriously (Leighton and Garven 1996, p.809). Without strong governance, corporations are likely to cause their own collapse because it is often too late for them to correct those mistakes that they have made, and a major example of this is the current financial crisis caused by financial institutions. Corporate governance is not all about public relations and corporate social responsibility but is separate activities that should be evaluated separately. However, the latter activities are often used by corporations to boost an image of good governance, often ignoring the fact that it any crisis, such as the financial crisis, occurs, then these activiti es would be of little significance in saving the corporation. Q2 The agency dilemma is a situation where individuals place their funds in the hands of directors of the companies in which they are investing, since these directors are better placed to watch over the money. While this is the case, the agency dilemma states that these managers are not likely to give the money the attention it needs since it is not theirs but belongs to someone else (Letza et al 2008, p.21). This means that they would not care whether the owner of the money gets a profit or a loss as long as they get their commission out of it. such(prenominal) a situation would therefore put the investor in a dilemma because he would not come whether to trust others with his money or not since the possibility of being protected against sustaining losses would be impoverished indeed. Agency theory is similar to the agency dilemma because it involves shareholders signing a contract with those who run the confederation that they are investing in to take care of their interests. While this is the case, it means that the shareholders have to let go of any decision-making authority towards their investment and trust to the directors or managers to act in good faith on their behalf. Consequently, it is not often easy for the shareholder to gauge whether the manager of a company will act in his best interests or not. In fact, according to the agency theory, while directors are obliged to act in the interests of their clients, this is not often the case and the former will often work for their
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Nanotechnology Uses to Enhance Computer Performance Essay Example for Free
Nanotechnology Uses to Enhance Computer effect EssayAlthough the core concepts of nanotechnology were introduced in the early 1950s, nanotechnology was not properly introduced to the world until 1974. That was the year a Japanese scientist, named Tanigushi, coined the word nanotechnology. Nanotechnology refers to the constructing and engineering of systems at the atomic level. Nanotechnology give be the major technology in outgrowth of both machine in coming years. (Wifinotes, n. d. ) Nanotechnology entrust greatly improve the functionality and performance of computers.BodyIn every solar day terms, Nanotechnology is based on manipulations of individual atoms and molecules to build complex atomic structures. (Tarasov, 2009, pg. 1) Working at the atomic level is a very tender technology. The size of a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. For simile purposes, A very fine human hair is about 10,000 nanometers wide, which is the smallest dimension we preempt fulfill wit h the natural eye. (Cook, 2005) originally research could begin, researchers had to first invent a machine that could work with such small particles.Their finishing was to control atoms and molecules into a particular configuration a configuration capable of performing functions similar to a microprocessor. The technology prior to nanotechnology started out rather primitive. It was a major advance in technology when sense littleness tubes were invented. They came into existence about the same time Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Vacuum tubes were first utilise in computers in 1946 until 1958. By then, vacuum tubes could not be made any smaller, so technology gave us transistors.Transistors were used in computers from 1959 to 1964. One transistor took the place of 40 vacuum tubes. When the limits of the transistor were reached, computer builders used integrated circuits from 1965 to 1970. In 1971, the microprocessor came into computer use. Faster and smaller than anyth ing so far, the microprocessor led to the invention of personal computers. this instant that the advancement of microprocessors has nearly reached its limits, it is now time for the next generation of processor, which some researchers say will be engineered on the nanometer scale.But, how will they manipulate particles on such a minute scale? Before manipulating atoms into the desired position, researchers had to contact them first. Researchers had to invent a microscope that would allow them to see atoms. In 1981, IBM researchers invented the Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM). (University of Wisconsin, 2008) This microscope allowed researchers to see atoms. As it turns out, in 1989, researchers found they could actually manipulate atoms into the desired position with the SPM. researchers have been able to manipulate and stabilize atomic-size structures in such a way that they can persistently maintain the qualities needed to be classified as viable, though still strictly experiment al, computational devices. (Goth, 2012)Atoms are constantly moving, so familial one to move around was very difficult. The atoms needed to be cooled down to near absolute zero, to -450 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature where almost atoms hardly move. The Scanning Probe Microscope (Nanooze, 2005) later cooling the atoms, researchers were able to use the SPM to move individual atoms to a specific location.One at a time, they moved the atoms into position to spell IBM. It took them nearly an entire day to do it. See image below Atoms arranged to spell IBM (Nanooze, 2005) Since the first manipulation of atoms had been demonstrated, researchers have act to move atoms into complicated configurations, as shown in the figure below. Depiction of a nanotechnology produced gear set (Wifinotes, n. d. ) After all the groundwork had been laid, computer researchers turned their attention to using nanotechnology in the computer world.Their first cigaret was the microchip. Current microchip technology limits have nearly been reached and the researchers went to work shrinking the size of the processors . etching lithography techniques can only take features so far anything below 22nm is just not feasible. (European Nanotechnology Gateway, n. d. ) Right now, the newest chipsets using lithographic etching are being produced with 65nm features. Intel has realized a 10-15% improvement in drive current, which means greater performance, through the use of nanotechnology.Meanwhile, at IBM, to aid the shrinking of the processors, researchers have developed transistors from carbon nanotubes. ( European Nanotechnology Gateway, n. d. ) vitamin C nanotubes show great improvements compared to conventional silicon transistors. The carbon nanotubes are long, thin anchors of carbon molecules. In the lab, they delivered more than double the amount of electrical current compared to the top-performing transistors currently on the market. ( European Nanotechnology Gateway, n. . )A si ngle strand of carbon atoms (red)contained in a multi-walled carbon nanotube. (American Institute of Physics, 2003) Lithographic etching is being replaced with a new process called block co-polymer lithography, or BCP. Scientists have found a process to create nano-scale patterns that is expected to be used in the manufacture of microprocessors. Using the new process, silicon wafer features have been developed between quintette and 20 nanometers thick much smaller than the current 65 nanometers.In the figure below, you can see an image of a nano-scale microprocessor created by the BCP process (Nanotechnology, 2011) According to Nanotechnology Future Technology with the use of nanotechnology, it could be assertable to transform desktop computers into computers that are the size of a watch but with more operating cogency and they will also last longer than current computersComputers with the capabilities of current workstations will be the size of a grain of sand and will be abl e to operate for decades with the equivalent of a single wrist watch battery.This technology advancement will make computers more abundant, cheaper to manufacture, faster, and smaller. (Nanotechnology Future Technology, 2012) When a processors feature size is reduced, it uses less electricity and produces less heat, thereby becoming more efficacious and economical to operate. Being more efficient and economical also means faster, more reliable overall performance of the computer. ConclusionNanotechnology will pop the question the world with advancements in electronics along with many other fields, such as biology, chemistry and medicine. In the future, nanotechnology will play a major role in the discovery of new components, such as nano-sized microprocessors, and will enhance many other existing technologies. Nanotechnology will be the major technology in thedevelopment of every machine in coming years. (Wifinotes, n. d. ) Nanotechnology will greatly improve the functionality a nd performance of computers.
Susan Glaspells Trifles Essay Example for Free
Susan Glaspells Trifles EssaySusan Glaspells play, Trifles, explores the fact that women pay attention to the undersize things that whitethorn lead to the solution of a bigger problem. wherefore do women pay attention to the little things? Could it be because the attention to detail is the starting point to result the bigger problem? Lets turn over of the little things ilk pieces of a puzzle. When unaccompanied the little pieces are entrust together, they usually form a picture therefore you see the whole picture. In this play, the men think its just like women to worry round the little details that they see throughout the house, they think its trifle. What they begettert seem to realize is that by the women paying attention to the little things, they are actually solving the murder of Mr. Wright.The first little detail is the fruit preserves when Mrs. Peters said to Mrs. Hale She worried about that when it turned so cold. She said the fired go out and her jars would b reak. Thats when the Sheriff replied Well, can you overcome the women Held for murder and worryin about her preserves. (Glaspell, 2010, lines 27-29, p 143). If Mrs. Wright hadnt been preoccupied, she could sport started a fire to keep the preserves from freezing. Why was Mrs. Wright preoccupied? This is probably when the two women thought that perhaps the Wrights were having an argument or maybe even something worsened was happening. Another little detail is the fact that Mrs. Wright didnt wake up while her husband was existence strangled to death.Unless Mr. Mrs. Wright slept in separate beds she should relieve oneself felt him struggling while the noose was being put around his neck or heard him gasping for air. It also seemed strange that there was a gun in the house and it wasnt used. Why strangle him? Why not use the gun? According to an audition on Susan Glaspells Trifles, the author noted The strangle of Mr. Wright, which perplexes all when a gun was handy, is reminisce nt of the strangling of that bird. (Susan Glaspell) Another little detail the women notice was the empty birdcage that was stuffed in the cupboard with no bird in it. Mrs. Hale asked if the Wrights had a cat, to which Mrs. Peters replied, No, she didnt have a cat. Shes got that feeling some people have about catsbeing afraid of them.(Glaspell, 2010, line 84, p 146). Then they notice the broken door attach and Mrs. Hale thought it looked like someone was rough with it and being rough with the cage was perhaps a sign of anger. An example of anger and hostility was when Mrs. Hale described what it was like to be around Mr. Wright. further he was a hard man, Mrs. Peters. Just to pass the time of day with himlike a raw snarf that gets to the bone. (Glaspell, 2010, line 97, p 146).Mrs. Hale then went on to explain how Mrs. Wright was like a bird. real sweet-flavored and pretty, but kind of timid andfluttery. Howshedidchange. (Glaspell, 2010, line 101, p 146). The Mrs. Wright that is d escribed here is different from the character we go through in the play. The women we know in the play seemed to be a cold and angry woman. She didnt have children and the only company she had was a bird. Mrs. Hale suggested to Mrs. Peters that she bring the quilt to Mrs. Wright in the jail. While they look for pair of scissors and more patchwork to take with them, Mrs.Hale finds the dead bird wrapped up in a little box to which she exclaims But, Mrs. Peterslook at it. Its neck Look at its neck Its allto the other side. and Mrs. Peters says, Somebodywrungits neck. (Glaspell, lines 107-108, p 146). This is when the two women realize Mrs. Wright killed her husband, but neither of them wants to break the alliance they do and turn her in.Mrs. Wright was living her life as if she was already living in jail. That kind of life is such a lonely and isolated one. A person would do just about anything to escape that worked up and physical prison.Because these women took notice of all the little things, they were equal to put the puzzle together, piece by piece. They were equal to feel the loneliness and pain of Mrs. Wright. They were able to see the whole picture and solve the case. Because the men were only interested in physical evidence they were not able to see the little things that the women did. They were not able to come to any conclusions as to what happened and why. Instead, they made fun of and belittled Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters for worrying about the little things.ReferencesGlasspell, S. (2011), Trifles, in D.L. Pike and A.M. Acostas (Eds.) Literature a world of writing poems, plays and essays. Retrieved from VitalSource eBook for Education Management CooperationSusan Glaspells Trifles Little Things Mean a Lot, 123HelpMe.com. Retrieved fromwww.123HelpMe.Com/view.asp?id=8589 on October 21, 2010
Monday, April 15, 2019
Eddie and beatrice created and sustained Essay Example for Free
Eddie and beatrice created and sustained EssayThroughout the bunco Beatrice and Eddie have contrasting views about(predicate) various issues.Eddie has whole veiws on masculinity which leads him to reject effeminate behaviour and be aggressive when he is challenged. Beatirce on the opposite hand is a more laid back personality. Miller uses this friction between husband and married woman to create and sustain tension by making the issues gradually more serious as the play progressesAt the opening of act one, Eddie and Cathrine appear to be almost flirting. (Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it.)This type of kin is surprising because Cathrine is Eddies niece and proves to be a source of friction between Eddie and Beatrice. This is openly shown at the end of the play when Beatrice tells Eddie you can never have her.Further disagreement comes from Eddies protectiveness of Cathrine. He feels that as an uncle it is his employment to protect her from the world he tells her that her revealing clothes attract unwanted attention, and he is not tart for her to get a job. Beatrice thinks that Eddie is over protective of Cathrine and convinces him that she is old enough. Look, you got to get used to it, shes no baby no more.Miller continues to increase the tension between Beatrice and Eddie when later they begin to argue about Rodolpho his sexuality and his relationship with Cathrine. Eddies affection for Catherine leads him to dislike Rodolpho and find faults in him, at every opportunity. He interprates Rodolphos effeminate behaviour ( singing, grooming and stiching dresses) as homosexuality and tells Cathrine that Rodolpho is decieving her, in order to gain an American passport ( Rodolpho is an illegal immigrant ) . The tension in the play is fueled further as Beatrice openly tells Eddie that he is being too protective of Cathrine and grating on Rodolpo.Miller uses these arguments to create a sense of mounting tension between the couple as the argument s become gradually more serious.This climaxes when Beatrice asks Eddie to forgive Marco for acussing Eddie of turning the two imigrants in. This argument is very heated and big before a lull when Marco appears.MARCO Eddie Carbone all stand transfixed for an instantMiller uses this to create the belief of a fuse reaching its end before the explosive finale of Eddies death at the pass on of Marco.At this point Miller turns the tables on the relationship between Eddie and Beatrice.EDDIE Then why of BBEATRICE Yes, yesEDDIE My B(He dies in he arms..)This shows their ultimate unity.Miller could be trying to sustain the tension by showing the reference that Eddie refuses to acknowledge his attration to Cathrine upto his last breath.As this play is a tragedy reminiscent of the Greek style, Miller could be trying to redeem the tragic hero by showing that despite all of Eddies shortcomigs, he is finally devoted to and in love with Beatrice.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Diffraction and Interference Essay Example for Free
Diffraction and hurly burly EssayPurpose The aim of doing this experiment was to examine diffraction and mental disorder effects of clear-cut passing through and through various apertures, and use the diffraction patterns controled by iodin and double bastard apertures to find the wavelength of the light source utilise. Theory We know that light can be described by two theories, namely the particle theory and the wave theory of light, each having its own experimental proofs. In this experiment, we examine the hoo-hah and diffraction phenomena of light, both of which can be described by the wave theory of light. objet dart interference is just the superposition of waves, diffraction is also any deviation from geometrical optics that precedes from the obstruction of a wave front of light. In some other words, diffraction is considering the double- pussy experiment by taking into account the breadth of the break first steps, too. Another bureau of distinguishing be tween interference and diffraction is to consider the fussy beams in diffraction phenomena as originating from a continuous distribution of sources, whereas the interfering beams in interference phenomena as originating from a discrete number of sources.This way of treatment of interference and diffraction is a result of Huygens belief which states that every blockage of a given wavefront of light can be considered a source of secondary spherical wavelets. Hence, superposition occurs between these secondary waves emitted from different parts of the wavefront, taking into account both their amplitudes and phases. Diffraction effects can also be classified according to the numeric approximations apply in calculations. In the case of the light source and the observation screen being very distant from the shit, relative to the zany width, the incident and diffracted waves argon assumed to be plane and the diffraction type is called Fraunhofer, or far-field diffraction.In this c ase, as the viewing screen is proceedd relative to the aperture, the size of the diffraction pattern changes, but not the shape. We are going to use this kind of approximation in this experiment. We should keep in mind that the Huygens principle used to find the diffraction traffic is itself an approximation. When calculating the ace- pussycat Fraunhofer diffraction a rectangular aperture with a length much larger than its width is considered. In this case the intensity of the light reaching the screen at point P, at an careen is given by Is=I0(sin22)where=12kasin=asinIn the above relations I0 is the intensity at the middle of the central maxima and a is the slit width. Hence, by taking the limit as 0, we observe that this pattern attains its maximum at =0. Similarly, equality =m, we obtain the minima of the pattern and we get the following relation for this case n=asinwhere n=1,2,3, For belittled angles we can make the sin=tan approximation and, calling L the distance betwee n the slit and the screen, we can get y=Lsin, where y is the distance from the central maximum to the observation point. For this case, we conclude that on the screen, the irradiance is a maximum at =0, hence y=0, and it drops to zero at values of y much(prenominal) that y=La . Therefore, we can find exploitation this relation. (Here, y is the ordinary distance between side by side(p) minima).When we regard the double-slit diffraction we see that we convey to do with two different destinations, one of which belongs to the interference pattern, and the other to the diffraction pattern. If we fail the effect of the slit widths, we get the intensity of the pattern given by only the interference term as I=4I0cos2, where =(b)sin. Here, is the angle of observation and b is the slit separation. Nevertheless, since the intensity from a single slit depends on the angle through diffraction, we should take into account the diffraction pattern, too. Now, the intensity is given by I=4I 0(sin22)cos2In this case is once again =12kasin=asin. Hence, we conclude that in double slit diffraction the intensity is the product of the interference and diffraction patterns. By analyzing the intensity relation, we observe that an interference minimum occurs whenever =(n+1/2) for n=0,1,2,3,, and an interference maxima occurs whenever =n, again for n=0,1,2, Using the approximation sin=tan, we obtain y=Lsin, and y=Lb, where y is the average distance between either adjacent maxima or minima.Data and Results Part A Single tearPattern A B CWidth of the slit, a 410-5m 810-5m 1610-5mDistance slit-screen, L 1m 1m 1mAverage dist btw minima, y 1.67 cm 0.75 cm 0.45 cm=ay/L 668 nm 600 nm 720 nmError y on y 0.08173 cm 0.138 cm 0.0548 cmError on =ay/L 32.7 nm 110 nm 87.7 nm= 635.5 nm 710 nm 632.3 nm y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6A 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6B 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7C 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4The illusion on y is found using the relation belowy=i=1N(yi-y)N-1Part B Double SlitPattern D E F Width of the slit, a 810-5m 810-5m 410-5mSlit separation, b 510-4m 2.510-4m 2.510-4mDistance slit-screen, L 1m 1m 1mAverage dist btw minima, y 0.00160 m 0.00300 m 0.00155 m =by/L 800 nm 750 nm 387.5 nmError y on y 0.000342m 0.000524m 0.000342mError on =by/L 171 nm 131 nm 85.5 nm= 629 nm 619 nm 473 nmy D E F1 0.138 0.110 0.0532 0.141 0.106 0.0513 0.143 0.101 0.0484 0.146 0.095 0.0455 0.148 0.090 0.0436 0.151 0.086 0.0407 0.154 0.0388 0.156 0.0359 0.033We calculated the difference between each successive data to obtain the teddy. Then, we multiplied each displacement value with a factor of (21.5/34.5) because the scale of the linear translator and the interface were not equal. Having done this we calculated the average distance. The error on y is found again by using the relationy=i=1N(yi-y)N-1Discussion and Conclusion In part A we considered interference and diffraction pattern of a single slit opening for troika different slits. We measured the distance between the source an d the slit to be 1m and we used the relations found in the theory part in order to find the wavelength of the light source used. We found the average distance between minima to be 1.67 cm for slit A, 0.75 cm for slit B and 0.45 cm for slit C. Hence, we found the wavelength of the light source to have values of 668 nm for slit A, 600nm for slit B and 720nm for slit C. However, after calculating the error in the average distance and using this error, the wavelengths turned out to be 635.5nm for slit A, 710nm for slit B and 632.3nm for slit C. We know that theoretically the wavelength is anticipate to be 65010nm. Our experimental values, despite the fact they are close to, do not fit completely to the expected theoretical ones.Hence, we argue that any discrepancy in the values found is a result of the imprecise equipment used, e redundantly the light sensor. Furthermore, we involve that these discrepancies are also a result of the fact that we had to move the linear translator with our hand slowly profuse so that the detector could detect the intensity pinnacle and the other maxima. Hence, it is very much likely that we could not carry this process out precisely enough as it is required in order to have correct data, since we are human beings and it is impossible for us to achieve such a thing. We also think that the light coming from the surrounding might have had a negative effect on our results since the room where the experiment was carried out was not evacuated well enough. Moreover, we point out that the relations between wavelength, distance between minima and slit width used to find the wavelength and the Huygens principle itself are all approximations, since as it was stated in the theory part, we used far field mathematical approximations in order to obtain these relations.In part B, we used a double slit opening in order to observe the interference and diffraction pattern. In this case both the slit width and the slit separation have an effect whe n finding the intensity at a certain point. However, in the relations used to find the wavelength we considered only the slit separation b. In this part, after calculating the error in displacement and using this in , we found the wavelength values to be of 629nm for slit D, 619nm for slit E and 473nm for slit F. We observe that, except for slit F, these values of agree with the values found in part A. We claim that the discrepancies in this part are a result of the same reasons causing the discrepancies in part A. As for the case of slit F where turned out to be 473nm (much smaller than the theoretical value) we think that the of import reason for such a result is the change in width of the slit, which in this case, unlike the other two cases, is 0.04mm. This leads us to conclude that, as expected theoretically, the width of the slit also affects the intensity pattern, and in these cases more precise relations should be used in order to obtain correct data.Applications Interfere nce and diffraction phenomena of light have found a quite large application in science and technology. dread these phenomena has led to understanding the world around us and being able to use it in a better way in order to fulfill our needs. Among the most important applications of diffraction for example, is the fact that it is used to obtain accurate information about the atomic scale structure of the matter around us. Since the number of atoms or molecules inside a crystal is arranged in such a way that it resembles a peevish with very thin spacing,diffraction phenomena leads to understanding the insights of each crystal structure.Diffraction phenomena was also used to learn that the sodium and chloride ions are bonded in a lattice fashion and not molecules, to distinguish between different cubic lattice, to die all kinds of materials, even biological samples, etc. Using diffraction interesting things such as hair weightiness can also be measured .The interference phenomenon, on the other hand, is used to make highly-wavelength particular mirrors for lasers. Furthermore, interference is the reason why soap bubbles appear colorful. Many other optic coatings owe their optical properties to the interference phenomena. An example of this is the antireflection coatings on lenses that we use everyday. Another application of interference is holography, which is a way of reconstructing three dimensional images with laser light.Perhaps the most fascinating application of interference is to create holograms. This is done by reflecting a coherent light source, such as a laser, off of an object onto a special film. The interference patterns created by the reflected light are what result in the holographic image, which can be viewed when it is again placed in the right sort of lighting. Moreover, diffraction and interference can be observed when an atom passes through a standard light wave and its position is localized. In this case, the localization can be cereb ration of as the creation of virtual slits leading to the above mentioned phenomena. Diffraction is also used to understand the insights of the ionosphere. All in all, by doing this experiment we learned the importance of the phenomenon of interference and diffraction in our lives.Referenceshttp//online.physics.uiuc.edu/courses/phys214/spring09/Lectures/Lect04.pdf http//bigbro.biophys.cornell.edu/toombes/Science_Education/Laser_Diffraction/Diffraction_Lesson.pdf http//answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080509124425AAyW8bl http//physics.about.com/od/mathematicsofwaves/a/interference.htm URL http//link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.472
Friday, April 12, 2019
Macbeth and Shakespeare Essay Example for Free
Macbeth and Shakespeare EssayThis extract god defend me from my friends but from my enemies I can defend myself means gods help me from my friends but, I have the ability to defend myself. Two stories that Ive read that support this quote are Macbeth by William Shakespeare and The Cask Of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. I definitely jeer with this quote because Macbeths friends thought they were really his friends but, they were wrong.Macbeth by William Shakespeare shows literary devices and they support my opinion of this quote. One is dramatic chaff and it proves this quote true for many reasons. It is true because Lady Macbeth shows betrayal against Duncan, the king of Scotland and Macbeth shows betrayal against all his friend, he was really using them and in the end he butchered some of his friends. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth wanted to both kill Duncan all along, so they Planned it all out. Betrayal is what happened here, big time. The other literary device from the repo rt card that supports my opinion and makes this quote true is, Tradgeic Hero. Macbeth started out as a tradgeic hero and then throughout the paper he also betrays all his friends, pretty much the same reason for the dramatic irony. He is incisively a great example of a tradgeic hero.The other explanation that supports my opinion is The Cask Of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe and the quote God defend me from my friends but, from my enemies I can defend myself. The two literary devices used are sign and mood. Symbol makes this quote true in this story. This is true because montresors coat of gird which is the snake acid the foot that is crushing it. This represents montresor getting revenge on fortunato for his supposed insult. When they both walked through the catacombs , montresor describes his coat of arms in a descriptive way. The other literary device that is used in this short story is, mood. The mood is very important in the story. It has a lot of terror and fear in the range which connects to the mood. This mood is created because of the setting which is the cave with the bones, dampness and darkness. This set a mood that is not so inviting.These two stories both concluded the meaning of the quote. They both had friends and enemies and betrayal against one another. The setting in The Cask Of Amontillado rebelliously showed how they defended themselves. This is why I agree with this quote.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Confucianism and Daoism Essay Example for Free
Confucianism and Daoism EssayThe idea of the religion of Confucianism was au whereforetic by the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The idea of Confucianism is teaching a person to be able to have the billet to make the most logical decisions on their own. It teaches its followers a greater meaning for life which then servicings them to better understand death. As a religion it is a different kind of religion. It is taught to followers that in that location should be harmony between the ancestors, humanity and Heaven, and the secular and the sacred. For me, the idea of Daoism is much easier to understand. A way to beg off Daoism is f onlyowing the way.The way is actually translated into the idea of Dao. Fallowing the way is just letting go and letting the force number over and control what needs to be d atomic number 53. In class we related the way of the Dao to Star Wars when Luke lets all technology go and lets the force take control of his actions and comes out successful. Trusting the way is trusting that the world will not lead you down the wrong path. sensation way that the traditions of the two religions are confusable is that they both show great respect for their elders and believe that they are able to help out in their future.Both religions spend time worshiping the deceased because they believe that when they die they will be able to help them in their later lives. Both religions also have their own view of behavior and how people should be conducted. Being this way people of both religions both believe that they can co exist in peace. One major difference of the two religions is how Confucius believed that humans are naturally social beings and our abilities to be right(a) people is naturally imbedded within us. He believed that everyone could exist in harmony if they all allowed themselves to.He believed that manpower who were superior to other men were able to conform to what society expected of them. Daoism has the idea that living in harmony come far less naturally than it does in Confucianism. Daoism puts much more importance on the relationship with oneself than it does with others. Another way they are different is the way they are passed down and the traditions are told to one another. Confucianism is passed down and taught through the texts of Confucius texts are mostly sessions between him and his students while Daoism texts are mostly writings from its creator.One thing that both religions have in common is that they believe in improvement of self. Confucianism believes that in site to live in harmony you have to be at harmony with yourself and they believe that conforming yourself to be the way that society wants you to is the best for yourself. Daoism believes that trusting the way will guide you in the right direction. By letting it take control you will be able to do make all the decisions that you are supposed to. Callie Rogus Intro to World Religions 10/19/2011.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
The work of one religious agency working for world development Essay Example for Free
The work of one religious agency works for world development EssayChristian instigate was established in 1945 when the Second World contend was drawing to an end. A coalition of British and Irish Churches formed Christian Aid with an aim to sanction as many mint as possible who had been affected by the war. In 1948 the organisation obstinate it was in order to raise money for third world countries. Christian Aid has since expanded completely all over sixty countries worldwide.Christian Aid recieves a majority of its revenue from the Governments of Ireland, Britian and The European Union (The EU) and withal from the supporter of supporters and donators. 28% is recieved from fundraising and 34% is from Government grants. Christian Aid also holds many charity events such as sponsored walks and book sales. Its income comes up to 40 million per year through donations from members, supporters and the general public.Since the expansion in and over 60 countries, Christian Aid has managed to help different countries in many situations. An poser would be when Christian Aid joined forces with The Madras Christian Council for Social Service (MCCSS) in India to help the people living there. many an(prenominal) residents had no jobs or practical skills to offer which meant they were not very rich and lived in poor conditions. The MCCSS permit taken on life projects to provide countries like this with proper housing, healthcare, sanitation and education. Christian Aid also helps other countries such as Cambadia, Ethiopia, India, Sudan and Uganda. In these battles Christian Aid helps with hunger and poverty.Christian Aid is not a group of Christians helping other countries. It is an organisation, started by the Churches, in which Christians and Non-Christians work together to help all in great need, whatever their religion, politics, colour or country. Christian Aid is religious because Christians concerned about the worlds poorest countries, founded it. Ev en though the founders of Christian Aid were Christians, all may join in its work, whatever their black market or faith.The Christian faith provide a base for Christian Aid because Christians believe that immortal loves the world and everything in it. They believe God became a human in Jesus so that people could meet God in every human. Many Christians follow the example of Jesus. He cared for those whom never cared for him he was a friend to those despised by others.An example of Christian Aid work would be campaigning. Christian Aid has debated that poverty is caused and often made worse, by the more developed countries such as Britain. An example of this would be that in past decades Western Governments and banks lent billions of pounds to developing countries who now, cannot repay the debts. Christian Aid argue that the interest that the poorer countries are having to pay on top of their debts, is draining the wealth out of these developing countries. So Christian Aid and man y other agencies campaign to cancel these debts so that the poorer countries can concentrate on developing their countries without worrying about their on-growing debts.Overall, Christian Aid was founded to express the concerns of Christians towards those whom were facing hardship, hunger and war. Christian Aid has certainly fulfilled its initial cause and has moved on to aiding many more.
Monday, April 8, 2019
How Taubman Technique Essay Example for Free
How Taubman Technique set closelyHow Taubman Technique can be applied to youngish fathers piano learning- using traditional materials Background data With hundreds of years of evolution in the study of elementary piano, nowadays materials of this sort have been widely available, perhaps even gone rampant. This article argues the effectiveness of solely relying on certain elementary piano methods to teach, without the internalisation of a more than holistic approach to piano playing.The beneficiaries of the renowned Taubman approach to piano technique are mostly injured concert pianists, conservatory students, and piano teachers, people who lready have more or slight a certain degree of piano proficiency. Since Taubman approach is so effective in assistanting negotiate and advance pianists, I would like to experiment the application of it to young beginning childrens piano lesson.Seeing that dictatorial materials for young beginner based on Taubmans approach are ext remely limited, my goal is not plainly to incorporate part of Taubmans ideas to the standard beginning teach, exactly to suggest a way to make it an crucial part of teaching, using existing beginning materials. This article will discuss how the Taubman Technique can be systematically taught, learned in young beginners lessons with traditional materials, using the Alfreds Basic delicate Library lesson serial as a model.The need to incorporate a more holistic approach to beginning piano teaching There is a huge array of beginning piano materials- Hal Leonard, the Music Tree, Alfreds Basic pianoforte Library, Piano Adventure and so on. The methodology each publishing company varies slightly. Hal Leonard Piano Student Piano Library starts with off- staff notation recognition, and the Music Tree starts with recognition of roups of two and three black notes. nearly of the companies sell books introducing theory, lessons, and other activities at a sequence. For example, Hal Lenard has lesson books, technique books, theory books, ear training books, game books tc. , and in the setoff page of lesson book, a chart is used to explain the sequence. None of the piano methods is perfect or complete each has its own unique combination of strengths and weaknesses. Contrary to popular belief, a child doesnt fail great by going through the designated steps in a beginning lesson book. To know childlike heory, history of music, and enjoy some fun piano games may be important for a 6- year-old beginner, but its not the most important thing to make a good pianist. A young beginner becomes great when his coordination with the instrument is properly developed.We make motions to produce music, therefore, music and technique are inseparable, and technique is coordination. (Lister-Sink) The and young beginning students, its not so much as to pound the concepts on paper into their brains- the head knowledge, rather, its the corporation between their body and the instrument th ey feel that sticks- the body knowledge. Without a deliberate emphasis on teaching in the physical aspect of playing, the teachers found the most popular piano method books insufficient to help the student reach his full potential.Thats why there are so many people who stop after learning the piano for couple years, and so many advanced students, even those in the conservatories, die hard piano related injury. That makes me wonder, what can supplement my teaching with the Alfreds Basic Piano Library materials, or more precisely, what makes the material stay with the students, how to ingrain the sense of playing to the students. I suppose its not about the methods, its about the truth in the mechanisms of piano playing.Since its the people, human beings, who invented piano and developed its technique, the piano technique must be something thats inherently natural, and there must be a set of principles that can solve any pianistic problems. Through couple lessons with Certified Taub man teachers and research, I found out there are governing principles thats beyond the scope of existing materials in piano teaching. These principles need to be included in the very first lessons, regardless of what material used.Why using the Taubman concept to teach Started in 1976 by Dorothy Taubman, a sore York piano teacher, Taubman approach is a ground breaking analysis of the invisible motions that function underneath a virtuoso technique. Ms. Taubman and her analysis helped pianists overcome technical limitations as well as cure playing-related injuries. Before meet Tauman, American pianist Leon Fleisher and professor of Peabody Institute of Music was forced to play with only one overstep for many years due to playing related hand injuries.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Determining Databases and Data Communications Essay Example for Free
Determining Databases and Data Communications EssayGetting organized and mean ahead for trade shows is critical to a successful showing. As the marketing assistant for XYZ Consumer Electronics confederation, I get hold of a total of tasks to complete for the trade show booth frame-up. There several ways, in which the equipment, components, shippers and shipments posterior be categorized, cataloged and put overed. This can be done either by ledger entry the information into a selective information base to fall guy an itemized report or plug in the information into the respective field in an Excel Spreadsheet. To determine the best way of managing the trade show booth below is a hark of things to keep in mind about the components, equipment, shippers, shipment, and time to assemble the pertinent equipment for display. The first steps in preparing for a trade show would beSelect space and determine size of footprint base on the equipment and componentsPrepare your budget Determine exhibit needs and objectivesSelect primary vendors (transportation company, installation/dismantle) pose promotions and/or give-away itemsProduce show literature and marketing materialsPlan in-booth audio visual programs and presentations/demonstrations The typical fields needed to track the Components would beThe Name of componentThe quantity of each item the size of each item or carton the weight of each pallet or item how long it takes to expel the components the length of time needed to set upHow long it takes to break downTools required for each pieceThe typical fields needed to track the Equipment would beQuantity of pieces of equipmentWhich container has each piece of equipmentThe place of the piece of equipment once it arrives at the showThe cost of each piece of the equipment (in case of damage) Keeping track of theshippers and shipmentsThe Name of the ShipperThe Shippers phone number, address and contact personTracking number or Pro numberWhat the Travel time a nd estimated date and time of arrivalWhat the Travel time to and from the location would beThe Container Company Insurance information in case of damage in transitThe Quantity of pieces per containerThe Quantity of containers containing goods (numbering or color coding would be helpful as a reference on an Excel spreadsheet)The learn and time container was loadedHaving all of the above listed information, a check list can be created either in a data base or on an excel spread sheet to mark sure all of the needful items make it to the trade show. With numerous items, multiple containers and possibly different arrivals of these items a check list would make the process easier. A database system is one option that could be put on in this situation, or if one would be more comfort adequate to(p) with a spreadsheet. We all know that a database is a self-describing collection of integrated records (Kroenke, 2012, p. 101). A data base could be useful whereas you can print different rep orts, store all the information on the components and equipment for you and others to access whether at the trade show or in the office. A database is meant to collect, filter and report data quickly. The information entered into the database can be used to hold up spreadsheets, import and export data between word processing and excel.As easily as the magnate to create reports that take less time and effort then putting together and manually entering an excel spreadsheet. It ordain enable you to integrate various departments like procurement, finance, traffic and the trade show team up members into the process. Database provides up to date information, and the data is in a consistent format (Kavanagh 2002, 7-11). I would choose to use an endeavour database over a personal database. They both have the same functionality and data modifications, but the enterprise database also has additional webing capabilities. The decision support system (DSS) I would chose to work on for thi s as well as other projects would be ACT. It works with the daily business tools such as Windows, MS Office, Outlook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and has been integrated with ourQuickbooks accounting system. With this accessibility it provides visibility to open quote, payment status, sales orders, purchase orders, a large customer view and the list goes on. A few of the highlights that areGroup SchedulingGroup Dashboards and Reports raise Security SettingsAdvanced Admin OptionsHTML5-based Mobile IncludedHosting Options AvailableScenario TwoAs the manager of a scummy consulting business, that has some of my employees working from home while others are in the office, it is important that we are able to overhaul with each other and to our customers. Technology has provided new tools in the industry that has made it convenient to communicate through video conferencing, voice calls, e mails, and instant messaging. Having half of my employees telecommuting the best option for the compa ny would be to have a WAN. A WAN will allow computers in different locations all to be connected to the network and have the ability to share information. While a LAN, would only be able to share the information with the computers on the network at that specific location. LANWANLocal reachGlobal reachInternal networkInternational networkRelatively simpleRelatively complexSimple to InstallProfessional installation requiredThe need and the benefits of having a radio network for my pocket-sized business Convenience Being able to access your network resources from any location within your wireless networks coverage area. Mobility. The ability to go online anywhere and with different devices, not being tied to your desk. Easy setup No string cables, so installation can be easy and cheap. Expandable Can puff up wireless networks with existing equipment. Security wireless networks provide enhanced security protections. VPN uses a virtual connecter through the internet from my compa ny to my telecommuting employees. This is helpful to my companys security becausethe data will be encrypted for anyone trying to intercept the information.ReferenceMIS Essentials, Second Edition, by David M. Kroenke. Published by Prentice Hall. right of first publication 2012 Shaw RL, Booth A, Sutton AJ, Miller T, Smith JA, Young B, et al. Finding qualitative research an evaluation of search strategies. BMC Med reticuloendothelial system Methodol 200445
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Biographical and Psychological Strategies Essay Example for Free
Biographical and Psychological Strategies EssayOften, people would resolve into using the biographical strategy when they come into a dead end in trying to interpret a work. This is what I uniform about this particular strategy because it can provide answers to unanswered questions that are not possible to be derived from the work alone. Sometimes, a look at the life of the author helps in understanding a adult male of literature.Some say that is a lazy mans approach into interpreting a text but that does not mean that it is not an effective way. I believe that in all works, there is always a piece of the author in their writings, making this strategy a valid one. We fair(a) cannot deny the fact that the works of an author are almost always influenced by his experiences. I as well as like how this approach becomes investigative in nature because of the digging of information for the authors lives.What I Dont Like About Psychological Strategies Unlike biographical strategi es, psychological strategies do not quite film me that excited. This strategy urges critics to look for symbolic meanings in every work which just complicate things. Though I understand the importance of symbols in literature, this strategy can sometimes be used too much and give symbolism into things and events that are not even meant by the author to have symbols.Though this mogul contradict my likeness for biographical strategies, I believe that events should (at least most of the time) stand on their own. other thing that I do not like about psychological strategies is the Oedipus complex theory it is just far too taboo for me to think of such things. Speaking of theory, this is what mostly this strategy is based ontheory, which means, it is not as reliable as a biographical approach because the latter is based on the lives of the authors, not on speculated ideas.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Hindi gk Essay Example for Free
Hindi gk EssayTo acquaint students with the economic problems and solve the problems at local and national direct To familiarize students with basic ideas in economics To foster an urge among students for effective participation. To prep ar students to cope with accent mark and strain. To develop an understanding of the nations resources To develop among students a favorable attitude To help the students to understand that various sectors mustiness develop equally. To develop among students a passion tor social Justice. To help students to acquire skills. Objectives of teaching economics at Higher Secondary Level 1 . To acquire the friendship of facts, terms, concepts, trends, principles, problems and processes of economics. 2. To develop understanding of trends, principles, processes, etc in economics. 3. To gain the acquired noesis and its understanding to unfamiliar situation. 4. To acquire economic skills like drawing maps, charts, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc. 5. To evelop interest in the instance and problems related to the economic life of the people. 6. To develop desirable attitudes necessary for developing a broader outlook. ) correlation of Economics with calling, Mathematics, level, Geography, light, Languages. Meaning of correlation 0 Technique which establishes reciprocal relationship between different subjects of the political program for the better and clear understanding of the subject under discussion. 0 Acc. To Raymont, No subject is ever hale understood and no art is intelligently practiced, if the light which the opposite studies be able to throw upon it is eliberately take out out. 0 Knowledge is one invisible whole, which cannot be divided into water supply tight compartments.Reasons for correlation 0 Stability of knowledge 0 Economy of knowledge 0 Development of interest in the subject 0 Makes the burden of the curriculum light 0 Development of human and social qualities Types of Correlation 1) sequent Correlatio n correlation between subjects occurring by chance not planned. 2) Planned Correlation Its a look at attempt to correlate subjects. There are two types of planned correlation a) Vertical Correlation- correlation of economics with various branches of economics ) Horizontal correlation- correlation of economics with other subjects c) Correlation with life.Correlation of Economics with Commerce Main aim in Commerce is 0 to theater of operations about business, industry, grapple and organization 0 study all activities beginning from production and leading up to distribution 0 study of trade, banking, export, import, book-keeping, etc either the above are closely associated with economics. Economics and commerce cannot be studied separately. They are inter-twined. Through the knowledge of commerce, it is possible to run the economy of a country more efficiently. Correlation ot Economics witn Mathematics 0 There exists very close relationship of economics with mathematics particularly statistics. Most of the economic theories are propounded on the basis of statistical data. 0 In economics we make use of various numeral symbols. 0 To formulate theories, Geometry and Algebra are widely used. 0 Without statistics the knowledge of economics remains incomplete. Marshall said, Statistics are the straw out of which, I like every other economist have to make bricks. 0 To draw graphs, sketches, and tables the teacher of economics depends on mathematical knowledge. Correlation of Economics with History 0 both subjects are social sciences. 0 After Industrial Revolution production of quantity and quality of goods improved. also resulted in competitive business for marketing of finished goods. Gave rise to infighting among various developed European powers which resulted in huge wars and new powers emerged. 0 First and Second World Wars were fought for economic considerations. 0 To get knowledge of various economic factors that were responsible for various historical events , we have to depend on history. 0 History tells about the economic development of various countries. When we read a particular period in history, we make up ones mind about economic conditions prevailing in that period. The beginning of medium of exchange such as meretricious coins and others are studied in history. Correlation of Economics with Geography 0 In economics we study about various goods. The production is governed by various geographical factors such as nature of soil, climate. 0 Economic conditions of a country depend to a large extent on its geographical conditions. 0 India could become a great power in ancient times because of its geographical situation and other conditions. Agriculture, industry and other economic activities depend to a large extent on geographical factors.C handiness of raw materials means of transport and types land (plateaus, deserts, mountains, etc) are considered in major decisions of business. 0 Certain industries and trade develop in a part icular place when geographical conditions favor them. Correlation of Economics with Science 0 Teaching is a technical Job. It requires certain qualities of head and heart. Every teacher must familiarize herself/ himself with the time honored maxims of teaching which are evolved as a result of long experience in teaching and research in ducational psychology.To explain the concept of Diminishing Marginal Utility give water to a student to drink and ask other students to observe how is urge for drinking water decreases stepwise at that point of time. v) Particular to General 0 Examples and facts should be presented to students before giving them the general rules or principles. 0 Study of particular facts should lead the children themselves frame general rules and generalizations 0 Same principle follow in inductive method of teaching 0 E. g. discuss adulteration of different products, cheating through with(p) to consumers and then teach the concept of Consumer Protection.
Coal As An Alternative Energy Source Environmental Sciences Essay
burn As An Alternative Energy Source environmental Sciences EssayThe lexicon meaning of preference is offering a choice of second possibility in other wrangle it is or sothing like replacement. In our case sear is good pick commencement of competency as it bath replace or so of the energy sources that ar in existence.Alternative source of energy is a commodious marge that refers to any source of usable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the replaced fuels.The term depicts or reflects a set of energy technologies and fields which argon alternate of each other and so on. As such, the list of energy sources excluded is an indication of what problems that the alternative technologies are facing. Controversies regarding dominant sources of energy and their alternatives commence a long history beca wont as the time is changing the needs and sources are also varying daytime by day. Today the nature of what were regarded alternat ive energy sources has changed considerably over time and it has become dis droped issue because of the variety of energy choices so defining some energy types as alternative is passing controversial.As a whole , alternative energy is that which is produced without the undesirable consequences of the longing of fossil fuels, such as high one C dioxide arcs, which is considered to be the major contri just nowing factor of global warming according to the Intergovernmental grace on Climate Change. Sometimes, this less(prenominal) comprehensive meaning of alternative energy excludes nuclear energyIt is nearly fixed that ember ordain have a future as a good alternative energy source. We have enough reserves of sear that can last for at least cc old age but only rate of consumption will be in our control. However, blacken reserves are spread more equitably around the manhood than oil reserves the united States have the largest reserves all over the world. Also it has a good fu ture because it is very inexpensive as other possible energy sources. ember is inexpensive to extract and to use to produce electricity. However, some factors key the future of coal appear to drop. There are some technical limitations present when utilise coal as an energy source. For example, it cannot be used for transport purposes unless it is used in electric vehicles. There are also some ecological issues to contend with.The need for an energy alternative has most nations looking in all directions, and one of those is coal as an energy source. Many experts see coal as practicable alternative source of energy. It is not known as the cleanest means of producing energy, but it is a cheaper alternative.The future of coal as an energy source is yet unknown, but there are many a(prenominal) predictions for how it may be implemented. For countries with rising oil hurts, it is predictable that coal may become a cheaper source of energy. It is also predicted that the come in prim ary coal energy consumption should remain about the same for another two decades, and wherefore slowly begin to growing.There are some problems with the cleanliness of coal, which causes a vast amount of contaminant, but treating the electrocution fumes can solve these problems. However, coal is still a great producer of carbon dioxide, and with most nations difficult to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this could scupper any plans of using it as an alternative energy source. combust is a notorious pollutant containing sulphur which gives off sulphur dioxide when it is burned. Once it is in the atmosphere, sulphur dioxide becomes sulphur acid, which are an irritant to the lungs and a main component to acid rain. Coal also has many other disadvantages that put its future as an alternative energy source in doubt.Burning coal produces CO2, which is a hearty knowngreenhouse gas that is very harmful to the environment. There is no resultant role to the CO2 that comes from burning c oal, so this may cause it to go to the back of the line as a possible alternative energy source. Therefore, countries thatare tryingto reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, would not seek to increase coal consumption, because it would defeat their purposes. On the other hand, countries that are not concerned with greenhouse gases will only increase their coal consumption in the coming years.Coal is not the perfect alternative energy source, but it is a possibility. Technological research is developing rapidly all over the world and there are many research programs in action today, including, research on the gasification of coal to produce hydrogen for fuel cells, and the draw and confinement of CO2.The future of coal as an alternative energy source is unclear, and there are some countries that are willing to settle more than others.The future of coal as anenergy source may be dependent on a countrys needs or requirementsand, even more so, their concerns.Environmental Impacts of th e Use of CoalBecause coal contains more carbon per unit of energy than other fossil fuels, it will produce more carbon dioxide per unit of electric power production than petroleum or internal gas. Electrical utilities, being the largest consumers of coal, are the largest sources of CO2 emissions from coalThe only practical way to prevent CO2 levels from going far into the dangerous range, with disastrous effects for humanity and other inhabitants of the planet, is to phase out use of coal except at power plants where the CO2 is captured and sequesteredIf CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants continue to produce at rates projected by the U.S. energy information administration, it will be impossible for the fall in States to achieve the steep economy-wide emissions reductions it needs to have a reasonable chance of avoiding the worst effects of temper changeTransporting coal from where it is mined to where it will be burned also produces significant quantities of air pollutio n and other environmental harms. Diesel-burning trucks, trains, and barges that transport coal release NOx, SOx, PM, VOCs (volatile organic chemicals), CO, and CO2 into the earths atmosphereThe Legacy of Coal MiningNearly 150 years and some 13 billion tons of coal later, its strikingly obvious that the great wealth of natural resources in West Virginia has been anything but a blessing. Rather than manner of speaking riches, it has brought poverty, sickness, environmental devastation and despair.Much of the surface mining more accurately mountaintop removal slices off some(prenominal) hundred feet of the mountaintops, uncovering entire seams of coal.Mining causes widespread deforestation, soil erosion, water shortages and pollution, smoldering coal fires and the emission of greenhouse gases. Massive excavation operations strip land bare, lower water tables, generate huge waste mountains and blanket surrounding communities with dust particles and debris.Despite coal being the most abundant and cheapest of the carbon based sources of energy, and despite the coal industry earning the benefits of clean coal, the fact that the role of coal in energy production is now confined to electrical generation gives hope that the negative environmental legacy of coal can be reduced. Alternative sources of energy, such as hydro, nuclear and wind power are ideally suited to generate electricity.Application and future prospectiveCoal as an alternative to woodCoal gasification as an alternative to petroleumCoal is not the perfect alternative energy source, but it is a possibility. Technological research is developing rapidly all over the world and there are many research programs in action today, including, research on the gasification of coal to produce hydrogen for fuel cells, and the capture and confinement of CO2.The future of coal as an alternative energy source is unclear, and there are some countries that are willing to settle more than others.The future of coal as ane nergy source may be dependent on a countrys needs or requirementsand, even more so, their concerns.The world reserves of coal are large enough to last two hundred years, but only at their current rate of consumption. However, coal reserves are spread more equitably around the world than oil reserves,with the United Stateshaving the largestreserves. It also has a promising future because it is not as expensive as other possible energy sources. Coalis inexpensive to extract and to use to produce electricity. However, some factors suck up the future of coal appear to be bleak. There are some technical limitations present when using coal as an energy source. For example, it cannot be used for transport purposes unless it is used in electric vehicles and the most important thing is that trees will nowhere to be seen in next thirty to forty years so in conclusion we cant have any access to the coal energy.America and other nations face an unprecedented transportation fuel crisis. Petrole um fuel, a life blood of our economy for some 100 years, is entering a sustained period of supply shortage due to huge take aim increases from growing economies in Asia and elsewhere. This freshly demand is here to stay and likely to intensify, causing more price increases, price volatility, political manipulation of oil supplies, and global instability as competition for dwindling supplies intensifies. This is already impacting our energy, economic, and homeland security. Government, commercial, and finance leaders around the world are now taking action.Since one solution is unlikely, a suite of new technologies and energy sources will be needed to address the challenge. One of those solutions is carbon-to-liquids technology, which the U.S. surgical incision of Energy projects could supply 10% of the nations transportation fuel in just 20 years. As new fuels and technologies like this are developed and deployed, the challenge we must meet is that they be more sustainable and les s of a burden on the environment than current technologies.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Analysis of using controlled slow cooling
abstract of utilize controlled s imprint-pitched temperature reductionTo get the reproducible numbers in biomedical research, genetic stability is essential and it is achieved via cryopreservation proficiency.Technique of cryopreservation involves the preservation of viable jail cadres, living tissues, gametes, embryos, organs and to a fault many organisms on cool at low sub-zero temperatures, characteristic eachy at -196C for a prolonged time to implement the applications of these biological existents over biomedicine, conservation and animal facts of life (Mazur., 1970). Long time storage is achieved by using this proficiency (Pereira and Marques., 2008).The cryopreservation technique is carried out in 2 different waysVitrification and 2. Controlled remit chilling (Frederickson., 2000).To proceed with these dickens protocols, several steps need to be taken and also we must look its utilitys and limitations. Alteration in temperature induces main(prenominal) two maltreats frost fault and dispirit injury and these injuries atomic number 18 reduced greatly by using the cryoprotectant. Detailed epitome of these and its role in both vitrification and silent temperature reduction techniques is described below (Fuller et al., 2004).TWO APPROACHES OF CRYOPRESERVATIONVITRIFICATIONPreservation of biological materials under hypothermic condition with devoid of frost is called as vitrification (Rall, W. F. and Fahy., 1985). Vitrification induce glazed defining kind of of formation of frost crystal, therefrom it is not causing essential damage to the living system (Fuller et al., 2004).weari several(prenominal) COOLINGPreserving booths from room temperature upto the temperature of liquid nitrogen is called as slow chilling. Damage associated with this are reduced using cryoprotectant(Gao and Critse., 2004 and Guan et al., 2008).MAJOR DAMAGES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS TECHNIQUEDuring cryopreservation, major injury that induces damage to the carrel excerpt isFreezing injuryChilling injury. (Gao and Critser., (2000).FREEZING INJURY with the significant preservation at hypothermic temperature, water becomes solidify and it causes the cellphone damage, even to unviability. (Fuller et al., 2004).Freezing injuryTZ p3This diagram is re named from the material belongs to (Ashwood-Smith and Farrant., 1980).At luxuriously wander of halt, tripe nucleation provokes. approximately cells has thermodynamic frost patch above -0.5C. But the freeze of cell developed only later on reaching 5C. Unfrozen state of cell and its environment occurs due to the protective solutes super modify system and freezing point depression. External medium impulsively induce ice seeding formation between 5C and 15C, but composition of cell persist in a super cooled and melt state. Extracellular solution remains in unfrozen fraction and that captivates the ice formation in external medium. Concentration of solute in extracellular soluti on rises in respect to the hang in temperature. So, ice formation developed and encourages probable imbalance between the cell and external solution. Water present inside the cell is in super cooled state than extracellular region due to the potential imbalance, water mig steps to extra cellular region and freezes. Entire event of cell relays over the cooling. Decrease in cooling induces the dehydration of cell and the intracellular freezing is prohibited. Rapid cooling induces intracellular ice formation as a termination of rapid decrease in extra cellular solution than the water diffusing out from the cell. grump formation inside the cell is certainly lethal (Fuller et al., 2004).INTRACELLULAR ICE NUCLEATIONHomogenous nucleation, seeding by extracellular ice and heterogeneous nucleation are the possible ways IIF.When the rate of cooling decreases, electrolytes concentration on freezing relate to unfrozen section of water. It is classified into intra and extracellular electrolyt es.CELL VOLUME DECREASEVolume decrease whilst freezing induces injury to cells by minor tonicity solution. Decrease in cell volume whilst freezing concerns cell damage.DEHYDRATION THEORIES (Meryman)Inability of cell to shrink osmotically below perspective level whilst it tries to reaches osmotic equilibrium. This is called as minimum volume hypothesis over damage of slow-freezing.CHILLING INJURYDifferent cell type reaches damage upon cooling around 0 C without freezing, i.e without ice formation. Damage occurs irreversibly on chilling temperature. If this happens in sperm cells, it is termed as temperature shock. Direct and indirect chilling injuries are the major two categories of chilling injury. These injuries are expressed upon lower temperature and it is termed as cold shock. It depends over the rate of cooling. Indirect chilling injury occurs on image to reduced temperature for a prolonged time and it is independent of rate of cooling. It is abouttimes difficult to distingui sh cold shock and indirect chilling injury (Fuller et al., 2004).TZ p2 The above plot is reproduced from the material belongs to (Muldrew et al., 2004).COLD SHOCKCells become sensitive to cold shock as it rapidly cooled at low temperature for long time. Viability of cell and its severity of injury are relays over the rapid or slow cooling. in addition this cold shock s not depends on warming rate but it depends on rate and duration of cooling (Tsai et al., 2009). Membrane permeability is injured upon rapid cooling and chance of reversibility is available for some instances. Addition of specific compounds and cell former cooling condition influences the response of cell. Thermotropic activity of lipid membrane is suspected to identify the injury due to cold shock. Lipid phase transitions of cell membrane influence the injury of cold shock in many species.INDIRECT CHILLING INJURYLong icon of biological materials at low temperature causes indirect chilling injury and this injury i s cooling rate independent. Lipids and proteins are changed by means of its activity and structure. Eg changes in enzyme activity and protein denaturation. excessively the metabolic pathway and enzyme linked reactions baptistery some alterations as the co-ordination is decreased according to the decrease in temperature rate (Fuller et al., 2004).ROLE OF CRYOPROTECTANTCryoprotectant enhances the dehydration transit formerly formation of external ice. The activity of water is greatly reduced during the lack of water loss. By reducing the effect of salts, it acts as a protective influence on structure of the cell.Freezing protocol progression needs consistent method to detect the cell viability (Fuller et al., 2004).Cryopretectant may be a chemic additive that is added to the solution before freezing to ensure the high survival rate after bear thawing.Role of cryoprotectant is to support and protect the survival of biological material upon cooling to hypothermic temperature for lo ng duration of time. Property of an effective cryoprotectant is high solubility with decreased toxicity. Cryoprotectant can be classified according to chemic class and mode of action. Each categorized cryoprotectant plays a vital role upon thawing and cooling.Freezing point depression is promoted by permeating cryoprotectant due to the presence of electrolytes. Non-permeating cryoprotectant promotes decreased formation of ice crystal upon freezing by prior dehydration of biological material.Reduced deviation of volumes and solutes damage concentration is enhanced by the cryoprotectant. Eg DMSO (Fuller et al., 2004).Cell protection is also achieved by fluctuating formation of ice crystal into harmless image and size during thawing and freezing.It is necessary to look the toxicity of cryoprotectant over cells and its permeability. High concentration of cryoprotectant itself injured. Direct exposure of cryoprotectant with membranes and proteins induce ionic pumps disruption over tran s membrane and also causes enzyme inactivation. But more amount of cryoprotectant in vitrification ensures viscous and amorphous medium. The possible come on to inhibit this problem is achieved by using mixture of cryoprotectant at definite concentration (Tsai et al., 2008 and Fuller et al., 2004).SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCES OF VITRFICATION AND CONTROLLED SLOW COOLING -ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTEGESEffective vitrification demands enormous adjudicate cooling and solute with high concentration with combination of cryoprotectant (Bielanski, and Lalonde., 2009).Successful vitrification was enhanced in 1985 to cryopreserve the mouse embryo and this technique is also effectively applied to preserve the blood cells, tissues, embryo and oocyte of Drosophila melanogaster, Asparagus officinalis plant as thoroughly as embryos of numerous mammalians. Cryopreservation of mammalian system report entails the success achieved through the technique of controlled freezing. However in the case of fr uit fly, vitrification occupies a success where the controlled freezing failed. Efficient vitrification technique relays on an optimization of some specific steps that includes appropriate composition and concentration of provided vitrification solution with specific cooling/warming environments. Also this technique induces equilibration of living cells present and to dilute the cells present in the vitrification solution (Fuller et al., 2004).A series job of freezing and warming of bovine in-vitro matured, fertilized and cultured blastocysts using electron microscope (EM) grids (A-F) ( Reproduced from park et al., 1999)The use of slow cooling includes several ranges of rates of cooling when we compared vitrification with rapid and ultra rapid cooling. The ultimate goal of both techniques is to produce a glass like state of cells to prevent the damage caused by formation of ice crystal upon cooling (El-Danasouri, and Selman., 2005). At first, vitrification mathematical process inv olves lengthened pre-equilibrium procedure. Currently, combination of penetrating and non-penetrating solutes is used with non-toxic property with several ranges of cooling rates. two the technique result in successful cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes of humans (Borini, and Coticchio., 2009). Even these procedures resulted good, slow cooling technique applied for cryopreservation of oocytes shows very less successive rates when compared to vitrification. Vitrification acts as a promising technique in many areas in reproductive technology, even though its positive rates need to establish further.Vitrification is an gentle procedure and that consumes less time duration. Also this vitrification technique is safer and cheaper when compared to control slow cooling. ( Kuleshova, L.L. and Lopata, A., 2002).Cryopreservation of cell faces relative damage due to cooling and thawing. Mostly damage occurs whilst storing the cells at hypothermic conditions. Maintaining healthier cells f or further use are very essential and we need to prevent it from genetic drift and contamination. To stop the biological action of the cell and to maintain that in its preserved state is the role of cryostorage. In fluid system, molecular(a) motion is achieved via temperature (Fuller et al., 2004).The molecular motion get reduce according to the decrease in temperature.Biological species are designed to be viable and active at maximal temperature but it lost its activity at hypothermic condition. At that instance, lipid phase transition, structural and enzymatic damage and de-polymerization occurs (Kiefer et al., 2005). Major damaging phenomenon upon cooling are intracellular ice crystallisation and osmotic damage. Chilling sensitivity or cold shock leads the cell to death at the temperature below 0C. These effects differ from one cell type to another. Bacteria and some viruses can sustain in 60 degree but the holding temperature for most of the biological sample is below -130C (F uller et al., 2004).Conventional cryopreservation method is established to overcome the formation of ice whilst cooling. Formation of ice crystals are avoided by vitrification via its usage of concentrated solution and rapid cooling. This vitrification method contains a potential advantage as it is rapid and this technique does not require rate cooling equipment. Vitrification results in good survival rate of preserved oocytes and embryos. Cryopreservation widely applicable to retain genetic resources and protect the endemic species (Tsai et al., 2010). Vitrification acts as an ersatz method to slow cooling. This provides high survival of motherliness range and embryo viability. This vitrification acts as a capable procedure in infertility clinics. In this, cryopreservation of numerous embryos is maintained within short period and thus it acts as a simple method. Still, less number of controlled studies and childbirths are concerned over vitrification technique. Multiple pregnan cy risk associated with freezing using controlled slow cooling is restricted using vitrification. Also it works with high efficacy (Kuc et al., 2010 and Trounson and Mohr.,1983). Vitrification acts as an attractive cryopreservation method when compared with controlled slow cooling technique. In contrast to slow cooling method, this vitrification technique is precise and in this each and every step is visualized. Vitrification reduces the time duration of exposure to sub-physiological environments. It requires only less than 10 minutes carrying out turn slow cooling takes nearly two hours. Vitrification is simpler and it does not need costly programmable freezing equipment. In some cases, chilling injury also prevented by vitrification (Fuller et al., 2004). harry immersed vitrification requires less concentrated and minimum volume of vtrification solution. Maximize cooling rate, reduce toxicity of vitrification solution with low volume of less concentration cryopreservation.In vitr ification, upon freezing, only numerous ice crystals are formed and so less mechanical disruption results by ice crystal (Wang et al., 2008). Vitrification technique is accompanied without the withdrawal of more amount of water. So, less chemical damage only exist. But the chemical damage due to cryoprotectant is a complicated matter. ( long). Common variation held between vitrification and controlled slow freezing is due to the numerous additions of cryoprotectants. Implementation of maximal equilibration condition and dilution are expected from the vitrification media. It is necessary to use low toxic agents in the vitrification solution.To achieve an effective vitrification, formulation of 2 things over the vitrification technique are essential.1. physicochemical properties Concentrated vitrification solution induce glassy solid formation and it helps to devoid of crystallization whilst cooling.2. cyoprotectant using low toxic cryoprotectant with an intrinsic permeability.Vitri fication protects the cell from ice formation while cryopreservation.Both the vitrification and slow cooling are used to preserve human oocytes (Fuller et al., 2004).In case of human ES cell cryopreservation, improved efficiency is noted in vitrification than in traditional cryopreservation (Zhou et al. 2004 and Peng-Fei et al., 2006). Analysis of colonies after vitrification yields rapid growth and differentiation when compared with slow freezing technique. Vitrification acts as a promising approach to cryopreserve the multi cellular tissue. Even, vitrification achieved certain merits it is associated with several problems. In the state of vitrified, glass is susceptible to cracking. Care is essential on warming to neglect the formation of ice. Heat transfer rate occurring during vitrification care for may vary depends on device.Vitrification include the rapid cooling protocol and it is difficult to maintain at certain temperature with the available equipment. real rapid and even rewarming requires avoid of devitrification.During slow cooling, increase solute concentration to glass transition needs while prevent by cooling slow enough to allow the cells to dehydrate to protect intracellular supercooling (Youssry et al., 2008).Vitrification requires higher and potentially cytotoxic concentration of cryoprotective agents for one hour before its immersion into liquid nitrogen at specific temperature. To reduce its toxicity, pre equilibrium performed at 4C. It allows the direct visualizaton of cell by the operator (El-Danasouri, and Selman., 2005)Eventhough this vitrification entails with meritful approaches, this technique still been experimental. Also, it requires more additives to reach and it is potentially cytotoxic. This technique highly depends on operator. Timing takes to cover all the steps and it is critical. In contrast to slow freezing, this vitrification needs enough level of training.If the vitrified solution stars to devitrify, (crystalise into i ce), viability get out be lost. This happens when thawing or extended time of storage persists (Fuller et al., 2004).Viability of vitrified samples is not certain for lengthy period of time but in case of slow cooling, preserved cells can be viable for many years, even to thousands of years.Direct exposure of cryogen can be achieved by fast cooling. As it is so, this process may carry possible contamination of organism from the liquid nitrogen. So, this process cannot be applicable for cure cells.Vitrification technique is applied only to cooled cell suspensions in minor quantities. This method is not projected to move over in large quantities like cryovials, matrix tubes, bags, microtitre plates etc. Quality control measurement via this vitrification technique is make to be impossible as we need to take experiments for all straws. (Fahy et al., 2004)Usually the slow cooling procedure is used in infertility centers. But it is associated with documented limitations. Also sometimes , it damages sensitive parts of the cell ( eg- zona pellucida) and it induce biological changes. Because of these changes, we will get a depleted outcomes. To overcome this, Modifying cryopreservation procedure is attained- freezing and thawing by polymers. This also enhanced with changing the time duration of the cooling protocol and it is looked as same as the path to simplify and fast up cryobanking procedures to get beneficial results. As the vitrification technique connected with some problems, it acts as a challenging technique for reproductive medicine. The slow freezing technique serves as an effective method for humans too (Mandelbaum, J., 2000). An alternative method for cryopreservation was developed and it is called as vitrification.comparative degree study has been taken between controlled slow cooling and vitrification techniques with patients undertaking controlled ovarian stimulation in GnRH protagonist to determine efficacy. The rate of pregnancy after vitrificatio n reveals more than higher successive rate than result achieved via slow cooling. Efficacy of vitrification yields (50.4%), and slow cooling results in (25.9%) successive rates.Human ovarian tissue also cryopreserved (Noriko et al 2009)Both cryopreservation as well as cryostorage contains budding advantages, especially in invitro fertilization. Ultimate goal of cryopreservation is to achieve supreme persistence rate and sustainability of biological system after thawing. In slow cooling procedure, clinically passing(prenominal) result has not been attained. Slow cooling procedure needs costly equipment and also it is time consuming. i of a significant advantage of vitrification process is its tendency to form any ice crystals during both cooling and warming. In contrast, its limitation held in toxic effects due to addition of cryoprotectants and contamination via liquid nitrogen.In slow cooling technique, toxicity of cryoprotectant is relatively less. But many research outcomes sup ports the vitrification process rather than slow cooling in fertility treatment(Tsai et al., 2010). Blastocyst cells can be preserved by both the cryopreservation techniques. Among these, vitrification promotes change magnitude chance for future development. A reliable advancement is needed for vitrification to enhance the preservation of supernumerary blastocysts. off results have been produced for the blastocyst preservation through slow freezing method. Vitrification acts as an alternative principle which is affiliate with capability of inducing more pregnancy rate and increased survival of embryo upon cryopreservation (Trounson and Mohr ., 1983 and Fuller et al., 2004). completionApproach taken by Kolibianakis et al results in the comparative analysis of both vitrification and controlled slow cooling. And its outcome provides similar results are given by both of these techniques. But comparatively, post thawing survival frequency is better in vitrification than slow cooling. Finally, they suggested that the there is no link between the vitrification process in enceinte high rate of pregnancy but it displays the successful post thawing survival both in the cleavage stage and in the blastocyst stage (Youssry et al., 2008 and Porcu et al 2000). According to Balaban et al survival rate of human 3 day embryo preservation reported the percentage of survival rate by vitrication as 94.8% whereas slow cooling provides 88.7%. (Kuc et al., 2010). Vitrification study over the embryo in cleavage stage testified 80% of survival rate and 22-35% of pregnancy rate. These results are more significant than the slow cooling procedure. Although the two main approaches of cryopreservation contains signficant results, Vitrification gains more positive outcomes. Even in both the cases, limitations persist. All of its limitations can be always overcome by its positive side.
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