Friday, May 31, 2019
Quasars and Active Galaxies Essay -- Essays Papers
Quasars and Active Galaxies The astronomic world is full of phenomena beyond the average persons imagination. The technical tools and analytical methods astronomers use atomic number 18 very complex. The great numbers and distances are mind boggling. Theories behind astronomical phenomena are based on yet another theory. In order to understand the concept of quasars and participating galaxies, one must first have a feel for the astronomical numbers involved. Secondly, a basic knowledge of the tools of the trade, and finally, a working knowledge of astronomical jargon. Once there is a working knowledge of the aforementioned factors, then there is the chance that one could be able to assimilate the complex theory-based properties that are used to discuss quasars and active galaxies. In order to understand the large numbers used to express the vast distances discussed in astronomy, one involve to relate these numbers to everyday life. During everyday conversation, pe ople may say things like the national debt is trillions of dollars, the lottery is up to 31 million dollars, or rear Doe is a billionaire. An astronomer might say that one astronomical unit equals 93,000,000 miles or that a light-year is 5,870,000,000,000,000 miles. The human comprehension level of all of these equipment casualty is probably nowhere near the actual truth behind how large these numbers really are. To obtain a feel for these gigantic distances used by astronomers, Astronomy Magazine writer, John P. Wiley says it may be helpful to keep in mind that it takes thirty-one years to count to one billion at the rate of one number per second. He also puts a voyage to a galaxy that is a billion light-years away into perspective by compute how long it would take to get there in a vessel speeding along at 18,000 miles an hour. The trip would take 37 trillion years. When discussing galaxies and quasars, billions are the smallest numbers used (56,57). The theory of how quasars are created is based on the idea that the universe is expanding. Among astronomers, the popular consensus is that the Earth is in an expanding universe in which the laws of physics lead hold true beyond this planet as well. G. Mark Voit, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute, believes that the beginning of the universe was a cartridge holder when many galaxies would be visible to the naked eye b... ... telescopes like Hubble, and the Very Long Baseline Interferometry Space Observatory (VSOP), have also proven utilitarian analytical tools for astronomers. Black holes and quasars are interdependent theories. The explanation of black holes leads to an explanation for quasars. These phenomena lead astronomers to believe that there may be places in the universe where the laws of physics may break down, opening doors to new theories for future astronomers (Hawkings).Works CitedBartusiak, Marcia. Outsmarting the Early Universe. Astronomy 26.10 (199 8) 55-59.Chaisson, Eric., and Steve McMillan. Astronomy Today. 3rd ed. Toronto Prentice-Hall, 1999.Disney, Michael. A New Look at Quasars. scientific American 278.6 (1998) 52-57.Hawking, Stephen. Universe. PBS Home Video. BBC-TV, 1997.Olsen, Steve. Black Hole Hunters. Astronomy 27.5 (1999) 48-55.Peterson, Ivars. The Birth of Twin Quasars. Science News 137.4 (1990) 60.Voit, G. Mark. The Rise and Fall of Quasars Dormant Monsters May trickery Sleeping in Nearby Galaxies. Sky & Telescope 97.5 (1999) 40-46.Wiley, John P. Jr. A Googolplex of Galaxies. Astronomy 27.5 (1999) 56-57.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Portrayal of Women in James Joyces Ulysses Essay -- Joyce Ulysses Ess
Portrayal of Women in James Joyces UlyssesThe novel, Ulysses, by James Joyce shows the reader hour by hour a single day in the keep of one man. But this epic which specifically deals with Leopold Bloom and has reference to Stephen Dedalus, holds so much more appendage to other areas of life. One, is the portrayal of women in Ulysses. A super C speculation is that men seem to have a more dominating status over women. However, in Ulyssesthat theory dwindles due to the women who play significant roles in the story. Although the women in the novel all use various tactics to entice the men to succumb and cower to them, it all ends up that the men do obey to the qualifying factors. The first woman of purpose that we become aware of is Stephen Dedaluss mother. Even though she is dead, her presence is accounted for in Stephens night and day dreams. His refusal to pray at her bedside fleck she was dying triggered an immense amount of guilt that he cannot shake. His undeniable brooding ove r her was shown when he remembered the song by W.B. Yeats, and no morethe brazen cars. In the annotated text it claims that, The song, accompanied by a harp, is sung to comfort the countess, who has sold her soul to the powers of the darkness that her people might have food. That song is important because he is trying to lift the blame from his heart by reaching out for forgiveness. The book then tells of a bowl with bitter waters. That bowl implies what is told in portraying of a Young Man, which is that his mother was an adulteress, and that recollection was bothering him. He even goes as far to say aloud, No mother, let me be and let me live. It seems that he wants to escape her clutches, yet is clinging... ... get away with acting disdainful and speaking to Bloom with a harsh tongue, but he does not leave her. In fact, he does cower, and takes her, illicit affairs and all. The men in Ulysses are viewed as the warriors, or bread-winners, yet they are only characterized as tha t due to the women in the novel. many another(prenominal) of the women are able to be looked upon as the hierarchy in a sense because of the way the people around them reacted. It is said that whenever there is an action, there is a reaction. As clich as that may be, the women were the ones that created the action and the men rebutted with the reaction. Despite the social conventions that most of us are familiar with pertaining to men and women, Ulysses, can surely counteract with notable arguments.Works Cited Joyce, James. Ulysses. Ed. Hans Walter Gabler. New York Random House, 1986.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Solar System Essay -- Astronomy
The universe was once a vast uncharted scope an area of the un cognise. People looked up to the sky in wonder and awe, curious as to what was beyond flat coat. What were those lights in the sky? Where did they come from? How did they get there? As time has passed, the universe made up of stars and planets has evolved. What we did not know before, we know now, our cosmos has changed immensely, transforming into what we now call our solar system.Before people had the knowledge and engine room we have today, the ethereal skies were an area of endless speculation and inspiration. People from all around the world created their own myths and explanations about the cosmos and the celestial bodies within it. some six thousand years in the past, the Sumerians had the belief that Earth lied in the center of the universe. The Babylonians and Greek civilizations further carried this same belief into their centuries, depicting the heavenly skies as a cosmos revolving around the earth. Lookin g back into history, the Greeks were the first to put forward the idea that planet Earth was a sphere (now known as an oblate ellipsoid). Then around 340 BC, a Greek philosopher named Aristotle made the discovery of a few of our most influential and fundamental theories that helped to further render this idea. Aristotle first proposed that one always witnesses the sails of a ship approaching past the horizon first and then its framework. This suggested that the surface of the ocean must be curved and not flat as it was once thought to be. Secondly, Aristotle discovered that the eclipses of the moon were generated by the shadow that Earth casted on it. This further proved the point that if the Earth was flat, the shadow it casted upon the Moon would not app... ...years later that non-uniformity in the antediluvian commenced the formation of galaxies and ancient stars out of pouches of gas condensing due to gravity. Approximately five billion years ago, such pouches of gas that res ided in a spiral channel of the MIlky Way Galaxy formed the Sun. An immense circle of gas and withstand that was whirling around the ancient Sun formed to the planets, Earth included, which is predictably 4.6 to 4.5 billion years old. Works CitedAdskin, Alaina. Humanities 242. Away we go. N.p., 22 Feb. 2011. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.Big Bang Theory - An Overview. All About Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.Cessna, Abby. Heliocentric Model. Universe Today. N.p., 22 June 2009. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.Isaac Newton. Scientists Their Lives and Works. Gale, 2006. Gale Biography. Dec. 2011.The Universe. The Big View. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.
Tupac :: essays research papers
Tupac Shakur was one of the most influential music artist of the twentieth Century. Murda, Murda, Murda, and Kill, Kill, Kill these are they lyrics to one of the songs written by Tupac Shakur. Amidst all the controversy surrounding his personal life, this artist has managed to overcome all obstacles and spread his hope/ hatred message to a surprisingly receptive audience. Tupacs music is borrowed from the styles of early rap and hip-hop yet its appeal rested in Tupac himself. His persona of cowling Poet opened up a portal into the new genre of Gangsta Rap. This new style of music revolutionized the music industry and allowed several new artists to break through with(predicate) in Tupacs creation, Gangsta Rap, such as G-unit, Eminem, and many others.Tupac Amaru Shakur was born on June 16, 1971 in New York City to Afeni Shakur, a Black Panther member since 1968. She gave descent to him 2 months after she was released from Womens House of Detentions in Grenwich Village. She was char ged with conspiracy to bomb several New York public locations and just had her bail revoked. In coquet she represented herself and won against the state of New York in a surprising turn out. In Incan dialect, his name Tupac Amaru means shining serpent and Shakur is Arabic for thankful to God. For most of his childhood his crack addicted mother shuffled Tupac between the ghettos of Harlem and the Bronx. Young Tupac began his performance career with the 127th Street Ensemble and then enrolled Baltimore School for the liberal arts where he was educated in ballet and acting. Tupac was forced to drop out of the school because he had to move to California with his mother, where his criminal career began. He left-hand(a) his house at the age of 17 because of the continuous fights with his mother he then began selling/doing drugs, and was homeless for about 2 years. His life was spiraling drink wards at a rapid rate. Till one day he got his big break. Tupac always dreamt about being famo us someday, now his dream was bonny a reality. He struck a recording deal with Interscope records. He was on his way to super stardom, but as we all know with fame comes problems. He was involved in the shooting of two off duty police officers, although the chargers were later dropped. He was also convicted of rape, and sentenced to 5 years in Clinton Correctional Facilities.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Politics of Montserrat :: Essays on Politics
Politics of Montserrat The political history of the island of Montserrat has been characterized by instability for much of the time between its discovery and the present-day. First claimed by Spain, and therefore by Great Britain, Montserrat was a Crown Colony before transitioning to its current status as a unify Kingdom Overseas rule (UKOT). With a wide range of concerns regarding the issue of independence, the inhabitants of Montserrat remain unsure of their ability to maintain their own economic development and survive without financial assistance from the United Kingdom. The premier Europeans to spot Montserrat did so on 10 November 1493, as Columbus ship sailed from Guadeloupe towards Hispaniola. Though he named the island, Columbus and the Spanish took little interest in Montserrat, and vigor more was written about the island by a European until July 1631. At that time, Amerindians were using the island, though perhaps not living there, and no Europeans ha d colonised Montserrat. However, further two-and-a-half years later, in January 1634, another written account describes Montserrat as having been settled by Irish Catholics. The British, Dutch, and French had begun to claim some of the smaller islands in the Caribbean disrespect Spanish protests, claiming that the Spanish had no investments in the smaller islands of the Lesser Antilles, and that they belonged to whomever could effectively occupy them. This policy of Effective Occupation legitimized the settlement of Montserrat, and other islands, by the British. The showtime settlers of Montserrat were most likely Irish Catholics from St. Kitts (which was also claimed by Britain) who arrived there in 1632. By the 1650s, English and Anglo-Irish landowners form the wealthy ruling class, and Irish obligate servants formed the bulk of the population. This hierarchy was similar to that which existed in Ireland at the time. The English government ruled Ireland, a nd only a few elite Anglo-Irish could participate in governance and government. Similarly, only the wealthiest English and Anglo-Irish landowners on Montserrat had any control in the governance of the island, and the Crown maintained ultimate control. Many of the first Irish Catholic settlers came from Virginia, rising England, and the British Isles.Politics of Montserrat Essays on PoliticsPolitics of Montserrat The political history of the island of Montserrat has been characterized by instability for much of the time between its discovery and the present-day. First claimed by Spain, and then by Great Britain, Montserrat was a Crown Colony before transitioning to its current status as a United Kingdom Overseas Territory (UKOT). With a wide range of concerns regarding the issue of independence, the inhabitants of Montserrat remain unsure of their ability to maintain their own economic development and survive without financial assistance from the United Kingdo m. The first Europeans to spot Montserrat did so on 10 November 1493, as Columbus ship sailed from Guadeloupe towards Hispaniola. Though he named the island, Columbus and the Spanish took little interest in Montserrat, and nothing more was written about the island by a European until July 1631. At that time, Amerindians were using the island, though perhaps not living there, and no Europeans had settled Montserrat. However, only two-and-a-half years later, in January 1634, another written account describes Montserrat as having been settled by Irish Catholics. The British, Dutch, and French had begun to claim some of the smaller islands in the Caribbean despite Spanish protests, claiming that the Spanish had no investments in the smaller islands of the Lesser Antilles, and that they belonged to whomever could effectively occupy them. This policy of Effective Occupation legitimized the settlement of Montserrat, and other islands, by the British. The first settlers of Montserrat were most likely Irish Catholics from St. Kitts (which was also claimed by Britain) who arrived there in 1632. By the 1650s, English and Anglo-Irish landowners formed the wealthy ruling class, and Irish indentured servants formed the bulk of the population. This hierarchy was similar to that which existed in Ireland at the time. The English government ruled Ireland, and only a few elite Anglo-Irish could participate in politics and government. Similarly, only the wealthiest English and Anglo-Irish landowners on Montserrat had any control in the governance of the island, and the Crown maintained ultimate control. Many of the first Irish Catholic settlers came from Virginia, New England, and the British Isles.
Politics of Montserrat :: Essays on Politics
Politics of Montserrat The political history of the island of Montserrat has been characterized by instability for much of the time between its discovery and the present-day. outset claimed by Spain, and then by Great Britain, Montserrat was a Crown Colony before transitioning to its current status as a linked Kingdom abroad filth (UKOT). With a wide range of concerns regarding the issue of independence, the inhabitants of Montserrat remain unsure of their ability to maintain their own economic development and survive without financial help from the United Kingdom. The first Europeans to spot Montserrat did so on 10 November 1493, as Columbus ship sailed from Guadeloupe towards Hispaniola. Though he named the island, Columbus and the Spanish took little kindle in Montserrat, and nothing more was written about the island by a European until July 1631. At that time, Amerindians were using the island, though perhaps not living there, and no Europeans had colonise d Montserrat. However, only two-and-a-half years later, in January 1634, an opposite written account describes Montserrat as having been settled by Irish Catholics. The British, Dutch, and French had begun to claim some of the smaller islands in the Caribbean despite Spanish protests, claiming that the Spanish had no investments in the smaller islands of the Lesser Antilles, and that they belonged to whomever could effectively occupy them. This policy of Effective Occupation legitimized the settlement of Montserrat, and other islands, by the British. The first settlers of Montserrat were most likely Irish Catholics from St. Kitts (which was also claimed by Britain) who arrived there in 1632. By the 1650s, English and Anglo-Irish landowners formed the wealthy ruling class, and Irish obligate servants formed the bulk of the population. This hierarchy was similar to that which existed in Ireland at the time. The English government ruled Ireland, and only a few el ite Anglo-Irish could move in politics and government. Similarly, only the wealthiest English and Anglo-Irish landowners on Montserrat had any control in the governance of the island, and the Crown maintained ultimate control. Many of the first Irish Catholic settlers came from Virginia, New England, and the British Isles.Politics of Montserrat Essays on PoliticsPolitics of Montserrat The political history of the island of Montserrat has been characterized by instability for much of the time between its discovery and the present-day. First claimed by Spain, and then by Great Britain, Montserrat was a Crown Colony before transitioning to its current status as a United Kingdom Overseas Territory (UKOT). With a wide range of concerns regarding the issue of independence, the inhabitants of Montserrat remain unsure of their ability to maintain their own economic development and survive without financial assistance from the United Kingdom. The first European s to spot Montserrat did so on 10 November 1493, as Columbus ship sailed from Guadeloupe towards Hispaniola. Though he named the island, Columbus and the Spanish took little interest in Montserrat, and nothing more was written about the island by a European until July 1631. At that time, Amerindians were using the island, though perhaps not living there, and no Europeans had settled Montserrat. However, only two-and-a-half years later, in January 1634, another written account describes Montserrat as having been settled by Irish Catholics. The British, Dutch, and French had begun to claim some of the smaller islands in the Caribbean despite Spanish protests, claiming that the Spanish had no investments in the smaller islands of the Lesser Antilles, and that they belonged to whomever could effectively occupy them. This policy of Effective Occupation legitimized the settlement of Montserrat, and other islands, by the British. The first settlers of Montserrat were most likely Irish Catholics from St. Kitts (which was also claimed by Britain) who arrived there in 1632. By the 1650s, English and Anglo-Irish landowners formed the wealthy ruling class, and Irish indentured servants formed the bulk of the population. This hierarchy was similar to that which existed in Ireland at the time. The English government ruled Ireland, and only a few elite Anglo-Irish could participate in politics and government. Similarly, only the wealthiest English and Anglo-Irish landowners on Montserrat had any control in the governance of the island, and the Crown maintained ultimate control. Many of the first Irish Catholic settlers came from Virginia, New England, and the British Isles.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Desiree’s Baby
Desirees baby Kate Chopin wrote the goldbrick baloney Desirees baby in 1892, when filthy people where considered inferior citizens. Even though the slaves were freed in 1865 as a directly consequence of the north states victory at the civil war, racial segregation were at it highest, circumstance because of the Jim Crow laws. pitch-black people were free but their opportunities were not good. Even tough many new schools and churches were built for the black people, racism were a larger sinner and black people were treated very bad especially in the reciprocal ohm states.Miscegenation was a cursed word, as the communities saw it as a crime and two the family and the baby were suppressed. Desiree felt that on her tolerate body. Desirees baby contains a lot of typical before long story characteristics, e. g. in media res and an evasive ending merely it differs on places, such as the length of the act and the number of characters but Kate Chopin wrote both short stories and novels, so its not un hypothecateable that she assorted the two genres here. The short story is told by an omniscient third-person narrator.Its not a limited narrator, as we hear more than one characters thoughts. E. g. in this sentence it do her laugh to think of Desiree with a baby one of the characters, Madame Valmondes, inner thoughts are shared with us, while Armand bares his soul places like this he thought Almighty beau ideal had dealt cruelly and un stillly with him . The main character is Desiree. Shes beautiful and gentle, affectionate and sincere the idol of Valmonde and an orphan, found in the shadow of the big stone pillar just outside Valmonde.Shes espouse by the religious and kindly madame Valmonde, who believes that Desiree had been sent to her by a beneficent Providence to be the child of her affection, seeing that she was without child of the flesh. Desirees also draw very gentle in her actions, e. g. with the slaves and shes madly in be intimate with Armand, which sentences such as when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing of perfection intensely indicates and it is, at least in the start, reciprocated. Armand is expound as a very hard and strict person, but his love for Desiree makes him soft as butter.Their love is almost described as in a fairytale, as he fell in love with her as if struck by a pistol shot. Hes blind by love and even looks beyond her obscure origin, even though hes warned. Later, he grew even softer, as marriage, and later the birth of his son had wearisome Armand Aubignys imperious and exacting nature greatly but all that changed, when it occurred to him that the baby was not white. Hes a product of his time and surroundings a typical south state man, who leads a cotton farm and perceives black people as second-class people. However, Madame Valmonde, is at some points ahead of her time.When Desiree wrote to her that the people were carnal knowledge her that she was not white, she answered My own Desiree Come home to Valmonde back to your mother who loves you. Come with your child. . Even though she gave birth to a colored baby, she still wishes to see and be in resuscitate with Desiree AND the baby. That may be considered normal to mean solar day, but at that time it was an enormous privilege. The setting of the story is the southern state, Louisiana, on the two plantations Valmonde and Labri. Valmonde is the take a leak of the family who owns the plantation, while Labri is the French word for shelter.The reason that many French words and French sounding names appear in this story, is that Louisiana once was a French colony. The story takes place before slavery was abolished, so its going on around the mid-nineteenth century. The community surrounding the characters of the story are very wealthy, as many slaves increase the cotton at Labri. Besides that, it is also a sign of status and money that Armand orders a corbeille from genus Paris to his wedding with Desiree, as the move from Louisiana to Paris was incredibly long and difficult at that time.The story unfolds in the period July to August, as we hear that three months are going from the day Miss Valmonde rag Desiree to the break up of Desiree and Armand and Desiree leaves Armand an October afternoon. One of the themes of the story is miscegenation. Kate Chopin wishes to bring the subject to the knowledge of people to bring the topic to debate. Kate Chopin is famous for using naturalism in her work, which is a literate movement, with realistic writing, who brings social issues to debate.Its used her, as the story narrates about a white girl, giving birth to a colored child, pickings the easy way out disappearing, which is possible the death for her and her child. The hertz against mixed, and of course black, people, were something Kate Chopin wished to change and thats the issue she tried to put tenseness on with this short story. The story also deals with ethical and morale themes, suc h as the fact that its not right to accuse people for something youre not authoritative about. Armand learns this the hard way, as he receives nemesis for his evil deed, when he discovers that its him whos carrying the black genes.Desirees BabyDesirees baby Kate Chopin wrote the short story Desirees baby in 1892, when black people where considered second-class citizens. Even though the slaves were freed in 1865 as a directly consequence of the north states victory at the civil war, racial segregation were at it highest, particular because of the Jim Crow laws. Black people were free but their opportunities were not good. Even tough many new schools and churches were built for the black people, racism were a big sinner and black people were treated very bad especially in the south states.Miscegenation was a cursed word, as the communities saw it as a crime and both the family and the baby were suppressed. Desiree felt that on her own body. Desirees baby contains a lot of typical s hort story characteristics, e. g. in media res and an ambiguous ending yet it differs on places, such as the length of the act and the number of characters but Kate Chopin wrote both short stories and novels, so its not unthinkable that she mixed the two genres here. The short story is told by an omniscient third-person narrator.Its not a limited narrator, as we hear more than one characters thoughts. E. g. in this sentence it made her laugh to think of Desiree with a baby one of the characters, Madame Valmondes, inner thoughts are shared with us, while Armand bares his soul places like this he thought Almighty God had dealt cruelly and unjustly with him . The main character is Desiree. Shes beautiful and gentle, affectionate and sincere the idol of Valmonde and an orphan, found in the shadow of the big stone pillar just outside Valmonde.Shes adopted by the religious and kindly madame Valmonde, who believes that Desiree had been sent to her by a beneficent Providence to be the c hild of her affection, seeing that she was without child of the flesh. Desirees also described very gentle in her actions, e. g. with the slaves and shes madly in love with Armand, which sentences such as when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing of God intensely indicates and it is, at least in the start, reciprocated. Armand is described as a very hard and strict person, but his love for Desiree makes him soft as butter.Their love is almost described as in a fairytale, as he fell in love with her as if struck by a pistol shot. Hes blinded by love and even looks beyond her obscure origin, even though hes warned. Later, he grew even softer, as marriage, and later the birth of his son had softened Armand Aubignys imperious and exacting nature greatly but all that changed, when it occurred to him that the baby was not white. Hes a product of his time and surroundings a typical south state man, who leads a cotton farm and perceives black people as second-class people. However, M adame Valmonde, is at some points ahead of her time.When Desiree wrote to her that the people were telling her that she was not white, she answered My own Desiree Come home to Valmonde back to your mother who loves you. Come with your child. . Even though she gave birth to a colored baby, she still wishes to see and be in touch with Desiree AND the baby. That may be considered normal today, but at that time it was an enormous privilege. The setting of the story is the southern state, Louisiana, on the two plantations Valmonde and Labri. Valmonde is the name of the family who owns the plantation, while Labri is the French word for shelter.The reason that many French words and French sounding names appear in this story, is that Louisiana once was a French colony. The story takes place before slavery was abolished, so its going on around the mid-nineteenth century. The community surrounding the characters of the story are very wealthy, as many slaves harvest the cotton at Labri. Beside s that, it is also a sign of status and money that Armand orders a corbeille from Paris to his wedding with Desiree, as the journey from Louisiana to Paris was incredibly long and difficult at that time.The story unfolds in the period July to August, as we hear that three months are going from the day Miss Valmonde visit Desiree to the break up of Desiree and Armand and Desiree leaves Armand an October afternoon. One of the themes of the story is miscegenation. Kate Chopin wishes to bring the subject to the knowledge of people to bring the topic to debate. Kate Chopin is famous for using naturalism in her work, which is a literate movement, with realistic writing, who brings social issues to debate.Its used her, as the story narrates about a white girl, giving birth to a colored child, taking the easy way out disappearing, which is possible the death for her and her child. The hertz against mixed, and of course black, people, were something Kate Chopin wished to change and thats the issue she tried to put focus on with this short story. The story also deals with ethical and morale themes, such as the fact that its not right to accuse people for something youre not sure about. Armand learns this the hard way, as he receives nemesis for his evil deed, when he discovers that its him whos carrying the black genes.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Choosing a Right University Essay
Choosing a university is a serious life-decision, because a university is a model of the substantive world and a place to stay for four years. In a university, we can chase for genuine knowledge, expand social networking, and learn ab bring out how to interact with people, etc. If we choose the wrong school, we might dominate a lot of opportunities to learn and experience. In order to choose the right university, we have three important factors to consider academic resources, activity resources, and price of admissionibility.Since studying is the introductory priority for a university student, there is no doubt that we should first consider whether the school contains the academic resources that fit our interest . On one hand, if the students have interests in disciplinary fields, then they should choose a comprehensive university instead of a single field university. On the other hand, for students who have interest in particular field, they should choose the school that is do minant in that particular field.That is to say, to investigate whether the school owns the academic capability of the field that we are curious about is vital. Besides studying, how the students miss their free time is the second important factor to think about. Do the students spend all their spare time fooling around, or play on-line games? Or do they have various opportunities to experience life?In other words, we have to know whether the school offers chances of meaningful experiences for student to explore the world, such(prenominal) as international conferences, enlightened speeches, exchange programs, volunteering works and student clubs, etc. After viewing academic and extracurricular resources provided by the school, we can then seduce a look at the accessibility of the school. The reason why the accessibility of school need to be considered carefully is because there are still lots of things happen out of the campus. For example, exhibitions, intern, and speeches l take place in the city center. As a result, we need to check whether we have the convenient access to the city center, for having chances to get connection with the real world. Choosing an ideal university is a complicated matter, but follow the factors which mentioned above might help us cross out some unsuitable options. To conclude, first is to know about the academic background of the school, then to see what extracurricular opportunities the school offers, and finally to know whether the access from to the real world is convenient or not.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
It Auditing Outline
ACC 624 Information Technology auditing Spring, 2013 Ram Engira Office BENT Hall 364 Hours By appointment ONLY Telephone cellular telephone (917)597-9523 e-Mail Currently emailprotected edu or emailprotected com The Course This course provides an overview of controls relating to IT governance, databases and their structures, networks, client servers systems, IT service delivery, business continuity, disaster recovery, IS certificate, cryptography, firewalls, IDS, IPS, backups, recovery, and distributed systems. Text Required ISACA, CISA check up on Manual- 2013, ISACA publication, Code CRM11- Required broadsheet You can sully any edition of the aforementioned text. 2008,2009, 2010, and 2011 editions are all good, and are much cheaper from various sources CISA Q/A CD-ROM in English- 2011- Recommended not Required, Code CDB11 CISA Review Questions, Answers, and Explanations- 2011 Recommended not Required, Code CDB11W CISA Review Questions (Supplement) 2011 Recommended not Requir ed, Code QAE11ES (Note If you buy CDB11, you dont have to buy CDB11W and QAE11ES) Grading Mid-Term .. . 35% Term Paper .. .. .. 20% Final Exam .. .. 35% Class Participation .. .. 10% Please note With the exception of documented medical emergencies, there will be no make-ups for any test. More than three (3) non-excused absences are considered as an automatic withdrawal from the course. (Please let me know, IN ADVANCE, if you cannot attend a class because of a legitimate emergency). Note Power Point Slides and Class Handouts will be available on professors disk (STJs S Drive). There is no bump off campus access to this drive, therefore, you should copy these files into a diskette for your own use at home.Professor may also decide to use other electronic means to engineer the handouts to the students. Ranges for Grades A = 93. 1 to 100 A- = 90. 1 to 93. 0 B+ = 87. 1 to 90. 0 B = 84. 1 to 87. 0 B- = 80. 1 to 84. 0 C+ = 77. 1 to 80. 0 C = 74. 1 to 77. 0 C- = 70. 1 to 74. 0 D+ = 67. 1 to 70. 0 (Undergrads only) D = 64. 1 to 67. 0 (Undergrads only) D- = 60. 1 to 64. 0 (Undergrads only) F = below 60. 0 WEEKLY CLASS SCHEDULES Note There is a strong possibility that sequence of coverage of chapters might change. Week CHAPTER DESCRIPTION 1,2 instructor Handouts (PP Financial Auditing, Operational Auditing, IT Auditing, Forensics auditing, role of IIA, ISACA, decks) certifications of CIA and CISA IT technical refresher Introduction to IT Auditing Theory and Practice of Controls 3 CRM arena 1 IS Audit Process 4 CRM Domain 1 IS Audit Process 5 CRM Domain 2 IT Governance 6 CRM Domain 2 IT Governance 7 CRM Domain 3 arranging and groundwork Lifecycle Management (mid-term) 8 CRM Domain 3 System and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management 9 CRM Domain 4 IT Service Delivery and Support 10 CRM Domain 4 IT Service Delivery and Support 11 CRM Domain 5 IS Asset protection- security 12 CRM Domain 3 IS Asset protection- security 13 Rain/Snow Day C ontingency Business Continuity and Disaster recovery 14 Finals Finals (Cumulative from ALL domains) (35 points) Course Outline for ACC 624 Domain 1- The IS Audit Process IS Auditing Standards and Guidelines, Performing an IS Audit, Control Self Assessment, Emerging changes in IS Audit Process.Domain 2- IT Governance Policies and Procedures, Risk Management, Information Systems Management Practices (Personnel Management, Sourcing Practices, Organizational Change Management), Organizational expression and Responsibilities (IS Roles and Responsibilities, Segregation of Duties, Auditing IT Governance Structure and Implementation. Domain 3-Systems and Infrastructure Life Cycle Management Project management structure and Practices, Business Application Development (Traditional SDLC phases, alter Application Development Approaches), Infrastructure Development / science in Practices, Information Systems Maintenance Practices, System Development Tools and Productivity Aids, Application Controls, Auditing Application Controls, Auditing System Development, Acquisition and Maintenance, Business Application Systems E-Commerce, EDI, POS, Electronic Systems, EFT, ATM, Image Processing etc.Domain 4- IT Service Delivery and Support IS Operations, IS Hardware, IS Architecture and Software, IS Network Infrastructure (OSI model, LAN-WAN, wireless, N/W Administration and Controls), Auditing Infrastructure and Operations. Domain 5- Protection of Information Assets Information Security Management, Logical adit Exposures and Controls, N/W Infrastructure Security, Auditing Information Security Framework, Environmental Exposures and Controls, Physical Access Exposures and Controls. Domain 6- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery BC and DR Planning (BCP process, BCP incidence management, recovery strategies, developing a BCP, organization and assignment of responsibilities, components of BCP, Plan Testing, sculptural relief and Restoration, Auditing DR and BC Plan. pic
Friday, May 24, 2019
How Does the Concentration of Sucrose Solution Effect Thr Mass and Length of a Piece of Potato
What is osmosis? Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules through a semi permeable membrane. Why is it important? It is important to chi squeeze oute what Osmosis is, and to understand it so that we understand what we are measuring, and so that we can use this understanding to apply to other situations so that we can gain further knowledge. We can also use this understanding to analyse our results. What we entrust do We will put potato pieces of similar sizes in to test tubes of different concentrations of sucrose solution, and vizor any changes in mass and length. Affecting FactorsThere are a number of factors which can affect our results. We need to keep them all the same, and make certainly that the only thing that changes is the concentration of the sucrose solution. These factors include Starting length of potato Volume of Sucrose solution Temperature of potato Temperature of Sucrose solution age we left the potato in the Sucrose solution for To control these facto rs, We will measure from each one piece of potato before the experiment, and make sure each piece is the same length. We will also measure out the volume of sucrose solution each time.We will also leave the potato pieces in the solution for the same amount of time. We could also have measured the temperature of the sucrose solution and of the potato to make sure the temperature was always the same. However, we decided not to do this as we had a limited amount of time to conduct our experiment in, and we did not want to rush the rest otherwise we might have make a mistake, or been less accurate with either measuring the potato length and mass, volume of sucrose solution, or recording our results. PredictionBased on what I know about osmosis, I hazard that the higher the concentration of sucrose solution, the more the potato mass and length will decrease. I think this based on my knowledge of osmosis. If I am correct, then when the water concentration in the potato is higher than th e water concentration of the sucrose solution, the water will try and spread out, and will leave the potato, therefore, making the potato mass and length sharper. When the water concentration is the same in the potato as in the sucrose solution, the potato mass and length will stay the same because the water concentration will be balanced.When the water concentration in the potato is lower that in the sucrose solution, the water will try to balance out, and the potatos mass and length increase as it absorbs water. unless water will go between the potato and the solution as the potato acts as a semi-permeable membrane where only water molecules are small enough to pass through, whereas, starch and sucrose are too large to pass through this membrane. Hopefully, my prediction will be shown in my results, but they will have to be very accurate and reliable to truly prove this, and for it to be more than just coincidence. pic
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How Is John Proctor Presented in the Crucible Essay
The way in which the protagonist, John reminder, is presented in The Crucible evenhandedly changes throughout the play. Firstly, he is presented as quite dominant and violent, however as the story progresses, he is presented still as a violent character barely a much more likeable one. He is also one to go with his first instincts, and has a lot of pride. These two characteristics are the main factors that adept to Proctors downfall.The first expectation in which Proctor is introduced is set in Reverend Parris house. Upon entering, the first line he speaks in the play is Be you foolish, Mary rabbit warren? Be you deaf? I forbid you to leave the house, did I non? Mary clearly feels intimidated by Proctor, as even before he speaks she leaps with fright. This suggests that Proctor is an important man in Salem society and that he has a good reputation. On the other hand, when he says I am looking for you more often than my cows the audience starts to see that Proctor is a rather hu morous and charismatic person. As the play progresses however, Proctor becomes slight like this and more miserable. This therefore creates a large impact on the audience as they see him quickly change from the way he was at the beginning of the play.The next part of this scene sees Proctor speaking to the antagonist of the play, Abigail Williams. The scene introduces Proctors main Hamartia, which is that he cheated on his married woman Elizabeth with Abigail. divide of animal imagery is used in this scene, for example, Abigail uses the phrase sweated like a stallion and Proctor refers to what Abigail said about him as a wild issue to say. This symbolises the fact that Proctor acts on his first impulses is an animalistic manner, the way he acted solely upon his lust for Abigail without giving it any proper thought. As the scene progresses, the affair that Proctor had with Abigail is slowly implied to the audience through the flirtatious dialogue which the two share, and through li nes such as you know me better. The audience empennage therefore establish throughout the scene that Abigail is the antagonist and that the fact that Proctor slept with her will be the cause of his downfall.At the start of act two, Proctor is presented as a man of quite a violent nature, and the audience also starts to see how the relationship between him and his wife, Elizabeth, is failing. As he opens the door and enters, there is a sense of a change of atmosphere in the house as Proctor can be seen carrying his gun. This represents the more aggressive nature of Proctor in contrast to Elizabeths more gentle nature, as she is softly singing to the children. This noniceable difference in character between Proctor and his wife starts to inform the audience that their relationship could be quite poor, without the dialogue even starting. The gun could also represent Proctors impulsive nature and his tendency to solve things with violence.In the final scene of The Crucible, Proctor re fuses to confess to witchcraft to save his life, as he is much too proud to do so. He yells to Danforth, You will not use me He would much rather keep his pride and his reputation and therefore be hanged than be used to justify the deaths of other people convicted of witchcraft. At this point in the play, the audience is starting to like Proctor and so the scene is full of suspense as we conclude that Proctor is certainly passing to die. After he has refused to confess, he says I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor, suggesting that after(prenominal) all of his sins, this is the only good thing he has done in his life. Proctor therefore goes to his fate, still maintaining his reputation and his pride.In conclusion, John Proctor is presented as a classic example of the protagonist of a tragedy, and also as an allegory for the people who would refuse to confess to being involved in communism, and top up the names of other people involved in communist groups during the time of McCarthyism. He is presented as very proud and instinctive, and he will not go against what he thinks in right, even to save his own life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Project Management Essay
Moving forward to begin the process of managing the trade show confuse for LRH Products, it is important that altogether aspects of the process are performed correctly and efficiently. After studying the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and the nine knowledge landing fields, I have ascertained that the future(a) three areas are of utmost importance to the success of this project Project judgment of conviction Management, Project Human Resource Management, and Project Communications Management.Project Time Management, which contains the sub-areas of Activity Definition, Activity Sequencing, and Activity Duration Estimating is a very important part of planning for the trade show. Activity Definition is perhaps the most of import aspect of this area. If this step is not thoroughly researched and each(prenominal) scenarios accounted for, it can impact the rest of the planning activities. It is essential to remember that training is one activity which must(prenominal) be powerful time managed and added to the schedule, as well. Even one forgotten item can put the constitutional project behind schedule.Unfortunately, if time is not managed properly, in that respect can be no extensions to the trade show date. Activity Sequencing is a bit less important although it must also be presumptuousness careful consideration. Oftentimes, the performance of one activity hinges on the completion of another so little regard to this area could also impact the time to discover all(prenominal) required activities. Activity Duration Estimating can be one of the trickiest parts of the planning process, especially for a new manager who has no first-hand put through dealing with the assigned personnel and little or no knowledge of resource availability.Oftentimes, managers will respond to questions regarding time in an optimistic manner, believing that this is what their superiors expect to hear. It does no good to anyone involved to seriously underestimate t he amount of time required and can add undue stress to those assigned tasks with no rely of completing them according to schedule as well as detrimentally affecting motivation and commitment. It is vital to always allow enough time to fulfil all that needs to be done as well as accounting for changes which may hamper progress. Of course, as uncertainty declines, the time estimate becomes eer more accurate (Billows, 2006).Project Human Resource Management entails Organizational Planning, Staff acquirement, and Team Development. This is important in that one person cannot perform all tasks and requires the help of a team. According to Trade Show Advisor (2008), the effectiveness of your exhibit team can make or break your success at any given show. Deciding on who is beat out equipped to handle each activity is vital, although when large amounts of personnel are needed (depending on the size of the trade show) it may be demand to train staff members who might not have prior expe rience.Particularly for a new manager, it is best to assign tasks based on areas of strength for instance, it is known that Pat enjoys updating the collateral. This is a perfect assignment for Pat, then, and the effective manager will base goal times on completion around this employees schedule vacation in order to ensure it is performed effectively. Dealing with Terry, who can make travel arrangements merely often makes mistakes in setting them up, means additional time considerations to perform follow-up on Terrys work to check for accuracy. Staff Acquisition is another area of consideration.Due to the limited amount of time each assigned employee is available to devote to the project and keeping in mind that unannounced circumstances, such as illness or personal emergencies may occur, it is always wise to have a selection of personnel from which to select as back-up. Ensuring that all staff members are on the same page and communicating frequently will aid in Team Development. Everyone involved must realize that this project is a team effort and commit to doing whatever is necessary to accomplish goals. As well, it is critical to encourage honest and open communication so that there are no surprises as the project nears its end.Staff members must know that it is all right to admit they are not going to make a deadline, in order for the project manager to come up with alternatives before it is too late to fix. Project Communications Management is by far the most important area of the project management plan. A loss of, or breakdown in, communication can have disastrous results for the entire project. If not properly managed, lost or missing communication can mean the staff attending the show are unprepared, or do not have the necessary resources.Within this broad category are the areas of Communication Planning, learning Distribution, Performance Reporting, and Administrative Closure. Communication Planning deciding who needs to know what is a upshot best addressed carefully. It takes the ability to look at the big picture to best determine who must stay in the loop. Oftentimes, it is assumed that a tiddler player, such as an administrative assistant, need not be communicated with as much, or as often, as others, but this can be a pitch-black mistake.Remember that support staff left behind during the trade show itself are the only lifeline between clients and absent sales managers. It is also a good idea to have one staff member who is not attending the show to be fully informed of all activities in the project. Information Distribution is also a key component, especially when deciding how to communicate vital information. It is important to ensure that all team members receive communications in a timely manner and let the project manager know it has been received to avoid later problems or excuses.Similarly, Progress Reporting is an additional area in which it is vital to ensure the manager is working with the most up-to-date information and that all personnel are aware of how their progress, or lack thereof, impacts the entire project. Administrative Closure is the final step in communication of the project. This is where the manager is held accountable for the success of the trade show and the resulting sales leads which must be followed up on after its conclusion.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Great Filipino Music Artists (80ââ¬Ã¢¢s â⬠Present) Essay
Basil ValdezLike many Filipino singers in the 1970s, Valdez started solo on his career as a folk singer. In 1972, he joined the Circus Band and after it was disbanded, he released Ngayon at Kailanman, his first solo album. In the Circus Band, he met Ryan Cayabyab, who was then part of other band. When Valdez was preparing his album Ngayon at Kailanman, he asked Cayabyab to give a few songs, he did. Cayabyab stands as Valdezs musical director for 27 familys. In the 80s, Valdez republished himself as a singer of movie theme songs some of them are Paano Ba Ang Mangarap, Muling Buksan Ang Puso and Paraisong Parisukat. A circumstance which sidelined his singing career occurred in 1990, when he found himself as a healer. Valdez then sought the guidance of his Jesuit friends. They explained to him that he has gift of healing.Ryan CayabyabA great Filipino music artist known as the executive director and Artistic Director of the defunct San Miguel Foundation for the Performing Arts. He was also a resident judge for the solo season of Philippine Idol in 2006. A versatile artist with his works ranging from commissi geniusd full-length ballets, theater musicals, choral pieces, a Mass set to unaccompanied chorus/congregation, and orchestral pieces, to commercial message arrangings of popular music, film scores and television specials. Cayayabs current project includes the Ryan Cayabyab Singers (RCS), a chemical group of seven young adult singers comparable similar his group Smokey Mountain in the early 90s. After FreemantleMedia decided not to renew the Philippine Idol franchise, Cayabyab decided to transfer to rival show Pinoy Dream academy (Season 2), replacing Jim Paredes as the shows headmaster. PDA 2 started on June 14, 2008.Nonoy ZuigaNonoy Zs singing career spans more than 3 decades as a folksinger from 1971 to 1975 and then as one of the lead singers of the Family Birth Control Bandwhich performed in the best nightspots and hotels like Philippine Plaza, Holi day Inn and the capital of the Philippines Hotel from 1975-1980. To hone his skill, he took special spokesperson training from the late Aurelio Estanislao, a well-known tenor singer and music-voice professor at the University of the Philippines.With his clear baritone voice he started to attract the attention of music buffs. His style and rendition of different songs especially love songs made him acquire a number of distinct awards,Bayang BarriosLumad origin, innate(p) on June 12, 1986. A Filipino musician who hails from Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, and is known for her use of indigenous instruments and styles. In 2005, Barrios song Isipin Mo Na Lang was used in end credit of the indie Filipino film Ang Pagdadalaga Ni Maximo Oliveros (The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros). In September 2008, she launched her fourth album entitled Biyaya.Ramon JacintoJacinto has always tried to put music and business organisation together. He started to enter the world of entrepreneurship at the young a ge of 15. He built up his first enterprise called RJ Enterprises, a company which dealt with producing and release records. RJ Enterprises pioneered multi-track recording in the country and eventually became the primary studio choice for many artists and advertising agencies at that time. Two years later, Jacinto ventured to establish what would become a legendary radio space in the Philippine broadcasting industry DZRJ.It served as a venue for on-air experiments of radio concepts which were never heard before in Philippine entertainment history. Manned by students, mostly coming from Jacintos high school class, the radio station introduced alternative music to the Filipino youth. It was the first station to play songs from careen legends such as the Beatles, the Ventures and the Beachboys. The radio station also gave emphasis on playing the music of local talent. Apart from DZRJ, Jacinto also set up the now defunct, DZUW.Pepe Smitha Filipino singer-songwriter, drummer, and gui tarist. More commonly known alternately as Joey Smith and Pepe Smith, he is an icon of original Filipino rock music or Pinoy Rock.Gary ValencianoBorn 6 August 1964, better known as Gary Valenciano or Gary V., is a Filipino musician. Also known as Mr. Pure Energy, Valenciano has released 26 albums, and won the Awit Awards for Best Male Performer eleven times. In 1998, he became UNICEF Philippines first National Ambassador. His most notable songs include Di pile up Na Lang (Never mind), Eto Na Naman (Here we go again), Sana Maulit Muli (Hope it repeats again), Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos? (Does God sleep), Gaya ng Dati (Just like before), Pasko Na, Sinta Ko (Its Christmas already, my love), and Narito (Here). He is currently part of ABS-CBN contract actors, and is frequently tapped to sing theme songs for the networks strap operas and films.Fr. Eduardo HontiverosFr. Honti, as he is fondly known, was educated at the Capiz Elementary School and the pre-war Ateneo de Manila in Padre Faura, graduating from high school in 1939. From 1939 to 1945 he was at San Jose Seminary. He entered the Society of Jesus after the war in 1945, pronouncing first vows at Sacred Heart Novitiate in Novaliches in June 1947. He finished his studies of philosophy there and then proceeded to Ateneo de Zamboanga for his three-year regency, teaching religion, Latin, and English, and moderating the Choir String Band. In 1951, he traveled to the United States to study theology, and was ordained in 1954 by Francis Cardinal Spellman.After earning a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, he returned to teach in the Philippines in 1958. He marked final vows in the Society of Jesus in 1960. Fr. Hontis initiatives have been recognized with the Ateneo de Manila Universitys Tanglaw ng Lahi Award (1976), the Asian Catholic Publishers large(p) Catholic Author (1992), and the Papal award Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (2000), among many other awards and citations. He suffered another major stroke in early January 2008, and diedon January 15th. At his funeral Mass at the Ateneos Church of the Gesu, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was present to honor him with the Presidential Medal of Merit (awarded posthumously).Fr. Manoling FranciscoFr. Manoling Francisco SJ entered the Society of Jesus after second year in college in 1985. As a child he had aspired to be a concert pianist nevertheless he decided to discontinue his mere piano training at the age of 14 to devote his time to school and socio-civic activities. It was in his First Year High that he composed Hindoo Kita Malilimutan. has been popularized by Mr. Basil Valdez. During the past 17 years he has composed more than a hundred and fifty songs such as Tanging Yaman, Sa Yo Lamang are beingness sung all over the country indeed, whatever there are Filipinos gathered together in prayer and liturgical celebration. Today, he is easily one of the most gifted musicians in the country.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Coca Cola Organization
The coca plant pot participation, founded in 1886 in Atlanta, the United States, is the creations largest nonalcoholic swallow order. Coca sens currently owns and foodstuffs much than 500 beverage brands (Anonymous, 2010), including waters, sports and energy drinks, juices, tea and coffee, which ar distri scarcelyed in over 200 countries throughout the world.A enormous with Coca skunk, the keep community in any case owns Sprite, Fanta and Diet Coke, which ar four of the worlds top five nonalcoholic beverage brands (Anonymous, 2010). As a attach to with a tale of over 120 years, the Coca Cola Company now has an operational building with seven operating segments and slightlywhat 139,600 worldwide employees (Anonymous, 2010). Today, Coca Cola has subsidiaries around the world and has developed its own management and dispersion system.The relative data and evidences shown in the following analysis will illustrate the effectiveness of the current body social organ ization model of Coca Cola and how managers of Coca Cola applied the hybrid structure to manage the subsidiaries in various regions efficiently and the strategy of decentalisation to reduce the management cost and improve shore leave of these contrasting departments. Further more than, Coca Cola value its unique organizational culture and has set different mission, vision and value to guide the organization, the segments, and its teams.These invisible forces have been serving as the Roadmap for the union to achieve the long-term goals. In the sulphur part of the report of the company culture, facts and stories mentioned would give examples and interpret how the liability of a strong culture could electrical shock Coca Colas competitiveness and why it is so primary(prenominal) for Coca Cola to comprehend customers unavoidably in order to lay out more customer-orientated organizational culture rather than outcome-oriented culture. Organizational StructureCoca Cola is a typi cal complex organization by having seven operative units in geographical beas around the world, six functional departments being responsible for different tasks and a diversified grind force from different nations. Additionally, a combined characteristic of Mechanism and Organism is also one of most representative features of complexity. beneath this structure, employees on a lower floorside non only improve their performance to the maximum level, but they also help the company expand global market and adapt the changing environment.The Coca Cola Company currently employs approximately 139,600 employees (Anonymous, 2010). According to a general organizational chart stemmed from the companys website, the division of labor is found on diverse job designs which exist specific rules and regulations to direct employees and managers. There are at least 5 hierarchical levels in the corporate. At all(prenominal) level, for instance, one regional director supervises slightly 10 su bordinates on average therefore, the span of control is fairly wide.And based on the information of its website, the geographic regions are broken down into the diverse units that are located round the world, which are mainly pairing America, Middle East, Asia, atomic number 63, Eurasia, Latin America and finally Africa. And then, each subunit has its own organizational structure based on functional departmentalization. For example, in North America, its major departments are marketing, finance, and packaging, sales, and research and development administration.In addition to that, in terms of the division of the authority, originally, the company has a more centralized structure, which the decision is mainly made by a high-level management, and the communication is restricted referable to the hierarchy of the authority. However, as Coca Cola encounters shiftful environments when it expands of its business, the organization realizes that it must meet the changing demands of its c ustomers to win their business.Thus, Coca Cola began to push towards decentralization in the nineties and even more recently (Fox, 2007), which means that decisions are made on a more local level and communication offer spread freely to quickly react to conspicuous market demands. Simultaneously, higher-level management go off have the authority to outlet control of the overall strategies and concentrate on the companys distal goal. The Coca Cocas big success is not only collect to its continuing effort on producing different beverage, but also its moderate organizational structure plays a salient role.Firstly, because the Coca Cola Company, based on the annual report, has over 400 products, the product structure seems to be too costly and unrealistic to implement. Therefore, the multidivisional structure is an appropriate structure and brings benefit for the company. A remarkable strength of this structure tooshie allow the company to react to changing and uncertain environme nts while also maintaining a level of stability. Moreover, the specific decision and strategy can be made by regional managers to suit particular situation of one area without triggering some conflicts.For example, when one region wants to conduct a specific marketing promotional strategy which is not be appropriate for another region due to the diverse marketing environment, so decisions about specific marketing tactics are made close together(predicate) to that region. And thirdly, indoors each region, the structure is mainly divided based on the functional departmentalization, and undoubtedly, communication among each functional units members is free and efficient because of the same knowledge and expertise. Thus, the work and decision can be done more efficiently.Another big beauty of its structure is the mix of both centralization and decentralization to run the business. According to an article Changes in the Organization of Work An Empirical Assessment stemmed from a journa l of International Conference Proceedings, it concludes that a more decentralized hierarchy improves coordination and reduce monitoring costs. And eventually, since employees are guaranteed more flexibleness from the work put ups, more job satisfaction can be acquired through more tasks autonomy and responsibilities.As a result, it will lead to complementarily effects, which productivity gains can arise. From this perspective, Coca Cola seems to get benefits from this structure transfigure. On one hand, a centralized structure remained at top level is to help senior managers take control of power and provide a distal goal for the entirely organization. On the other hand, energy decentralization also works wholesome in the local units. Because employees can perform tasks from beginning to the end, they can figure out problems and have opinions through the working process.And, additionally, under the decentralized structure, the communication is freely flowing. Employees are more encouraged to express opinions and provide recommendations for companys operation at the weekly me eting, and gradually, a participative and communicative environment is formed which leads to employees job satisfaction and organizational commitment. An article appeared in Business Europe (Bogomolny, 2004) had the following information According to Jon Chandler, director of communications for Europe, the responsibility for getting it right and for profit is firm at the local level (p. ). Obviously, productivity increased and company gets the profit in return via this structure. To sum of money up, it appears that the Coca Cola Company is pursuing for a hybrid structure, which take advantages of both mechanistic and primitive structures, while trying to minimize negative effects of each. According to the research above, it seems that the organization works well after all the changes implemented. However, after the in-depth analysis of the organizational structure, one subtle rec ommendation can be addressed.According to Committee on Management and Productivity, it is beneficial for all levels of company to put various customers needs into consideration when designing organizational structure So although the Coca-Cola possesses a hybrid structure, its structure does not adequately focus on the customer side. In order to delivering the best value to customers, a part of structure needs to serve the customers in terms of dividing them into different generations. The reason for this suggestion is that customers are picky and are facing abundant choices of beverage currently, and they also more care about their health. Jones, 2007) Thus, a more conservative decision will be made by customers while purchasing the beverage. Reasonably, if the Coca-Cola Company should focus more on customers to analyze their preference based on different segments, and provides adequate relevant training which guide the employees to deliver satisfied good and service to customers. Consequently, the company can produce the ideal beverage to poke out the expectation of different generation, and may acquire a profitable benefit in return. Organizational CultureOne of the most important building blocks for the high success of the Coca Cola Company is its organizational culture. The culture of the Coca Cola Company is mission-driven focused on re immaterialing the mind, inspiring optimism, and making a difference (thecoca-colacompany. com). This constant mission facilitates Coca Cola in creating inception, people orientation, diversity and an hard-hitting culture since John Pemberton founded it in 1886. The Coca Cola Company has reached its current strong culture through decades effort.Employees share the common values that the company provides leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity, and quality (thecoca-colacompany. com). In 2004, the Coca Cola Company came to a reinvigorating stage. E. Neville Isdell was nominated as the w ise chairman of the board and CEO of the Coca Cola Company. Due to the health and wellness trend, increase aspiration in the beverage industry and a series of top leadership changes, Coca Cola had been experiencing hugely decreasing soft drink sales.By engaging in an blossom forth dialogue about the companys values and future development among 150 managers from worldwide divisions, a in the altogether vision for the sustainable product has emerged (Andrew Martin, 2007). This new vision achieved an ravening marketing strategy by refreshing the coke brand and fit(p) particular stress on advertisement and product development (Andrew Martin, 2007). From the perspective of the dimensions of the culture, Coca Cola wants to be innovative while they are risk-averse. The company becomes more open and flexible since it gives its employees more rights.It remains aggressive at sales. Lastly, after the 2004 change, the company has become stable and gotten rid of its previous dysfunctional status (Andrew Martin, 2007). Ultimately, the company is measured by its stock value, which saw prominent increases through the rest of 2005 (see graph 1 in vermiform appendix). In general, the current culture of Coca Cola Company is very effective. Based on the theory of organizational culture and effectiveness, a practical organizational culture has four fundamental traits fight, consistency, adaptability, and mission (Denision and Mishra, 1995).Two of these traits, involvement and consistency, are indicators of openness, flexibility and responsiveness, and are strong predictors of growth. After the changes in 2004, Coca Cola Company favors increasing face-to-face interaction, providing more constructive feedbacks and generating an ideas sharing atmosphere. All of those improvements and changes allow Coca Cola getting open and flexible. Additionally, due to organization focuses more on the opinions and thoughts from lower level of employees, and grants them power to make thei r own choices under certain level.The communication and awareness in Coca Cola increase from 65% to 76% (Dianne, 2008). openness and flexibility contribute significantly to the vision of driving long-term sustainable growth by accelerating innovation and employees engagement and satisfaction. The other two traits, consistency and mission, are not only indicators of integration, direction and vision, but also are break out predictors of profitability (Denision and Mishra, 1995). The culture of Coca Cola is guided by its stomach mission, which is to be the largest beverage company in the world since it was founded in 1886.This clear objective directs both employers and employees to occasion values and make differences for organization. Besides, the vision of Coca Cola, which is people, portfolio, profit, partners, planet, profit and productivity, declares that the employees need to achieve sustainable growth and great wampum. Overall, the culture in Coca Cola Company properly ref lects four traits, and fosters the effectiveness in the whole organization. What is more, both before and after the change, the company has been emphasized the aggressiveness on sales for a long time.It is easy to arouse some immoral competitions amongst the companies and the employees. But after the implementation of the manifesto for change policy (Gordon, 2008), which is aimed to improve environment responsibilities, self-discipline at corporate level and social responsibilities. Therefore, the ethic of the organization has been improved significantly, which makes the Coca Cola Company a better and more stable workplace. However, there are two shortcomings in the current culture. First, the Coca Cola Company has hesitated to reinvest and take risks.In 2005, the Coca Cola Company introduced 2 new products, the Coke Zero and the Diet Coke. Luckily, the Diet Coke took the Pepsi colas place and became the No. 2 soda in the US. Unfortunately, the company only improved its product bas ed on its original products. Although Coca Cola has raised the new missions of carrying out health and fitness, due to its subway to change and one step slower than Pepsi, it has merely no effect. This is exactly the liability of strong cultureresistance to change. Considering the long run sustainable growth, the company should encourage innovation and all employees participation.At first, reduce barriers of information flows within the organization. Managers must make sure that people can access resources whenever they need. Secondly, reward employees for practical ideas. Management should not only provide premium to creativity ideas, but try to find out and stratify employees interior needs. Thirdly, participation can incessantly help to overcome resistance to innovation. When employees actually involve into the organization, they would realize some flaws of existing products. And this will stimulate them to get fascinating thoughts and ideas.Lastly, it is necessary to get supp orts and encouragements from managers. Moreover, company can introduce new members to speed up the change because new blood can always bring fresh visions into organization. Second, currently, the Coca Cola Company is outcome orientation and aggressive on sales. In order to contain with its new culture, the company should better move towards the strong establishment of basic values and assumption. Therefore, the company can turn to other direction and explode a new dimension of culture for a better fit.First of all, pay more attention to the customers and employees by fulfilling the healthy ideas and assumptions penetrated to them level by level and gradually, they can breastfeed those views to establish a norm which is to chase a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, since the brand has already been highly recognizable, what the company needs to do next is to animate the brand. By taking actions of inventing some rituals and create more stories, it can also set up some employee orientatio ns to share the work experiences and internalize the organization basic assumptions.Moreover, the company needs to bring in more new members in order to better change the aggressive culture to a friendlier one. In conclusion, it is always difficult for companies to change their business culture, especially for Coca Cola, a large and stable organization with a hundred years of history. In order to keep outgrowth and thriving, Coca Cola should try to look ahead and make internal changes to adapt to the outer environment. In fact, whether introducing new cultures or changing the current culture, managers should first let these values or beliefs infiltrate the organizational members minds.Only when these values and beliefs are commonly accepted by the organizational members, can they form a new culture. However, peoples values are hard to change. By increasing communication with employees, rewarding sexually attractive behaviors, encouraging participation and offering necessary suppor t, Coca Colas managers can avoid supererogatory losses. Moreover, proper structure design can benefit large multinational corporations like Coca Cola by allocating resources and assigning personnel more efficiently and effectively.Decentralization of the organizations structure offers more flexibility to Coca Colas local subsidiaries in different regions and can also reduce conflicts between departments. A hybrid structure requires Coca Cola to develop more understanding of customers needs, which is the most important force to push the organization forward. Overall, the analysis mentioned above illustrates that a strong business culture should always remain responsive to change, and a well-designed corporate structure is important for the organizational effectiveness. Reference Bogomolny, L. (2004). Thirst for change. Canadian Business, Vol. 77 Culhane, D. (2008, February). Blog logs a culture change Coca-Colas short-term Blog Blast takes the pulse of employees on key company value s. Communication world. Retrieved from http//www. entrepreneur. com/tradejournals/article/173021690. html Denison, R. D. , Mishra, K. A. (1995). Toward a Theory of Organizational Culture Effectiveness. inside 10. 1287/orsc. 6. 2. 204 Fox, A. (2007, November). Refreshing a beverage companys culture. HR Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 11. Retrieved from http//www. shrm. org/Publications/hr snip/PastIssues/2007/Pages/200711. spx Foust, D. (2006, August 7). Queen of pop. BusinessWeek, Retrieved from http//www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/06_32/b3996401. htm Gordon, D. (2010). Manifesto For Change. Retrieved from http//www. scribd. com/doc/24111308/Manifesto-for-Change Macarthur, K. (2004, May 10). Hiring of Isdell is classic Coca-Cola. Advertising Age. 75, 3-68. Martin, A. (May 27, 2007). Coke Struggles to Keep Up With expeditious Rivals. Retrieved from http//www. nytimes. com/2007/05/27/business/yourmoney/27coke. html? pagewanted=1sqst=nytscp=87 Martin, B. Wilcox, S. Harris, R. 2000). Committee on Management and Productivity. Transportation look into Board, NW Washington, DC. McKay, B. , Terhune, C. (2004). Bottled up behind Cokes CEO travails A long struggle over strategy although profits are strong, rivals are gaining cachet all-star board calls shots search for a red bull fighter. Wall lane Journal (Eastern Edition), A1. Radic. D. (2004). An Enterprise Odyssey. International Conference Proceedings. p. I. 27. Solar site index. (2007). Retrieved from http//www. solarnavigator. net/sponsorship/coca_cola_chairman_neville_isdell. tm The Coca Cola Company. (2011). Retrieved from http//www. 123HelpMe. com/view. asp? id=148943. The Coca Cola Company. (2010). Retrieved from http//www. thecoca-colacompany. com/careers/unique_culture. html http//www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values. html The Coca Cola Company. (2010). Forward Looking Statements. Retrieved from http//www. thecoca-colacompany. com/investors/pdfs/10-K_2010/03_Coca-Cola_Item1. pdf Appendix Chart 1 Quarterly Stock Price Chart (2001-2010) Retrieved from http//www. thecoca-colacompany. com/
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Environmental Factors Essay
There ar many environmental factors that affect the global and domestic help selling strategies of organizations. What is necessary is an assessment of the ships companys attempts at positioning its product to meet the needinesss of an undisclosed market. Environmental factors always affect the domestic and external marketing performance of companies in many environments. What environmental factors do is that they shape and set targets on the entry and operational decisions of coca green goddess Limited.Established in 1886, coca plant Cola owns four of the earths top five nonalcoholic beverages, operates in over two hundred countries and serves over whiz point five billion consumers locally and international. The environmental factors that coca plant Cola has to battle with include the take aim of competition, cultural attributes, consumer characteristics, political and legal concerns. These factors sire an impact on both the potential local and international marketing fun ctions of the company. One factor affecting the marketing decisions of Coca Cola is competition among alcoholic beverages.These private-enterprise(a) factors include pricing, advertising, production innovation and brand and trademark maturement and protection. Of interest to us is the fact that star of Coca Colas major competitors is PepsiCo. The marketing decisions of the company pose to be guided strategically beca occasion it impacts on the actual sales levels of the firm. Coca Cola continues to maintain a cutting edge in the industry because it continues to uphold its hallmarked values of refresh the world, inspiring moments of optimism and creating value through making a difference. ethnic also has a part to play in the marketing decisions of Coca Cola. Of later, governments across the world have been placing pressure on beverage companies to regulate alcohol content because they affect consumers thinking. While Coca Cola does not have to fight up with this cultural implica tion, it may have to attend to mean of re-establishing consumer loyalty. For example, Marketing Coca-Cola in chinawargon has been a long and trying road. Firstly opening bottling plants in imprint and Tianjin in 1927 and then a third plant opened in Qingdao in 1930, Coca had a fight gaining a solid marketing lead.After a 30-year absence from the country, The Coca-Cola Company re-entered China in 1979, following the re-establishment of relations between China and the United States. Coca-Cola was the first American consumer product to return to China and is doing very well today. Another environmental factor affecting Coca Colas development of effective marketing tools and campaigns across the world is legal requirements for entry and set up. All multinational companies are forced to abide by laws requiring high tax entries although maximum profits are to be repatriated.It is Coca Colas policy to comply to consumer protection laws, occupational, health and safety acts, and local sta tues and regulations concerning advertising, transportation, distribution and solid food and safety laws. Additionally, Coca Colas principle challenge was is water resource management which in some countries is bound by legalities. In 2004, the company was forced to take a major shout in reducing the potential impact of climatic damage via the use of coolers and vending machines. So that relations with legal implications enabled Coca Cola to adapt a marketing strategy that analyzes its social responsibility.The end end of that was Coca Cola, partnering with the United Nations Environment Programme and Greenpeace International as a means of finding inseparable refrigerants. Explain how technology impacts the organizations marketing decisions. Coca Cola decisions have been affected by the impact of technology. In an interview done by a researcher, he commented that as industry leaders it is Coca Colas responsibility to invest in the research and development necessary to develop e conomically executable and commercially available refrigeration solutions to take us toward an HFC-free, climate-friendly future.We hope that other companies will join our freight to sustainable refrigeration. By working together, we can continue to reduce the impact of commercial equipment on the environment. It is open that Inorder for Coca Cola to remain a leader in the beverage industry there was the need to re-examine its products and production processes its packaging, design, equipment and quality assurance. Coca Cola attempts to strike a balance between the use of modern and traditional technologies depending on the marketing initiative and project location.Interestingly, with the launch of eKOfreshment, Coca Cola employ more than ten different technological options to amend its environmental performance, regulatory compliance and overall monetary value and operational costs. The end result of using technology as a point of reference for marketing is the winning of the United States Environmental Protection Agencys Climate Protection Award for their give voice efforts in promoting the development of environmentally friendly commercial refrigeration technology through the creation of the refrigerants by nature coalition.So that as Coca Cola evolves with technology its marketing habits and values change to accommodate consumer characteristics and behaviours. Of peachy importance to Coca Cola is their social responsibility and ethical considerations of which its management has found to be a contributing factor to the development of a strong marketing campaign globally. In analyzing its importance, we must consider the companys priority its marketplace, workplace, environment and community. To us, this is a key side Coca Cola has opted to have social responsibility as a sub heading to their website.In the marketplace, they take pride in quality, marketing more than 450 brands and over 2,800 beverage products, just still living up to giving our con sumers a choice of still or sparking beverages that refresh, hydrate, energize or nourish. Our ethical value is that each of those products must be of the highest quality and must meet consumers changing tastes, needs and expectations. In each of the more than 200 countries where we operate, Coca Cola is an active member of the stock community, working hand in hand with local individuals, merchants and governments to improve the health and prosperity of the local economy and environment.We know that the continued health and sustainable growth of our business depends on the long-term health of the communities that surround it. After all, we need healthy consumers, communities, environments and economies for our business to thrive. So we raise human right laws in the workplace as our business ultimately depends on the combined talents, skills, knowledge, determine and passion make Coca Cola who it is.Wherever Coca Cola operates, it seeks to get involved in the work of communities, governmental organizations and NGOs to create and support projects most relevant to them. Marketing is a critical shout in the success or failure of a company. For Coca Cola, an international company operating in years of integrity and business sense, today they have stood to repeat the rewards of their actions. Together with many other partners, this company continues to forge it way to be a continued leader in the beverage industry.ReferenceBlythe, Jim. (2004). Canada. financial Times Prentice Hall.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Importance of Selection of Sales People Essay
Sales state are the front line of many blood linees in the gross gross gross sales division. If a business has a wander front where customers come and stupefy to inquire about potential purchases, current purchases or prior purchases accordingly more(prenominal) often than not a salesperson is their first port of call. While it may front that technology and self service are up and coming replacements for salespeople in that respect is still definitely moderateness to employ qualified lag. It is for this reason that the enlisting and excerpt process is an important part of any business when hiring sales people.Selecting the wrong people for the employment open fire give in problems such as staff turnover issues, customer complaints, costs associated with rehiring and even longer barrier issues such as a attach to suffering from disrepute. Recruitment can be defined as the process of finding potential job applicants, telling them about the order and getting them t o apply (Hair et al. 2009). Essentially this process should not just get applicants down to potential employees, but be narrowing the applicants down to potentially good employees. Hair et al. 2009) also notes that the whole sales division ultimately depends on a successful recruiting approach. In essence there are five steps in the recruitment process1. Conduct a job abbreviation * A process identifying the duties, requirements, responsibilities, and conditions a job. 2. Prepare a job description * Explains to job applicants and current sales personnel what the duties and responsibilities of the sales position are. 3. Identify sales job qualifications * Characteristics recruits should have to perform a sales job satisfactorily. . Attract a pool of sales recruits 5. (Hair et al. 2009) (Hair et al. 2009) Select the outstrip recruits A particular plain where recruitment and selection of salespeople is of exacting brilliance is that of minority consumers. The oblige Advertisin g and recruiting Marketing to minorities (Perkins, Thomas, and Taylor 2000) did research in America with specific reference to college males of mixed race and their perceptions of specific recruitment techniques when entering into a sales role.The obligate makes particular reference to the fact that as a response to growing diversity, increasing multiculturalism, and a need to understand minority consumers means that minority professionals in the recruitment sections of workplace is of exceeding importance (Perkins, Thomas, and Taylor 2000). By the introduction of minority professionals, it means that there can be a focus oddly on directing sales at minority consumers as the professionals are specifically selected for their experience.As a sequel this mitigates further problems for a business as they have gone through particular selection criteria ensuring that they arent the wrong person for the job. In particular for marketing to minorities by qualification the mistake of tak e the wrong sales person could mean that a business potentially loses a whole minority market segment. With the rise in companies turning to the internet to make sales and it means that the customers they do have in store they neediness to also have an easy and worthwhile experience.In this realize it makes genius that recruiting more experienced or the right people for the job is of great concern to a business. dispatch (2002) talks about how there has come to be certain expectations from consumers as to what they want to experience in store as well as online when shopping. The article goes on to say while consumers have shape quite content to use online services, it is quite often the quality of service in store and insufficiency of information that drives them towards other technology based alternatives, most often the internet (Burke 2002).Therefore it makes sense that during the recruitment process that employers seek to employ the best sales people they can. If a business wishes to retain in-store customers they would want to have employees that they are confident that customers can turn to and seek advice without having the employee themselves having to go and ask someone else. other major reason for having recruitment processes based on employing the best sales people is in regard to the older generations.As much as companies are insistent on ensuring consumers that their technological advancements are making it easier, it is often the older generations which are less willing to adapt these innovations (Berry 2011). This means that these generations are more dependent on in store sales methods and dealing with sales people face to face. In an article by Peter Schulman also talks about how employing the best people is not always the result of how talented an individual may be, but often a result of how optimistic an employee chooses to be (Schulman 1999).The article goes on to specify how when recruiters go through the selection process the appli cants being chosen for a sales position are applicants that have the desire to succeed. The reason being that while 20 percent of the sales force were garnering 80 percent of sales in 1999 (Schulman 1999) is because a sales persons belief that being sullen is the best way to overcome obstacles and setbacks. The side of this that can be more detrimental to a company is by selecting the wrong person in regard to their own personal morale and self motivation.A sales person who, for example, is unsuccessful in making a sale and instead of taking it in their stride and moving forward can almost result in a snowball fibre effect. Schulmans (1999) explanation of this is that as a sales person becomes ever so slightly self-depreciating it can adversely affect their subsequent sales as they start to lose motivation almost in an exponential fashion. In the recruitment process then it is imperative that recruiters are able to distinguish amid optimistic and pessimistic applicants.It is vita l that a company has solid selection criteria. While it has been established that the best employees can often be selected based on how talented they are, the recruitment process is ultimately intentional to establish what constitutes an employee as being a desirable candidate. By managing to select the sales people that recruiters nip are most suited for a job can result in a more productive sales division.As mentioned minority groups being marketed to require very specific selection to be successful as this is a field where incorrect recruitment can mean the loss of an entire segment. The elderly generation again is a segment that can require a specific attainment set of the sales person. By making sure employees are actively engaging with customers and willing to athletic supporter it can be a much more effective sales technique which can result in increased sales and recurring customers.Finally these two factors held in conjunction with selecting applicants that can be regar ded to be optimistic rather than pessimistic can effectively result in a properly work force in the regard to sales people. Going against such factors and resultantly hiring an applicant that can be considered the wrong person for the job would undoubtedly result in not only short bourne effects for the sales of a business but also has the potential to have long term effects further down the line which may be harder to resolve.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Vodafone AirTouch’s bid for Mannesmann
First of all, unrivaled has to mention that it is unendingly difficult to valuate a companionship. There is no unmarried measure/calculation who can bust you the e valuation of a company. The value of a company can be different for every single human being. For instance, Vodafone Air liaison leave behind try to calculate a very low valuation of the company because it wants to pay as less as possible, and Mannesmann a very high valuation, because it wants to get as much money as possible. As a result, it often depends on the interest of the different persons who valuate a company. In October 1999, Mannesmann liberty chited appropriates around 157. . This was before the acquisition of Orange PLC, a competitor of Vodafone Air Touch in the UK market. After the acquisition, Vodafone adduceed 266 per share, 68% more than the 157. 8 per share Mannesmann offered few weeks before. Despite, this very high premium, Mannesmanns CEO evaluated his company 350 per share.Here in this c ase, I trust that the main reason for this high impairment differences is that with time, Mannesmanns bargaining position changed. In the beginning, their position was non as strong as in the end when they achieved to acquire Orange Plc, a telecommunication company in the U. K. which was growing faster than Vodafone. As a result, Mannesmann became a stronger competitor for Vodafone and Mannesmanns CEO knew that. As a consequence, he increased the valuation of his company. The reason why for instance an analyst from Julius Baar valuated Mannesmann between 250 and 350 per share and many other analysts between 174 and 250 per share may have some reasons. The main reason is that, as anticipated before, it is very difficult to evaluate a company. Furthermore, it is even more difficult to evaluate how many synergies Vodafone Air Touch would benefit from this putsch.So it is very difficult to evaluate how much this Mannesmann sop upover could be worth for Vodafone Air Touch. Moreover, one has to fall apart which analysts own stocks of Mannesmann or Vodafone because this may also influence the different evaluations. (2) In your opinion, in general, when a company is the target of a hostile takeover shout out, who should find out whether the terms and conditions of this bid are acceptable? The headway Executive Officer (or the equivalent) of the target company? Or its chairman (if a nonher person than the CEO)? Its board of directors? Its shareholders ?If the shareholders, how much should they make their decision? In my opinion, only the shareholders should take this type of decision. They are the one who own the company, and they should steady down if they accept the takeover bid or not. If 50 % + X agree with the bid price, then the takeover should take place. Of course, before taking the decision, they should listen to the opinion of the CEO, the Chairperson, some analysts, as well as the posting of Directors. However, in my opinion, none of these key per sons should take part of the decision making process.In my opinion, the shareholders are the one who own the company, and they should decide what should happen with their investment. For instance, let us assume the employees would take part of decision making process. Then, in most of the cases, the employees would voting against a take over, because they fear about their jobs. They would never take a neutral decision, precisely a decision which is the best for them, not caring about the fact that the shareholders out of work a high premium. They, as well as the trade unions, would vote against an takeover because they fear for the jobs.However, they never think about the fact, that if the company is not taken over, the company who made a mid the Great Compromiser a competitor. And this competitor could increase its market share in spite of the smaller company that did not accept the takeover. And in this case, the employees of the smaller company would even risk to loose more j obs. The CEO and the the Chairperson should never take this type of decisions. Because, they are only in charge of the operations of the company, but they do not own the company. As a result, they should not decide about the matter. 3) In the case of the Vodafone AirTouch bid for Mannesmann, who should have made the decision ? (Please take into account the fact that Mannesmann had two boards, the supervisory board, and the management board) What do you think of the sentence in the fourth paragraph of page 5 of the case Esser rejected the offer on the grounds that it was inadequate ? As stated before the shareholders should have taken this decision. They own the company and if 50 % + X is in favour of Vodadone AirTouchs bid, then the company should accept the bid.Lets assume that you invested 50 000 in Mannesmanns shares and now somebody is offering you 80 000 for the shares. Then you should decide if you accept this money, or if you think that your shares are much worthier in some months/years. In that case you vote against the hostile takeover. I think that this system makes the decision making also very rapid and efficient. In fact, if one would also ask the employees, some analysts and so on, then the decision making process would be much longer.As a result, I think that the shareholders should take the decision, after having listened to the different opinions of the CEO, employees, analysts,.. However, I think it inacceptable that Esser as the CEO of the company, who does not own many shares, rejects the offer in the name of all the investors. This cannot be tolerated. In fact, he is like an employee of Meeresmann, he does not own the company, and he should take the best decisions for his shareholders who in some way gave him this job as CEO.As a result, I think that he cannot take the decision to refuse a bid without having spoken with any shareholder of the company. This is not a ain decision, but a decision which influences all the stakeholders of th e company. It is unacceptable that he takes the decision on behalf of all the share- and stakeholders. (4) If you had been a shareholder of Mannesmann on December 17, 1999, what would you have liked to say to Klaus Esser ? What would you have like to say to Chris curse ?If you had had the opportunity to vote to accept or not Vodafones bid, how would you have voted (please ignore the subsequent events not exposit in the case) ? As a shareholder of Mannesmann, I would liked to ask him why he refused an offer of 266 per share, which is a premium of 72. 2 % compared to Mannesmanns closing price on October 18th. I would blame him for not having asked the shareholder what they thought about the offer. He took a decision about something which did not own him, but where I owned a fraction.Finally, I would ask him if he could guarantee me that the share price of Meeresmann would be as high as the Vodafone AirTouchs offer in the future. Only if this is the case, the Esser would be partly ex cused. I mention only partly, because even if he thinks that the share price of Meeresmann will be higher in the near future, then he should have explained that to the shareholders. And then, if the majority of the shareholders would agree, then he could refuse the offer. As a shareholder of Mannesmann, I would ask him what would be the strategy of Vodafone AirTouch after the acquisition of Meeresmann.This is important to me, because I will have to make an important decision if the hostile takeover is agreed either I handgrip the Vodafone shares or I sell all the shares the day of the take over. In that way, I would gild the premium. I would definitely have accepted the deal. During that time, it was quite sure that a consolidation of the telecommunication market would happen. As a result, I think that it would have been very difficult for Meeresmann, as one of the smaller companies, to put up in that market environment. Furthermore, the offered premium was so high, that I could n ot deny this offer.
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