
Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Phonological Model of Dyslexia Essay examples -- Biology Essays Re

The Phonological lay of DyslexiaDoctor Morgan of Sussex, England, published the first case of what is now gon as dyslexia in 1896. Dr. Morgan wrote about Percy F, a 14-year-old boy who was intelligent, bright, quick with learning games, and the mind equal of his peers. He fell behind, however, in his inability to learn how to read. Today, as in 1896, most people associate intelligence with the ability to read, just Percy F and the experience of millions of people with dyslexia breaks down the relationship amongst schooling and intelligence (1). But, researchers were left with the question, What courtings dyslexia if intelligence is not the marker? The exact cause of dyslexia is unknown. However, researchers believe dyslexia is a interlingual rendition disability with underlying genetic, developmental and neurological causes (8). People with dyslexia have trouble reading despite normal or high intelligence and exposure to sufficient language instruction. Specific reading proble ms apparent in dyslexia include reversal of words and earns, difficulty in pronouncing new words, difficulty in making a distinction between similarities and differences in words (on for no), and difficulty in discerning differences in letter sounds (ten, tin) (2). In order to understand the specific reading problems associated with dyslexia, it is important to know how the brain conceptualizes language. The brain recognizes language in a hierarchical order. The velocity levels of the pecking order deal with semantics (the meaning of words), syntax (grammatical structure), and discourse (connected sentences). The lowest levels of the hierarchy deal with breaking words into separate small units of sound called phonemes. Thus, in the first place words can be comprehended ... ...and Biological Unity by Paulesu et al. , on the Science Magazine Online weave spot http//www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/ integral/291/5511/21657) Dyslexia Same Brains, Different Languages by Laura Helmut h , on the Science Magazine Online web site http//www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/291/5511/2064?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&titleabstract=Dyslexia&searched=QID_NOT_SET&stored_search=&FIRSTINDEX=&fdate=10/1/8) Fact Sheet Dyslexia , on the Learning Disabilities Association web site http//www.ldanatl.org/factsheets/Dyslexia.shtml9) Beginning Reading And Phonological Awareness For Students With Learning Disabilities by Michael M. Behrmann , on the Kid Source web site http//www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content2/disability.phonological.html10) Brief Introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging , on the FMRIB web site http//www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fmri_intro/

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