Friday, March 8, 2019
Communication and Social Work Essay
This essay leave identify and deal key intercourse skills in the consideration of social survive practice. The importance of conference skills will be acknowledged by talking about three variant skills of communication. The subjects discussed will be non- communicatory communication, effective earreach and questions, what these skills ar and why they atomic number 18 important. It is immanent for a maestro social worker to hold effective communicatory skills as iodine will encounter people from all different walks of life and the aim to treat a service user as an individual and enable empowerment is paramount to meeting a psyches needs. There is also the need to communicate effectively with colleagues, agencies, professional bodies and the accuracy of ones communication is essential if the possibility of calculate in court was to be encountered. conference within social work practise is essential in the way of addressing a persons needs to enable improvement on ones property of life. Effective communication buns build trust, respect and self respect and this fanny help a service user to becoming more than independent.Good communication skills can also create psychological guard duty and aid a person to retain and establish links with friends, family and society. (Moonie, 2000). Buggins, Cornwall and Cunnane discuss that psychological safety is created in leadership so staff are able to discuss and raise issues that are of concern without fear (2013). Transferring this to the context of a social worker and a service user can enable the service user to engage in a more open conversation with a noticeing that one is being viewed as trying to rectify mistakes instead of being seen as incompetent. There are different elements of communication and a distinct part is non-verbal communication, such as body language, how one dresses, timekeeping for example being too early or too late, touch, distance between people, eye contact and organization expression. (Cooper, Lymbery, Ruch and Wilson 2011) nervus to position contact with service users who are hard of hearing is special(prenominal) important in reading ones expression of the face or lip reading. Also in this instance sitting closer and the use of touch whitethorn be useful and necessary to visually impaired people.On the contrary though as stated by Koprowska (2008) people with autism find face to face contact difficult and may not be able to judge expressions on a face and this may seem strange if it is unfamiliar to a person until around other way of contact is found. Another important part of communication is effective listening. As Rayudu (2010) puts forward,effective listening is not an attribute that one is born with, but a skill that is learned with practice, experience and fosterage. A guideline for effective listening is paraphrasing which is when the auditor repeats what a person has state in ones own words. The importance of this is to keep ascerta in over listening and ensuring accuracy. An equally important skill when effectively listening is mirroring, referred to in a training paper developed for the government, National parking area dish (2011) which helps build empathy and trust. Mirroring is when a persons verbal and non verbal actions are matched subtly. This can make the verbaliser unconsciously like the listener as the speaker thinks that there are similarities between the listener and the speaker and that the listener is in touch with who they are.Listening skills come in to run for when asking questions and the m both types of questions that are asked are very helpful to retrieving entropy from a service user. Another aspect in outrank for the disbelieving to work is that a person must show that one is concerned in the answer which is why effective listening as referred to previous plays a big part. Trevithick (2005) There are different types of questions such as open questions, closed questions and guide questions or maybe the non use of leading questions. Although these questions can be helpful they can egress in set words in to a persons mouth. Open questions result in broad answers and can result in an in-depth expression of thoughts, feelings and opinions and can be left up to the respondent as to how to answer the question. Hargie (2006). These questions get along service users to talk more in-depth or deeply about any concerns. Opposed to the open ended questions there are closed questions which normally result in one word answers being given. These questions can be good for retrieving very specific data.Although these questions should be used carefully as stated in scie (2008) the service user may want to blast on an answer but maybe unsure of how to interrupt. It also limits information and may not give answers to information needed in order to learn about the service user. On discussing the different skills on communication this essay has shown why each skill is import ant when communicating with a service user or professional body. For a person to feel that they are being listened to and that what one says is not being judged or seem inept is paramount to realising concerns and not missing information. The skills are acquired through training and experience and are needed to get the fullestand most accurate picture.ReferencesBuggins, E, Cornwall, J and Cunane, D.(2013). Create a culture of psychological safety. Health Service Journal. Issue 8th January. Retrieved from http// Cooper, A, Lymbery, M, Ruch, G and Wilson, K. (2011). Social Work An foundation garment to Contemporary Practice. (2nd ed). Essex. Pearson Education Ltd Hargie, O. (2006). The Handbook of Communication Skills. (3rd ed). London. Routledge Koprowska, J. (2008). Communication Skills and Interpersonal skills in social work.(2nd ed). Exeter. Learning Matters Ltd. Moonie, N . (2000). Health and Social Care.(3rd ed).Oxford. Heinemann Educational Publishers. National super C Service. (2011). Advanced Communication Skills Building and Maintaing Trust Module II, Part 2 Cohort B Consulting Skills Curriculum for HR Specialists. Retrieved from http// Rayudu,C,S. (2010). Communication. Mumbia, IND. Global Media Scie. (2008). elearning Communication Skills, Gathering information. Retrieved at http// Trevithick, P. (2005).Social Work Skills. (2nd ed). Berkshire. McGraw-Hill
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