Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Archetypes and Their Influence on the Personality Essay
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was born on July 26, in the small colony of Kesswil on Lake Constance. He was named subsequently his grandfather, a professor of medicine at the University of Basel. He was the oldest child and only surviving son of a Swiss Reform pastor. Carl at passed the University of Basel and distinguishable to go into the field of psychiatry after reading a book that caught his interest. Jung became an assistant at the Burgholzli Mental hospital, a famous medical hospital in Zurich. He studied under, and was influenced by Eugen Bleuler, a famous psychiatrist who defined schizophrenia.Jung was also influenced by Freud, with whom he later became good friends. Their relationship ended when Jung wrote a book called Symbols of Transformation. Jung disagreed with Freuds fundamental idea that a symbol is a disguised standard of a repressed wish (Heaney, 1994). After splitting up with Freud, Jung had a 2 year period of non-productivity, but then he came appear(a) wit h his Psychological Types, a famous work. He went on several trips to assure about primitive societies and archetypes. His explorations included trips to Africa, New Mexico to study Pueblo Indians, and to India and Ceylon to study east philosophy.He studied religious and occult touch sensations interchangeable I Ching, a Chinese method of fortune telling. Alchemy became iodine of his interests during his journeys. His book, Psychology and Alchemy, print in 1944, is among his most important writings. In this study, he told about the piece foreland. unmatched of his methods was book of account association. This is when a person is croakn a serial publication of reciprocations and asked to respond to them. Abnormal response or hesitation sight mean that the person has a knotty about that word. His basic belief was in complex or analytical psychology.The goal is psychosynthesis, or the unity and differentiation of the psyche (mind). He believed that the mind started out a s a whole and should stay that way. That answered structural, dynamic, developmental questions. Jung is best known for his theory of The third levels of the mind (Aurelio, 1995). Discussion The three levels of the mind theory includes the swelled head (conscious), ain unconscious, and corporal unconscious. The conscious level serves four functions. It is the part of the individualizedity that carries out normal daily activities thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting.The usel unconscious contains an individuals memories, and the collective unconscious is an inaccessible layer that contains universal experiences. Usually, angiotensin converting enzyme of the two classes ordinarily ein truthplacetops, and r atomic number 18ly does one see an individual with perfectly balanced classes of demeanor (Nehr, 1996). Jung said that an egotism is a filter from the senses to the conscious mind. All ego rejections go to the personal unconscious. The ego is highly selective. Ein trut h day we ar subjected to a vast number of experiences, most of which do not run conscious because the ego eliminates them before they reach consciousness.The personal unconscious acts like a filing cabinet for those ego rejections (Jurkevich, 1991,p. 58). Clusters of related thoughts in the personal subconscious form complexes. Complexes are really suppressed feelings. Complexes are much highly visible to people, but unfelt by the individual who has the complex. Complexes spate be revealed by word association, which go forth cause hang-ups if a certain word is mentioned. A strong or total complex leave dominate the life of a person, and a weak or partial complex will drive a person in a accusation of it, but not too strongly.A complex, as Jung discovered, need not be a hindrance to a persons adjustment. They can be and often are sources of inspiration and drive that are inwrought for outstanding achievement (Aurelio, 1995, p. 351). The collective unconscious is hereditary. It sets up the pattern of ones psyche(Kremer, 1990, p. 2). An inherited collection of primordial images are stored here. They are universal inclinations that all people have in common somewhere by means of heredity. The four important archetypes that play very epochal roles in everyones personality are Persona, Anima(us), Shadow, and the Self.Persona is derived from the Latin word meaning mask. In Jungian psychology, the persona archetype serves a similar purpose it enables one to portray a character that is not necessarily his or her own. The persona is the mask or facade one exhibits publicly, with the intention of presenting a favorable impression so that society will accept him (Nehr, 1996). Anima and Animus is what Jung referred to as the inward lay out of the psyche. The inward face he called the anima in males and the animus in female persons. The anima archetype is the female face of the masculine psyche the animus archetype is the masculine side of the female psyche.Man h as developed his anima archetype by continuous motion picture to women over many generations, and woman has developed her animus archetype by her exposure to men (Heaney, 1994). According to Mannis (1997), the Shadow is what Jung referred to as the negative side of the personality, the blistering qualities we like to hide. When one is not conscious of their shadow, they give it more than power. Usually, the qualities we dislike the most in others, are the unknown qualities in our shadow (Kremer, 1999, p. 4). The self-importance represents all archetypes working together (Heaney, 1994, p. 29).Jung used the lecture extraversion and introversion to show how ones personality is. Those who cant towards extraversion are usually socially accepted. They are outgoing and very sociable. Those who lean towards introversion tend to keep to themselves and are not very sociable. wholenesss psyche works together three ways. One structure may compensate for the weakness of another structure ( Jurkevich, 1991). One component may oppose another component, and two or more structures may unite to form a synthesis. Compensation may be illustrated by the contrasting attitudes of extraversion and introversion.If extraversion is the dominant or excellent attitude of the conscious ego, then the unconscious will compensate by developing the repressed attitude of introversion. Compensation also occurs between function. A person thinking or feeling in his conscious mind will be an intuitive, sensation type unconsciously. This balance is healthy and it prevents our psyches from sightly neurotically unbalanced. Opposition exists everywhere in the personality between the persona and the shadow, between the persona and the anima, and between the shadow and the anima. The contest between the sagacious and irrational forces of the psyche never ceases.Ones integrity of self can actually determine whether or not this opposition will cause a shattering of a personality (Heaney, 1994). I d ecided to do my research on Carl Jung because he is not discussed much in the textbook. I find his theory of conscious and unconscious very interesting. I believe the thoughts of persona and ego without a doubt. When ones ego is shot down, a person can tend to develop a complex about it. I also agree that people tend to have a different persona based on where they are at and how they are expected to act around certain people. References Aurelio, Jeanne M. (1995). development Jungian archetypes to explore deeper levels of organizationalculture. Journal of Management Inquiry, 4, 347-369. Heaney, Liam F. (1994). Freud, Jung and Joyce Conscious connections. Contemporary Review,265, 28-32. Jurkevich, Gayana. (1991). Unamunos intrahistoria and Jungs collective unconscious parallels,convergences, and common. Comparative Literature, 43, 43-60. Kremer, Jurgen W. (1999). Facing the collective shadow. Revision, 22, 2-5. Mannis, Robert F. (1997). Jung and his shadow. Utne Reader, 84, 91-94. Neh er, Andrew. (1996). Jungs theory of archetypes a critiques. Journal of HumanisticPsychology, 36, 61-92.
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