Thursday, February 21, 2019
Cnps 365 Midterm 1 Notes
Chapter 4 & 5 Psychoanalytic Therapy Sigmund Freud. Freuds psychoanalytical system = feign of mortalality exploitation, get on to psychotherapy a lot a benchmark utilize for other theories Freudian imagine of pitying nature = deterministic behavior determined by irrational forces, unconscious mind(p) indigences 0biological/instinctual drives, evolve by means of depict psycho familiar stages in counterbalance 6 years of carg whizr Instincts cardinal Libido = cipher of all invigoration instincts Libido, source of motivation that encompasses sexual energy b atomic number 18ly goes beyond it Both sexual and aggressive drives atomic number 18 business officeful determinants of why people act as they do psychoanalytic view three systems for somebodyality id, egotism, superego Id = biological, ego = psychological, superego = friendly Humans = energy systems Id, original system of personality, at parturition person is all id. autochthonic source of psychic energ y and seat of instincts. Blind, demanding, insistent, wishs organization. lavatory non tolerate tightness and discharges tension immediately. Ruled by pleasure principle (reducing tension, avoid pain, gain pleasure). Id is Illogical, a honorcapable, assemble instinctual needs, never matures. Doesnt debate, acts or wishes, largely unconscious. Ego governs, controls, regulates personality. Controls consciousness and exercises censoring. veridical and logical thinking, formulates plans of acitons for satisfying needs. Ego checks and controls blind impulses of id, ego distinguishes between rational images and things in external introduction. Superego is judical branch of personality. Includes moral code, main concern of whether sue is good/right/wrong/ defective. Superego reprents value/i crafts of society as they ar handed d profess from generations. Inhibits the id impulses, to persuade ego to substitute moralistic tendencys for affirmable ones and to strive for god. Su pergego related to psychological rewards and punishments Dreams, slips of tongue and for arrive atting, posthypnotic uggestions, material derived from unacquainted(p)-association techniques, material derived from projective techniques, symbolic content of psychotic symptoms all re familiarize unconscious. Unconscious stores experiences memory and oppress material Aim of psychoanalytic therapy is to shake off unconscious motives conscious. anguish touch modality of dread from repressed tangs, memories, desires, and experiences Anxeity develops from conflicts amongst id,ego, and super ego. Anxeity warns of impending danger 3 Types of anxiety, reality, neurotic, moral Reality anxiety fear of danger from external world psychoneurotic and moral anxiety evoked by threats to balance of power inwardly person Neurotic anxiety is fear that instinct will get come in of hand Moral anxiety is fear of ones conscience Ego-defense mechanisms dole out with anxiety, prevent ego from org anismness overwhelmed. Defense mechanisms either deny/ sophisticate reality, or operate on unconscious level Psychosexual stages = Freudian culture Typical defense mechanisms Repression, Denial, Re treat formation, Projection, Displacement, Rationalization, Sublimation, Regression, Introjection, Identification, Compensation Freuds psychosexual stages of culture oral stage, anal stage, phallic, stage Oral stage inability to imprecate self na others = fear of loving, close relationships, low self-esteem anal retentive stage inability to cognize and mouth anger, leads to denial of ones power and wishing of sense of autonomy Phallic stage, inability to richly accept ones sexuality and sexual odorings, difficult to accept self as man or woman.All done within first 6 years of livelihood, Oral(0-1), Anal (1-3) Phallic(3-6). maiden 6 years argon foundation, if needs not met during development may become psychologically immature Eriksons Psychosocial Perspective Psychosexual + psychosocial development occurs unneurotic, each stage of manner, faced with task of establishing equilibrium. Crisis = turning bear witness with authorisation to move forward or regress Classical psychoanalysis grounded on id psychological science Contemporary psychoanalysis base on ego psychology Freudian goals include making the unconscious conscious and strengthen the ego Blank Screen hail anonymous billet Transference relationship, the tape transport of feelings originally experienced in an early relationship to other classical people in a persons gravel environment Attention stipulation to thickenings resistances. Analysts bear in minds for gaps, inconsistencies, free associations, infers piths of dream Psychoanalytic therapy is somewhat like putting pieces of puzzles together Free association say whatever comes to find, no self censorship (classical psychoanalysis) typical laying on a couch scenario Transference knobs unconscious shifting to the analyst of feelings and fantasies that ar reactions to significant others in the lymph nodes past.Involves the unconscious repetition of the past in the present Working through exploration of unconscious material and defenses. Results in resolution of old pattrerns allows clients to exploit new choices Countertransference, when therapist respond in irrational slip track because their let conflicts trigger Psychodynamic therapy geared to limted objectives than to restructuring personality. Therapist lesss likely to use couch, fewer sessions per week, haunt use of put forwardive interventions, more than self disclosure by therapist, commission more on pressing practical concerns than on fantasy material. Aimed at increase awareness, fostering insights into clients behaviour 6 prefatorial techniques maintaining the analytic framework, free association, interpretation, dream analysis, analysis of resistance, analysis of transference Carl Jungs analytical psychology is a explaination of gentle nature that combines ideas from history mythology anthropology and religion. Jung more focus on finding the means in life as opposed to being driven by psychological and biological forces described by Freud. Jung mold by past and also future Present personality determine by w ho and what we give birth been and aspire to be type mask/public face we wear to protect ourselves Animus and anima = both(prenominal)(prenominal) biological and psychological aspects of masculinity and femininity Shadow deepest roots and close powerful and dangerous of all archetypes, Jung dreams are a path commission into unconscious, but they divine service people prepare themselves for experiences and events in the future, and work to bring a balance between opposites in a person. More of an attempt to express then to repress and disguise. Ego psychology developed largely by Erikson Psychoanalyitcal therapy, more concerned with long term personality reconstruction than before long t erm problem solving Chapter 5 Alfred Adler case-by-case Psychology Individual begins to form approach to life somewhere in first 6 years of animated Humans motivated primarily by social relatedness Behaviour is declare oneselfful and goal directed, more conscious than not centre on inferiority feelings wellspring of creativity Human behaviour not determined by heredity and environment, capacity to interpret influence and stimulate events Biological and environmental consideratenesss limit our capacity to choose and to prepare Approach is holistic, social.Goal oriented, systemic, humanistic View world from clients subjective perception of reference = phenomenological, pays solicitude to how people perceive their world Individual Psychology Alfred Adler Must fully understand all parts of an individual Determinstic explainations replaced with teleological (purposive, goal-oriented) ones. Interested in future without minimizing importance of past influences, decisions base o n a persons experiences and on direction they are moving Adler influenced by fiction Fictional finalism, imagined central goal that guides a persons behaviour Striving torward superiority or perfection Guiding self-ideal represents individuals image of goal of perfection Inferiority not a negative factor in life, when experienced first in life, we are pulled by striving for superiority. Cope with serve welllessness by striving for competency mastery and perfection Life trend A individuals core beliefs and assumptions guide each persons elbow grease through life and organize his or her reality giving meaning to life events plan of life, demeanor of life, strategy for living and road map of life Develop a style of life through striving for goals and superiority Unique style is rimarily created during first 6 years of life, subsequent events may have effect on development of our personality. Experiences not a decisive factor itself, but a interpretation of these events that shape p ersonality discount reframe childhood experiences and consciously create a new style of life Social interest action line of ones community feeling, it is the capacity to cooperate and contribute to community.Striving for a pause future for humanity Social interest is innate, but also must(prenominal) be taught learned and used Social interest is central forefinger of health, feelings of inferiority and alienation diminish as social interest is developed. show through shared activity and mutual respect Community feeling feelings of being connected to all of humanity, and being involved in making the world a better place. Lack of this causes people to become dis warmheartednessened and end up on useless side of life. Anxiety is the consequence of not feeling belonged. Must master 3 universal life tasks building friendships, establishing intimacy, contributing to society. 2 added ones by mosak and dreikurs getting along with ourselves and developing our spiritual dimension G ives limited attention to relationships between siblings and psychological birth position in ones family Five positions oldest, second of only cardinal, middle, youngest, and only veridical birth order less important than persons own view of where they are Family relationships earliest and mots influential social system.Theory is of a social one healing(predicate) process - forming a relationship based on mutual respect, life style assessment disclosing mis packn goals and faulty assumptions - reeducation of client towards useful side of life. of import aim to develop clients sense of belonging and assist in word meaning of behaviours and processes characterized by community feeling and social interest. Accomplished by increasing clients self awareness, and challenging and modifying his or her fundamental premises life goals and basic concepts. Alderians favour growth standard of personality more then ailment model Treatment rivet on providing info, teaching, guiding, prov iding emboldenment to discouraged individuals. Engouragement is virtually powerful method available for changing persons belief and helps build sureness and stimulates courage Courage willingness to act even when fearful in ways that are consistent with social nterest Goals Fostering social interest, helping clients get well feelings of discouragement and inferiority, modifying clients views and goals (changing their lifestyle), changing faulty motivation, encouraging the individual to recognize equality among people, helping people to become contributing members of society. Therapists anticipate for major mis bourgeons in thinking/values ie mis self-reliance selfishness unrealistic ambition lack of confidence Therapists determine early social influences through a family constellation Early recollections also used as assessment They are stories of events that a person SAYS occurred before 10 years of age Useful to help understand the client Process of gathering early reco llections is part of lifestyle assessment, learning understanding goals and motivations of client Dreams help bring problems to surface and points to patients movement Adlerian counselling focus on desired outcomes Private Logic concepts more or less self, others, and life that constitute the philosophy on which an individuals life style is based measurings in therapy Establish proper therapeutic relationship seek the psychological dynamics operating in the client (an assessment) Encourage the development of self-understanding (insight into purpose) Help the client cast new choices (reorientation and reeducation). Labelled as Adlerian brief therapy Step 1 Establish family seek to play person to person contact with clients instead then starting with problem.Initial focus on person, not problem. Therapists provide support. Pay more attention to subjective experiences of clients than techniques. Step 2 Explore individuals psychological dynamics deeper understanding of indi vduals lifestyle. Proceeds from two interview forms, subjective interview and objective interview. Subjective interview, counsellor helps client tell his/her life story as completely as possible.Throughout interview, listen for purposive aspects of clients move and approaches to life, extract patterns and develop hypotheses about what works for client. Often end subjective interview with question, how would your life be different, what would you be doing other than if problem was not present. Objective interview discovers information about how the problem began, any precipitating events, medial history, social history, reasons client chose therapy at this time, persons coping with life tasks, lifestyle assessment Adler suggests it was hrough family constellation that each person forms his unique view of self others and life Adlerian assessment relies on exploration of clients family constellation Adler reasoned that out of the millions of early memories, we will remember the speci al ones that project essential convictions Use early recollectio9n to assess persons convictions of self, others life, ethics, assessment of clients stance in relation to the counselling session and counselling relationship, verification of coping patterns, assessment of individual strengths assets and interfering ideas After gathering info from both types of interviews, integration and summary is next General mistakes Overgeneralization, False or unachievable goals of security, Misperceptions of life and lifes demands, minimization or denial of ones basic worth, faulty values. human body 3 Encourage Self-Understanding and Insight Self understanding only possible when hidden purposes and goals of behaviour are made conscious. Interpretation deals with clients underlying motives for behaving the way they do in present. Adlerian interpretation usually are hunches and gusses. Phase 4 Reorientation and Reeducation revolve aroundes on helping people discover new and more functiona l panoramas. Clients encouraged to develop courage to take risks and make changes in their holds. Want to guide patients into the useful side of life at this point ( contributing to society, confidence, acceptance of imperfection, courage etc). Encouragement very important in this step. Encouragement process helps build courage.Encouragement involves showing faith in people, expecting them to take over obligation for their lives, and valuing them for who they are. Discouragement is basic condition that prevents people from functioning, encouragement is the antidote. Clients make decisions and modify their goals in reorientation stage. Commitment very essential if they compliments to change. Counsellors seek to make difference in lives of their clients. Focus more on motivation modification rather then behavioural change. Based on a growth model, not medical model Flexible Chapter 6 Existential Therapy More of a way of thinking than any style of psychotherapy Neither ndependent nor separate school of therapy, nor neatly defined model with specific techniques Best described as a philosophical approach which influences a counsellors therapeutic practice Grounded on assumption that were free, and then amenable for all our choices and actions, we are authors of our lives and design the pathways we follow Rejects deterministic view of human nature espoused by psychoanalysis (Psychonanalysis sees immunity resitrcted by unconscious forces, irrational drives, past events, while behaviourists see freedom restricted by socioculture conditioning) We are not victims of circumstances because we are what we choose to be. Aim of therapy is to encourage clients to excogitate on life, recognize their range of alternatives and determine amongst them. Once individuals recognize their role in creating their own life situation, they realize they have the power to change it One of the aims is to gainsay people to stop deceiving themselves regarding their lack of certific ate of indebtedness for whats happening to them and their excessive demands on life Doesnt view client as ill, and curing them like a medical model, but rather sick of life or clumsy at living. Attention precondition to clients present experiences with goal of helping them develop a greater posture in their life quest Basic task to encourage clients to look all their options for creating meaningful institution European empirical perspective focused on human point of accumulations + tragic dimensions of life Soren Kierkegaard primary concern of angst ( lies between dread and anxiety) Need knowledge of angst to become human. Need the willingness to risk a leap of faith in making choices Freidrich Nietzsche Importance of subjectivity. Kierkegard and Nietzsche considered originators of existential perspective Martin Heidegger We exist in the world, dont try to think of ourselves as being apart from the world which were thrown Moods and feelings are a way of understanding whethe r were living authentically or not.Phenomenology provides a view of human history that doesnt focus on past events but motivates individuals to look forward to authentic experiences Jean-Paul Sartre Failure to acknowledge our freedom and choices results in unrestrained problems. Freedom is hard to face up to, invent excuses in bad faith. Existence is not fixed nor finished, when attempting to pin down who we are, we engage in self deception Martin Buber Humans live in betweenness, never mediocre an I but unceasingly an other. Stresses Presence, which enables true I/Thou relationships Allows for meaning to exist in a situation Enables an individual to be trustworthy in the present. When a client therapist relationship becomes equal, we become dialogic Ludwig Binswanger Addresses relationship between person and his/her environment. Thrown into the world but still responsible for our choices and planning for future.Existential analysis emphasizes the subjective and spiritual dim ensions of human existence. Medard Boss Being-in-the-world, aboility to reflect on life events and attribute meaning to these events. Therapist must unload clients subjective world without presuppositions. Key figure Viktor Frankl for Existential Psychotherapy some(prenominal) people have means to live, but no meaning to live for. Therapeutic process aimed at challenging individuals to find meaning and purpose through suffering work and love Therapist must be in touch with his own phenomenological world Givens of existence death freedom, responsibleness, existential isolation, and meaninglessness. Bases therapy based on understanding of what it means to be human Focus on the individuals experience of being in the world alone and veneering anxiety of the isolation Believe humans are in never-ending state of transition, emerging, evolving, and becoming. Basic dimensions of human condition Capacity for self-awareness freedom and responsibility creating ones identity and establis hing meaningful relationships with others the search for meaning, purpose, values, and goals anxiety as a condition of living awareness of death and nonbeing. Capacity for Self-Awareness Can reflect and make choices as we are capable of self awareness. great the awareness, greater the possibilities for freedom.Capacity to live fully expands as we expand awareness on areas such as were finite and dont have unbounded time to do what we want potential to take action or not to act choose our actions meaning is discovering how were situated in the world then living creatively increase our sense of responsibility for consequences of choices through increased awareness subject to loneliness, meaninglessness, emptiness, guilt and isolation alone, yet we have an opportunity to relate to others. Decision to expand fundamental to human growth. change magnitude self awareness goal for all therapy Freedom and Responsibility freedom implies responsibility for our own lives. Existential guilt is being aware of having evaded allegiance or choosing not to choose.Authenticity implies were living by being true to our own evaluations of what a valuable existence is to oneself. Being free and being human are the same. Assuming responsibility is the basis for change. Striving for Identity and Relationship to Others Creating an identity requires courage, strive for connectedness with others. Awareness of our finite nature gives us appreciation of ultimate concerns. Courage entails the will to move forward in spite of anxiety producing situations. Self awareness can help make everything easier for the client, and clients having the courage to admit things is a good indicator. Strength of aloneness, isolation.A function of therapy is to help clients distinguish between a neurotically dependent attachment to some other and a life affirming relationship in which both persons are enhanced. awe of dealing with aloneness can cause one being trapped. bet for meaning Existential t herapy can provide framework for helping clients challenge the meaning in their lives. Therapists trust is important in helping clients trust their own capacity to discover a new source of values. trumpery in life can lead to emptiness and hollowness, or a existential vacuum. Often happens when people are not busying themselves. Establishing values that are part of a meaningful life are issues that become the heart of counselling. Logotherapy designed to help clients find a meaning in life.Therapist should be pointing out clients can discover meaning even in suffering. Shows human suffering can be turned to human achievement. Like pleasure, meaning must be pursued obliquely. Anxiety as a condition of living Anxiety arises from personal strivings to survive and maintain and assert ones being. Existential anxiety is the unavoidable result of being confronted with givens of existence death, freedom, choice, isolation, meaninglessness. Existential anxiety can be a stimulus for growth . Anxiety can indicate when a person is ready for personal change. Cant survive without anxiety. Neurotic anxiety is out of proportion to the situation, not aware of it, and tends to immobilize a person.Van deurzen says that existential therapy not to make life seem easier or more comfortable, but to encourage clients to recognize and deal with sources of their insecurity and anxiety. More self confidence leads to less anxiety. Awareness of finis and Nonbeing Death is not negatively, but hold awareness to death as a basic human condition which gives significance to living. Necessary to think of death when thinking significantly of life. Death should be a motivation to live fully. Awareness of death is a source for zest for life and creativity. People who fear death fear life. Realization of death makes us realize more clearly our actions count, we have choices, we must accept responsibility for how well we are living. Existential therapy considered an invitation to clients to reco gnize the ways in which they arent living a fully authentic life and to help them make choices that will lead to what they are capable of being. Assist clients moving toward authenticity and learning to recognize when they are deceiving themselves No escape from freedom, we are always responsible Helps clients face anxiety and engage in action that is based on the authentic purpose of creating a worthy existence inform clients to listen to what they know of themselves Assist clients in recognizing they arent fully present in therapy and to show them how the pattern may limit them outside of therapy support clients in confronting anxieties help clients redefine themselves Increased awareness is central goal Therapist need to understand subjective world of client Clients are expected to go out into world and decide how theyll live other than and must be active in therapy process, as they must decide what fears guilt and anxieties they will explore Major themes of therapy sessions inc lude anxiety, freedom, responsibility, search for identity, living authentically, isolation, alienation, death and its implications for living, continual search for meaning. Assist people in face up life with courage hope and a willingness to find meaning in life Therapists strive to create caring and intimate relationships with clients, core of the relationship is respect. Display genuine concern and empathy. Not technique oriented precedency to understand the clients world. In initial phase, therapist assists clients in identifying and clarifying assumptions of the world. In middle phase, clients encouraged to fully examine source and authority of their present value system. Final phase focuses on helping people take what they are learning of themselves and put it into action Appropriate for people with developmental crises, experiencing grief and loss, confronting death, facing a major life decision close to appropriate for clients that are commited to dealing with their probl ems about living and for people who feel alienated from the current expectations of society or those searching for the meaning of their lives extremely relevant in multicultural context, doesnt have a cross way of viewing or relating to reality, broad perspective Main limitation is the level of maturity, life experience, and intensive training thats required of practitioners. Chapter 1, 2, 3 Counselor must be authentic and shed stereotypes, otherwise client will keep themselves hidden Therapists serve as models for clients, clients will take from us. Effective therapists have Identity, respect and appreciate themselves, open to change, make choices that are life oriented, authentic, sincere, honest, sense of humor, make mistakes and willing to admit them, live in present, appreciate influence of culture, have sincere interest in offbeat of others, effective interpersonal skills, deeply involved in their work, are passionate, able to maintain healthy boundaries Having been a patie nt first greatly contributes to being a counsellor Counsellors role is to create a climate in which clients can express themselves and arrive at solutions that are best for them, and their values not your own. Mandatory ethics view of ethical practice that deals with the marginal level of professional practice Aspirational ethics higher level of ethical practice that addresses doing what is in the best interest of clients Positive ethics do their best for clients rather than simply meet minimum standards to stay out of trouble Difficult to strike a balance for informed consent
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