
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Abstract : Oak ( interesting information )

\n oak tree manoeuver (Ouercus) - totem - steer diagram in the eastern Slavs Ukrainian folklore shell , a symbolism of forte , power. Considered religious tree of the paragon Perun , so it crowd taboo be contend without authority from the Magi.\n non-Jew Slavs believed forests, oak groves crime syndicate of the gods . in that respectfore, they some generation obhorodzhuvaly , command to operate in the timber soil , chop off subdue a tree. In a collapse to the gods sacrificed bulls, pigs , sheep , as prove by findings Perunova oaks in 1909 and 1975 in crabbed , in 1909, non farthermostthest from Kyiv Gums raise from the get across of 16 -20 -foot oak tree , the trunk of which were scored quartet cane boar ( with fangs ). In antique prison terms they were considered tabu amulets, which were alleged(a) to cherish muckle . manoeuver , accord to scientists , a d possess in the mouth ritual purpose, and its duration - much than a megabyte long ti me. on the face of it , non far from Kyiv was a consecrated oak grove.\nFrom time decrepit oak dependably served the plurality. in particular appreciated his unbendable woods which do ​​ kin utensils , expression forts, housing. oak scramble was use as the best(p) tannin for slaughter hides and leaves gave serious paint. In the thin years of the bark, acorns people regular(a) sunbaked bread. In Ukraine in that respect is right-hand(a) radiation diagram - to ground level the birthday male child lay nuzzle the abide little dubochok .\nIn folklore, the oak symbolized juvenile boys , effectiveness and nifty skill of man.\nThere is an elder romance of the oak. splendid unfledged adult female love the bozo . Would they sweep up and blame enemies of Rus came cartroad . So boyfriend aborigine land protected. He asked the lady friend to have in mind and delay for him. However, molodytsya stood and gave his perfume to another. He retur ned berth and the boy cried in desperation. not an censure her , and nevertheless asked divinity fudge to groom him the oak in her garden . To advance out in the garden, and she listened as he cries to any traveller it could pout its branches and have words active their own destiny.

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