Sunday, March 31, 2019
The Life And Work Of Euclid
The Life And Work Of EuclidWhile chartering geometry with Euclid a y egressh inquired after having learned the first advise, What do I get by learning these things? Euclid called a slave to them and said, Give him threepence, since he must make a gain out of what he learns. 8Euclid, a Greek mathematician and teacher, changed the course of the world. Euclids civilise not only affected the black market of other prominent scientists to come after him, al 1 also the lives of medium population, which contri notwithstandinged to the rise of modern science in western civilization. What is perplexing is that scorn him changing the course of world, we know very slender about him. irrelevant some other well-know historical figures, Euclids influence did not dispense simply by fame. Historians dont so far know his exact date of birth. To this sidereal solar day, we do not know which continent he was born on, much slight the city. Of the little we do know about Euclid, we know tha t he taught in Alexandria around 300 B.C. 9, and that he wrote, amongst approximately 10 other haves, arguably one of the greatest mathematical textbooks in archives, The Elements.The Elements is a geometry textbook that incorporated all of the previously known principles of geometry. It was unique in that it was constructive in its actors line of its principles. Basically, it explained mathematic principles from the ground up and added onto what was already established. Imagine trying to study science if one concept didnt run into the next and everything was garbled and out of order. The Elements solved this problem through c beful organization and logical pitch of its principles. The Elements wasnt a revolutionary observation or a new and kindle revelation, but kind of a book of brilliant deductive conclude, analysis, and organization. The Elements was explained so well that every Geometry textbook preceding it was practically discarded, and beca commit of this the term euclidean wasnt necessary or employ for over two thousand historic period because in that location was no other known make of geometry17.Concerning Euclids deductive reasoning and analysis, his axiomatic systems are most prominent. His axiomatic systems are considered to be constructive. 18 This direction that he never clenched whatsoever conclusions or spoke about concepts that he did not yet explain to the reader. He arranged the geometrical theorems so that they flowed logically from one to the next. 9 For example, he started with the simplest of concepts such as describing a geometric point and worked his way into derived propositions. 16 More specifically he took a piddling tot up of axioms (self-evident logical truths) and deduced m whatever other theorems from them. He even fill up in the blanks whenever it was necessary by filling in the missing travel absent from others processes, and even by developing his own proofs 9. For example, Euclid put forwardd that it is unworkable to fall out the largest original number. He proved that if you were to take the largest known prime number and 1 to the product of all the prime numbers pool leading(p) up to it and including it then you will get another prime number. This is authoritative as being one of the classics proofs in math because of how clear and brief it is. 5Euclid put a lot of effort into make it possible for unwashed people to understand geometry rather than secure professional mathematicians. How the natural flow and style of explanation of The Elements affected the world is self-evident. Since it is easier to understand scientific concepts when they are communicated clearly and concisely and delivered in a logical order, Euclids book do it much easier for the people to acquire a complete understanding of geometry. As newborns in this world often one of the first things we get to dally with are blocks of different geometric put to works. This helps us to develop our minds both visually and mathematically. Euclidean shapes are quite literally everywhere in our society. inappropriate Calculus where there is usually a fixed rule for closure a given problem, when it comes to geometry, using Euclidean axioms allows people to solve any one problem in several different ways. It also inspires using of problem solving skills.One of the ways Euclidean geometry has been applied and influences our day to day lives is through winding and architecture. For example, if somebody wants to construct a woody table. If they wanted to figure out if it was square or not they could bar each corner of the table to see if it was at a 90 angle. With Euclidean Geometry, however, they would need only to measure two of the corners. The properties of right triangles deep down The Elements tells us that if two corners are square then the whole shape is square. This is probably very obvious to a person of our modern day, but it was not at the tme. Unless you are a mathemat ician you may not even know who such properties brook be attributed to and just consider them unwashed intimacy. Another, less obvious way they could beat done this is to have calculated the distance between two diagonal corners of the table. If the two distances are the equivalent then the table must be a square. The latter method I have described is a common way for construction workers or home-improvement workers to check their work. There are countless examples of this that common people deal utilize in their everyday lives with the principles of Euclidean Geometry. Euclids influence doesnt bar there. Examples of Euclidean geometry can be shew in modern day computer graphics. It is employ in mesh generation. A mesh is fundamentally a combination of geometric polygons or polyhedrons that create the illusion of a curve. Although the Euclidean Geometry may be widespread within western civilization, in some third world countries there are houses are constructed as lop-side d indeterminate shapes. This is a real-life example of what our architecture would have looked like without Euclids influence.4It is bazar to say that the study of Euclids book was one of the main contributing factors to the scientific Revolution and subsequently the rise of science in Europe rather than in Asia. The Elements do the concept of one principle being built upon another glaringly obvious and, over the course of sentence, it became considered common knowledge in western civilization. Of course, scientists such as due north, Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo p recumbed significant roles as well 9, but as Sir Isaac Newton said If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants 21. Euclids book provided for us, not just a shoulder, but an entire foundation built of giants shoulders that would have other than been scattered and disorganized. This solid base of knowledge allowed western civilization to reach new heights. For example, when it came to Isaac N ewton and his book, Principles Of Natural Philosophy, many of his proofs were set in a geometric cast of characters similar to those found in The Elements. 12As it is with any great work of science, The Elements allows others to build upon it or advance into new areas of discovery. nearly men, such as Girolamo Saccehri, have tried to disprove or find flaws in Euclids axioms. Saccehri was an Italian mathematician who in 1733 nigh discovered a form of non-Euclidean geometry. He studied for eld to find a flaw in Euclids work. He was suppositiously on the verge of a breakthrough but gave up before his work came to fruition. It wasnt until about a hundred years later in 1899 that a German mathematician by the name of David Hilbert found another set of geometric axioms that differed from Euclid. 13 Non-Euclidean geometry allows us to describe physical office in new ways. Following Hilbert came another German, by the name of Albert star. Einstein recalls receiving two gifts that had particular influence on him as a child, one a magnetic compass, and the other Euclids The Elements. He referred to The Elements as the holy little geometry book. 3Another example of a great scientist that was influenced by Euclid is Galileo Galilei. In his octogenarian age Galileo told his biographers that while attendance the University of Pisa he would nose-drop in on lectures being given by Ostilio Ricci to the hook pageboys on Euclid. These lectures were only available to members of the court so he would try to stay quiet whenever he attend them. His interest in Euclid got the better of him after a while and he approached Ricci to ask him questions on Euclid. Ricci noticed Galileos talent for math and eventually became his teacher. Although Galileo was supposed to be going to college to study medicine, (Galen) he secretly studied mathematics (Euclid) instead. Galileo later used Euclids Book Five, Definition Five, to show how bodies of definite exacting weight have weight s directly proportional to their volumes. 2 This is one of the best examples how important Euclids work was to anybody with a mind for mathematics and how he changed the course of history by capturing the interest of a man such as Galileo.Euclids work also influenced philosophers such as Benedict Spinoza. Benedict Spinoza was a prominent philosopher of seventeenth atomic number 6. He wrote the ambitious philosophicical book Ethics where he attempts to provide us with a coherent view of the universe and our fructify in it. To explain such concepts he used Euclids style of delivery complete with axioms and propositions. Speaking of the system within his book and the style in which he chose to present it in Spinoza said that it was designated in geometrical order. 23 Usually philosophical books were pen differently, such as Rene Descartes Meditations that was write like a diary.When it comes to mathematicians I think every mathematician alive since the time of Euclid had to have been influenced by his work in some form or another, but, of some of the most prominent mathematicians, Euclid specifically influenced the work of Bertrand Rusell, Alred North Whitehead, Blaise Pascal, Marin Mersenne , and Adrien-Marie Legendre. interestingly enough Bertrand Russell, an English 20th century mathematician and logician, used Euclids work to charge mathematics into the next level by explaining to people in his book An Essay On The Foundations Of Geometry 11 how Euclidean Geometry was being replaced by more travel forms of geometry. Both Russell and Whitehead were co-authored the epoch Principia Mathmatica in which they referenced Euclid a number of times as evidence in their work. Pascal, a 17th century French mathematician, received a replica of Euclids Elements as a boy and before the age of 13 he had proven the 32nd proposition of Euclid and discovered a flaw in Rene Descartes geometry 25. Mersenne, also a 17th century French mathematician, used Euclids proof on prime numbers to develop his own ways or forms as they are called, making it even easier to find large prime numbers. Prime numbers are important to modern day society because they are used in cryptographic software security systems. Basically, large prime numbers can be implemented into coding schemes that are difficult to break. Legendre, a nineteenth century French mathematician, wrote his most famous book Elments de Gomtrie based entirely off of The Elements. In it he sought to simplify Euclids propositions even further. Elments de Gomtrie was used in elementary take aim classrooms for over a 100 years. 13246Euclid influenced politicians such as Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln, as a lawyer traveling on horse dressing would carry a copy of Euclids Elements in his saddlebag. According to his law partner, at night Lincoln would lay on the floor for hours at night studying Euclids Elements by lamplight. 5 He was a great admirer of the logical delivery of information that The Elements con tained and used Euclids systematic approach in many of his speeches. It is no coincidence that the accent dedicated to the proposition bears such striking similarities to Euclids axioms. Lincoln, speaking of his study of Euclid, said,In the course of my law reading I constantly came upon the word demonstrate. I thought at first that I quiesce its meaning, but presently became satisfied that I did not. I said to myself, What do I do when I demonstrate more than when I reason or prove? How does demonstration differ from any other proof?I consulted Websters Dictionary. They told of certain proof, proof beyond the possibility of doubt but I could form no idea of what sort of proof that was. I thought a great many things were proved beyond the possibility of doubt, without recourse to any such extraordinary process of reasoning as I understood demonstration to be. I consulted all the dictionaries and books of reference I could find, but with no better results. You might as well have defined muddy to a blind man.At last I said,- Lincoln, you never can make a lawyer if you do not understand what demonstrate means and I left my situation in Springfield, went home to my fathers house, and stayed there till I could give any proposition in the cardinal books of Euclid at sight. I then found out what demonstrate means, and went back to my law studies. 15The astronomers Johannes Kepler and Nicolaus Copernicus were also influenced by Euclids work. When it came to Keplers approach to astronomy he depended almost entirely on Euclid. Kepler, much like Galileo studied Euclid while attending a university (Tbingen). Kepler was a devout Lutheran and considered Euclid geometry to be the only geometry that could be applied to the heavens and refused to use any other form of geometry because he considered such forms to be heretical. He developed a proof of concerning meandering(a) motion based entirely off propositions found in The Elements 22. Copernicus used Euclids work on optics as evidence in his book On The Revolutions Of The Celestial Spheres which was considered the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the scientific revolution.All these great men of science were not able to use Euclids work as evidence simply because he was well known or famous for doing something exciting and spectacular. It was the intellectual quality of Euclids work that made the difference. We dont know enough about Euclid to either love him nor hate him and unless you pass away to be a mathematician, his work is undoubtedly not awe inspiring. Nevertheless, Euclid still managed to affect some of the most important figures of the Scientific Revolution by setting the foundations necessary for the development of modern science.Sources1. The Lincoln year book, create verbally by Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865, passage 322. Galileo at Work His Scientific Biography, written by Stillman Drake, pages 2-33. Einstein as a Student, written by Dudley H erschbach, page 34. How To Use Euclidean Geometry, written by Henri Bauholz, http// Euclid, Math impolite Reference, http// groovy Scientists from Euclid to Stephen Hawking, written by John Farndon, 20077. A Chronicle of mathematical People, written by Robert A. Nowlan8. Geometry Quotes, History of Mathematics Archive, http// The 100 A Ranking Of The Most Influential Persons In History, written by Michael H. Hart, 200010. encyclopaedia of World Biography. Euclid11. The Teaching of Euclid, written by Bertrand Russell, http// Isaac Newton, Wikipedia, http// Mathematicians Are People, Too Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians, written by Luetta Reimer Wilbert Reimer, 199014. The Beginnings of Western Science The European Scientific cu stoms in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, Prehistory to A.D. 1450, written by David C. Lindberg, 200815. Mathematics From the experience of Numbers, written by Jan Gulberg, 199616. Euclids Elements, written by D.E. Joyce, http// Euclid, Wikipedia, http// Axiomatic Systems for Geometry, written by George Francis, 200219. The Thirteen Books of the Elements, written by Euclid / Thomas L. Heath20. Mathmatical Thought, University of Arkansas, http// http// http// Newton Understanding the Cosmos, New Horizons, Letter from Isaac Newton to Robert Hooke, 1676, as transcribed by Jean-Pierre Maury, 199222. KEPLERS PLANETARY LAWS, written by A. E. Davis, http// Spin oza and Jefferson, The Teaching Community, http// A History of Mathematics, written by Carl B. Boyer, 198525. The History of Computing Project, Blaise Pascal, http//
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Wellbore Instability and Borehole Breakout
Wellbore Instability and Borehole Breakout inductionDespite the development of oil and gas industry technology, Wellbore derangement remains one of non productive time that cost industry billions every year. wellbore instability has been one of the well planning stage and been studied widely (Bradley,1979 Bell, 2003 Zhang et al., 2003 Gentzis et al., 2009 Zhang et al., 2009 Ding, 2011). oil production through a formation led to tune changing a round the borehole callable to rock removal. In this analysis, cadaver burthen mash is the controllable parameter during the drilling. The mud weight pressure effects batch cause two unsuccessful person mechanisms which are shear failure (breakout) and fictile failure (fracturing), these problems consider as the main wellbore failure. Borehole breakout happens when the mud weight is lower than expected. in other word, the breakout failure occurs when the stress oblige by drilling mud lower than compressive strength. On the other ha nd, high mud weight fag lead to tensile failure due to invade of mud into the formation. The consequences behind these problems are stuck pipe, reaming operation, lost circulation, and sidetracking. To eliminate these problems umpteen parameters should be considered such us rock strength, pore pressure, in-situ stress, and stress orientation. Furthermore, breakout and fracturing can be diminishing or eliminate by choosing the suitable mud weight for drilling. By using a constituent(prenominal) model to call off the stresses around the wellbore connected with a failure criteria, military capability of reservoir rocks can be calculated. Hence, selection of the suitable failure criteria ordain consider as the main part of wellbore stability analysis.Borehole breakout is an exaggeration and elongation of wellbore in a particular direction and it considers as the fundamental indicators to predict the orientation of min. horizontal stress. This magnification can be predicted by u sing 4-6 arm caliper tool, Optical imaging log, resistive insure log, and acoustic image log (Jaeger et al.,2009 Bell and Gough, 1979 Zoback et al.,1985). Figure (1) shows wellbore enlargement frame via 4 arm caliper. The 4 arms caliper has 4 pads in two calipers (pad 1 and 3) embody Caliper 1 (C1) and (pad 2 and 4) represent caliper 2 (C2). The diameter of the hole can be discover from those two calipers. Fig 1a represents an in-gauge hole cause C1 and C2 have same reading of bit size. In contrast 1C shows a severe washout in hole size and caliper reading show this enlargement.Stand on well logs data and empirical equations, the rock strength and mechanical properties can be obtained (Rahimi, 2014). (Westergarrd. 1940) in-situ stress can be obtained by whippy characteristic equations. Also, from elastoplastic characteristic equation in-situ stress can be calculated (chang et al., 2006). As well , (LOT) and mini frac. test can help oneself us to determine in-situ stresses (B ardley 1979b).Many models have been built to determine the induced stress in a circular well and predict the suitable mud pressure by using Failure criteria. In this analysis, three failure criteria have been used to predict the proper mud weight in the Nahr Umr formation in southern Iraq. The three failure criteria are Mohr-coulomb, Mogi-coulomb, and modified lade.Fig (1) Caliper log responses due to wellbore enlargement (Tingay )Geological properties of the field of view and the target reservoir. The H oil filed is a land-based field located in southeastern Iraq between the city ofBasra and the Kuwait wall (Figure 2).The field is an anticline that runs roughly north-west to south-southeast approximately 60 km long and 10-15 km wide. The anticline of H field has four domes divided by saddles, from the northwest to southeast these areAl-HamarShuaibaRafidyahSafwanFig (3) The four domes in H filedThe discovered reserves are contained in five reservoirs Mishrif, Nahr Umr, Zubair 3rd Pay, Zubair quaternary Pay and Yamama. (Figure 3) represents well stratigraphic.Nahr Umr Formation is an interesting potential wet character reference zone due to the abundance of log data through the unit, water salinity that is compatible with the Mishrif and Zubair Formation waters, and the reported extent and strength of the aquifer. It is serene mainly of Sandstone interbedded with streaks of (Shale, Siltstone Limestone). Average thickness of Nahr Umr formation is +/- 260 m and the porosity outmatch 25% with an average of 20% permeability ranges from 1000 md to 9000 md. Depends on information from more than fifteen wells, shear failure has been noticed in Nahr Umr formation specially at the shale layers. This breakout has been shown on shale shaker and by caliper log.Fig (4) stratigraphic of H field
Research On Destination Image And Perceived Expectation Tourism Essay
look On Destination Image And Perceived Expectation Tourism evidenceINTRODUCTIONBack groundTourism can be delimit as the activities of people pop offing from their resident country to another not more than one conservative stratum in charge for leisure, work, intimacy and other purpose.In the early period of time when tourism was introduce, it was only(prenominal) the rich and few educated ones that love adventure buy the farm to search the other country culture as a phaeton, so tourism then is not popular and can not generate lots money for a country but as time go on tourism started to catch into limelight to the ex 10t that it serve as a major sector of income to nigh country.Tourism is growing very(prenominal) fast nowadays in the humankind to the extent that the world multitude it as the second largest sector of scrimping that generate income for country in the world. According to (WTO) world tourism organization, the sector has become a warring sector in the world among different country of the world. Tourism business has grown to some level that some build uped and growth countries manage Greece depend on tourism as source of income for their country. They depend merely on it to develop the economy, create employments, and reduce p everyplacety line of the people. alone country now designs their region, cities, and state to attract holidaymaker and phaeton investor to their ending in order to compete in the tourism industries.Apart from ontogeny the economy of a country, tourism also give room for country culture to come into limelight. tourers being major focus in savoir-faire have impact on the last itself and the product in that last. The tourists aim in that culture ameliorated the awareness of the place moving-picture show.Destination picture, this has to do with the tourists perceptions of products from a particular country, on their perceptions of the countrys production and marketing strengths and weaknesses.(R oth Romeo, 1992). Tourists are meant to rate a conclusion and in this process different tourist come up with different information about that end which is very essential in improving or damaging the image of a finishing. Tourist are bourn to infer about a destination image and their inference about the value of a destination serve as a fiber indicator, the combination of the information or judgment hightail it to overall evaluation of the destination gaiety which jumper c sufficient to guest hardcorety(Manrai, 1998,p.594).Furthermore, all tourist destination that was able to gain the loyalty of tourist, the destination forget be at the advantage because the tourist pass on result to recommending that destination to other.Successful tourism can add the receipt of the tourist in a destination it can also increase income, government revenue, and employment. Attracting tourist to re squall and recommend it for others is very important in the winner of a destination. (su bgenus Chen and Tsai,2007).Malaysia was successful in increase the number of tourist over the category among which is Nigeria tourist are included with the recorded number by (WTO) world tourism organization which rake Malaysia 9th position with 23 .6m among the top ten to the highest degree visited country in the world. These was based on the Malaysia success in gaining the loyalty of the tourist and good destination image they have with the tourist, that is wherefore Malaysia was able to attain this goal. Looking at the figure some years back the number is not up to this but every year the figure keep increasing, this also apply to Nigerian tourist in Malaysia, 2009 Malaysia recorded over10,000 Nigeria tourists and ever year the number keeps increasing. The look into is looking at these increase in number of Nigerian tourist which is give carely link to the destination image of Malaysia that has watch on behold expectation of the Nigerian tourist, evidence from Chen Tsai, 2007.Destination image have two major forge on tourist behavior, the first one is the power to influence destination choice closing making and the second one is the after decision making behavior of the tourist on the destination, experience, evaluation and satisfaction which lead to revisit and tribute of the tourism destination. Good impression of the destination image brings about loyal tourist, good word and revisiting of the destination and it will positively develop the tourism sector. Thus, the positive experience the tourist have on the product, services, food, hotel, cordial reception of the people and other will facilitate the revisit or recommendation of the destination.Word of mouth information help tremendously in developing the image of a destination because it could produce another tourist visit to that destination or revisit.In order words, word of mouth and recommendation by the first timer visit to a place is the most reliable source of information of a desti nation. However, there is no look for that have look into image destination with perceive expectation, this inquiry is termination to address how destination image influence perceived expectation of Nigerian tourist and also test if destination image have influence on the increase of Nigeria tourists over the years.1.2 Purpose of the airfieldThe aim of this proposed memorise is to identify the significant image formation and it impact on Nigerian tourists satisfaction. Find out the relationship amongst destination image Nigerian tourist perceived expectation, perceive quality, tourists satisfaction and tourist loyalty. Using morphological equation model (SEM) by empirically viewing Nigeria education tourist in Malaysia (Students) in particular as the major responder.1.3 Problem disputation of the studyThe existing literatures shows that tourism researchers have traditionally focused on issues that relate to the demand sides of the tourist motivations and few behavioral patt erns mainly to burst the reasons that made tourists visit a particular destination (Chen and Tsai, 2007 Alcaniz et al., 2005). Looking at the imaginary image of tourists it calls for the need to empirically establish the actual travel experience of Nigerian tourists in Malaysia. This is sequel to various industry reports in Malaysia that have been consistently negatively painting Nigerian tourists on issues like scams, black money, kidnapping, money laundering etc (Romance scam, 2010 NOTE (Ernest, 2009). Interestingly, despite these negative familiar images of Nigerian tourists in Malaysia, the country has continuously witnessed a sharp increase in Nigerian tourists to Malaysia (Sirat et al., 2010 Sirat, 2005).Image as a dynamic thought has been argued as an effective essence of comparing and analyzing historical and contemporary issues in travel literature, particularly how changes in tourist visitations have positively or negatively impacted tourism development of a society ( Turel and Serenko, 2006). Arguably, tourist researchers has discovered and emphasized that the unique image of any destination has been veritable in recent times through the creative use of resource (Andriotis et al., 2008 Meng et al., 2008 Bowen and Clarke, 2002). This is because tourism suppliers have been strategically using such imagery in differentiating their products and invoking existential desires in the minds of their current and potential visitors (Sirgy et al., 2010 Gil and Ritchie, 2008). (Hudman and Johnson1994) second edition geography of travel and tourism. Hence, the uniqueness and diversity of the tourism products in the modern economy practically demand that destinations should cater for a wider array of tourist interests, by constantly repackaging their products and re-imaging their destination along tourist demand and behaviors (Chen and Tsai, 2007). Grounded in these areas of research is (Fornell et al1996). That have empirically tested and established perce ived expectation, perceived quality and perceived value as the antecedents of customer satisfaction and customer complaints and customer loyalty as the consequences of customer satisfaction across industry. Similarly, Gil and Ritchie (2008), Chen and Tsai (2007) and Alcaniz et al (2005) have all separately emphasized that the ability of travel providers to expeditiously match tourist perceptions with their own perceptions would lead to a more effective and productive consumer centric marketing and further confirms the relevance of image in providing the required authentic visitor experiences.Base on the practical and theoretical gaps mentioned above, this study aims to examine Nigerian tourists experiences, by relating the concepts of image with the authenticity of their visits. This study proposes to breach the theoretical gap as emphasized by Chen and Tsai (2007) that difference between imagery and experience could positively or negatively impact travelers satisfaction.1.4 Resear ch objectivesThis study will research on destination image and perceived expectation that lead to perceive quality, tourists satisfaction which resulted to customer loyalty. The research objective will be listed belowTo study the destination image, and tourist satisfactionTo study the tourist perceive expectation of the destination image which lead to tourist loyaltyTo look into the relationship between destination images, perceived expectation, perceive quality and satisfaction that help in gaining the tourist loyalty.To recommend and give suggestion on how to keep the success and improve the destination image for the tourist to keep being loyal to the destination.1.5 Research questionsThis research is going to ask these questionsWhat could be the perception of Nigerian tourist on Malaysia as a destination, satisfaction and loyalty of Nigerian tourist?What is the perceived expectation of Nigerian tourist on the destination image?What are the relationship between destination image, perceived expectation, perceive quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty?What are the suggestions needed to continually improve the tourist satisfaction on destination?1.6 Scope and limitation of the researchThe focus of this research is limited to the tourism industry, where selected literatures, handbooks, travel books, geography of travel and tourism book, Asians statistic year book, and (WTO) world tourism organization report. Malaysia ministry of tourism staffs will be contacted to get report on Nigerian tourist in Malaysia, Nigerian students and staff of Nigerian immigration embassy will be investigated with a set of sampling technique to explore the reason why Nigerian number keeps increasing in Malaysia.The research was to study the pre-visit, during visiting, and post-visit perception and satisfaction of the Nigerian tourist on the destination site. According to Malaysia tourism ministry over 10,000 Nigerians are now in Malaysia, which means that the number of Nigerians t ourist is increasing every year despite the bad name given to them, that means that with the level of hostility towards Nigerians tourists in Malaysia they are still satisfied or not.Therefore, the research will focus on how Malaysia tourism industry was able to satisfied and meet up with the expectation of Nigerians tourist that make them chose Malaysia as their destination why not other Asia country e.g., India. Sample respondent will be chosen among the student to answer the questionnaire.1.7 Research turnThe research procedure is the process the research study will fall upon to solve the research question and arrived at expected result. More so, some literature of the research will be collected and review with major emphasis on image formation, tourists satisfaction, perceive expectation and tourists loyalty. Questionnaire will be design base on the construct from the theory and according to the former study.
Friday, March 29, 2019
The History Of Poaching Rhinos History Essay
The History Of run rhinoceroscerosceross History EssayAs unrivaled of the last surviving species of mega fauna, the black-and-blue rhinocerosceros is distinctively known by its squ ar shaped lip that enables it to graze. At the end of 2007, the Inter home(a) centre for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that at that place were 17 480 of these animals left wing, ca using them to be classified as near baneened. In the past 3 socio-economic classs, sulfur Africa has suffered the tragic loss of 93 washcloth rhinos. ( lineage A http//www. south nighAfrica/News/Kruger- jet-loses-to a greater extent-rhinos-20 vitamin C226 )These animals atomic number 18 usu onlyy hounded for their motor horns, despite the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) having decl ard any portion out in rhino parts for commercial reasons illegal. Thus hunters commence resorted to poach both white and black rhinos , often using high-tech weapons and helicopters to hand their means. ( base E http// hunt-crisis-as-rhino-horn-de homod-booms-in-asia.html)In the case of overlord sea poachers, the following takes place. First, the rhinos are s virulent from the air using a low-noise weapon, for mannequin a crossbow. The poachers then land and remove both horns any(prenominal)times the rhinoceros is still alive but severely wounded when this happens. Before rangers withstand realised whats happened, the poachers are in the air again.A white rhino killed for its horns in the Kruger field of study Park.http// smarts/chiefeditor/white-rhino- stewed-for-horn-picture.jpgLocationThe majority of white rhino hunt incidents in south-central Africa take place in the Kruger matter Park (KNP), but it is unknown what the exact statistics are.A map of randomness Africa indicating the various biomes. The reserve is found roughly within the red lines.http// Northern Half of the reserve is home to the savannah biome, characterised by monthlong grasses and woody plants . This makes KNP the perfect habitat for the white rhino, a grazer. The position is world-renowned and a proud reciprocal ohm African tourist attraction, however this not teeming to pee-pee awareness about the importance of white rhino conservation.A map of the Kruger depicted object Park and its national delimitationshttp// pose/maps/134.jpgThis part of the reserve also shares an Eastern Border with Mozambique, home to nearly all of the poachers arrested in 2009. (Source C http// run- generate-results-25073.html)The bigger pictureIn 2007 13 Rhinos were hunt in southwest Africa. In 2009 93 Rhinos were poached in southeast Africa. The problem, as verbalize by Source B, is that the cleanup spot spree is no longer opportunistic hunt by individuals but carried out byhighly sophisticated criminal gangs.(http// source goes on to lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of Asian countries commercial rhino poaching has be defecate a fountainhead-oiled railway car and the new Asian wealth is bankrolling the licking. However, this does not investigate the poachers themselves.By July 2009 the southwestern African subject Parks (SAN Parks) reported that 32 white rhinos had been poached in the Kruger Park. Of these, 28 had been killed along the Mozambican border. Every single bingle of the 14 suspects arrested are Mozambican citizens. (Source C http// D goes on to say that law enforcement ordaineds in Mozambique are not doing enough to forego the poaching. Not a single po acher arrested in Mozambique for killing a rhino has gone through the across-the-board process prescribed by conservation law. The article reports that not a single poacher arrested by Kruger Park officials was jailed for longer than two weeks. In one incident, poachers creditworthy for sight in R1,5 million were fined a mere R1250 and released. In other case, a poacher with a freedom-fighting history and cozy ties with politicians and practice of law was released from prison house without a fine, one week after being arrested in KNP. (http// more than(prenominal)-on-rhino-poaching-the-mozambique-connection/)From 1977 to 1992 Mozambique fell into a civil war that crippled its economy and left its people impoverished.Graph 1 Mozambiques annual GDP in recounting to that of Southern Africa, and Africa as a whole.http// a Gross Domestic crossing of just over $1000 Pur chasing Power Parity (USD PPP), it comes as no surprise that Mozambicans would resort to poaching, or that the legal system is too weak to prosecute them. However, it is possible that many would prefer the illegal avocation in rhino horn to honest work.As part of the anti-poaching world-class in Kenya, this pile of ivory and rhino horn was burnt to create public awarenesshttp// November 25, 2009, the black marketplace nourish of rhino horn was officially greater than that of gold, as give tongue to in Source G (http// .Table 1 Approximate Black Market determine of rhino horn and gold per kilogram at November 2009Commodity charge ($) per kilogram (kg)Gold60 000Rhino horn40 600However, it is substantial to note that fault can also be found with South Africans.2008 Minister of Environmental Affairs, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, announced that individuals with valid hunting permits were abusing their permits to employment illegally in rhino horn. As stated in Source FDuring investigations into rhino horn deals, enforcement officials had found that prospective hunters had applied for permits to hunt rhino in various provinces, and these had subsequently been issued. nevertheless the hunts had never taken place and the relevant authorities had never been informed. (http// http// http// http// http// article goes on to reference Democratic Alliance (DA) environmental spokesperson Gareth Morgan in saying that the South African Government is still n ot taking sustainable developing seriously. (http// http// http// http// http//, in conducting this report I have come to realise that most South Africans view poaching as something of the past or something particular(a) to North Africa and Asia. Thus the plight of the white rhino has largely go on deaf ears. The ignorance of the people who stand to lose the most has turn up a greater threat to white and black rhinos than poachers.Main concerns estimableSouthern white rhinos are killed with immense cruelty. Before colonisation it was the handed-down pra ctice amongst most African tribes to respect wild life, this was emphasised by using every part of an animal that was hunted. Today, the world sole(prenominal) takes a stand when cute wild animals or domestic animals are abused.Furthermore, the impertinence with which poachers break the law suggests complete disregard for animal life. As stated by Source D many suspects are repeat offenders. (http// extreme black market value of rhino horn proves that this is a scarce commodity. However, this only seems to increase demand and frequency of poaching.In addition, SAN Parks pledged R5,2 million to anti-poaching strategies within KNP (Source C http// As the emplacement escalates, greater donations leave be required which could prove to be a set back while the world recovers from the economic recession.LegalT he misadventure of Mozambican authorities to prosecute poachers has instilled doubt in the poverty-stricken country. traffic surrounded by South Africa and this neighbour have become clouded with hunch as KNP game rangers suspect severe spoilion within the Mozambican legal system. (Source D http// northern species of white rhino is feared extinct. Black rhinos are near extinct. How long before there are no more of these amazing creatures are left in the world?Who plays the largest roles?The rangers of the Kruger National Park, the World Wildlife Foundation International (WWF), the IUCN, TRAFFIC (affiliated wildlife trade monitoring network of the IUCN), CITES, the Saving Rhinos initiative, the Rhino Conservation initiative, and the South African patrol Services (SAPS) have thus far played the sterling(prenominal) role in physically protecting the southern white rhino and creati ng awareness regarding the poaching crisis.(Source E http//, this will not be enough without the co-operation and support of the South African public. Furthermore, more efforts such as this one by the Saving Rhinos initiative should be made in AsiaAn advertisement by the Saving Rhinos initiative aimed at educating the public.http// and support is also needed from animal rights organisations such as PETA (People for the honest Treatment of Animals) and the Governments of Mozambique, Vietnam, The Peoples Republic of China and Thailand in order to destroy the market for rhino horn.Solutions authenticly in placeAccording to Source A, current Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica has overseen the implementation of the following sustainable travel to prevent poaching in KNPThe addition of 58 rangers in the park, carry the sum subjugate to 35019 Motorbikes have been bargain ford for the rangers for use in patrolsThe purchase of high-tech night vision equipment for use by SAN Parks crinkle ServiceThe addition of an ultra-light aircraft for use in patrolsThe South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has taken over from the South African Police Service (SAPS) in patrolling the Mozambique/ KNP border.(http// )Solutions that should be in consideredAt this compass point Mozambican poachers arrested on their national soil are not expeditiously prosecuted, thus poachers should be arrested and prosecuted in South Africa as far as possible.Brian Jones of Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre has verbalise from experience that South Africans living roughly KNP feel very protective over their wildlife. Furthermore, the locals are very ardent about bringing an end to poaching. By employing these locals as rangers and Border poli ce Officials, SAN Parks will not only be reducing unemployment statistics (even if only minimally) but getting the public involved where they often turn a blind eye.Imploring the Governments of Asian countries to educate their people about the event of rhino poaching and the truth behind the medicinal values of rhino horn.AddendumSOURCE AKruger Park loses more rhinos2010-02-26 2209 mantlepiece Town Eight more white rhinos have been killed by poachers in the Kruger National Park, despite the deployment of high-tech equipment and extra rangers at so-called hot spots within the flagship reserve.In a written reply to a parliamentary question, Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica tell eight white rhinos, two impalas and a zebra were poached in January this year, compared to seven white rhinos, two impalas and one kudu during the same month the year before.Her reply contains lucubrate of sustainable steps taken to curb poaching in the park that includes the deployment of 58 new field rangers taking the total fleck of rangers to 350 to poaching hot spots the purchase of 19 motorbikes to help with patrols the acquisition of new night-vision equipment for use by crew of the SANParks Air Service units two helicopters and the purchase of some other ultra-light aircraft, bringing the total to two, for use in anti-poaching operations. The air do unit also has three fixed-wing aircraft.Dramatic riseSonjica said the SA National Defence Force would take over from the SA Police Service in patrolling the parks international border with Mozambique during the later part of this year.Over the past two years, the number of rhinos poached in the Kruger, and in other militia around the country, has risen dramatically.On January 22, SANParks chief executive officer David Mabunda said in a statement that at least 14 rhinos had been poached since the start of the year, seven in the Kruger and seven in the North West.This brought the total number of rhinos killed in t he past three years to 93. There had been 48 arrests made over this period.Mabunda said at the time that plans to bring the host to patrol the Krugers border with Mozambique were at an advanced stage. SAPASOURCE B14 Oct 09Commercial Rhino Poaching Thrives in South Africa, Thanks to Asian Demand for Rhino HornWell-funded poaching syndicates are cashing in on Asias demand for rhino horn and jeopardizing decades of rhino conservation efforts in South Africa.The reason behind the current 15-year high in rhino poaching is no longer a mystery or baffling to experts It is provide by the insatiable demands of a newly affluent and increasing cosmos in Asia.Commercial rhino poaching has become a well-oiled machine and the new Asian wealth is bankrolling the slaughter.Todays rhino poachersHeavily funded, politically connected, and well-armed, todays rhino poachers use helicopters to fly into Africas game militia to kill rhino with the modish high-powered weapons.In a recent Guardian a rticle, chief executive of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, Yolan Friedmann, said the average number of rhino killed has skyrocketed from 10 to 100 yearly.There has been a rampant increase in South Africa. Poaching figures for this year have already surpassed the whole of last year. Its probably the whip its been for 15 years. Theres a lot more money going into poaching and its becoming more hi-tech. Its no longer just a man with a bow and arrow wading through the bush. These guys are using helicopters and AK-47 rifles.Despite the once successful Save the Rhino project, rhinos are to a lower place siege. South Africa is facing a crisis. Weve done extremely well in rhino conservation, but something has changed in the past 18 months, theres an insatiable passion for rhino horn in the far east.Cathy Dean, director of Save the Rhino International, says in the article that the surge in poaching is a threat to years of hard-earned success in rhino conservation.The gains of the last decad e are in real jeopardy. The underlying concern is that this upsurge in rhino poaching a major issue in Zimbabwe as well as South Africa is no longer opportunistic poaching by individuals but carried out by highly sophisticated criminal gangs.So far this year, 84 rhino have been killed in South Africa. In 2007, the number was 13.Unfortunately, commercial rhino poaching has become widespread Zimbabwes rhino population is also suffering at the hands of a politically connected poaching cartel that fulfills orders from Chinese nationals for rhino horn.And illegal killing isnt the only way rhino horn enters Asias flourishing exist species marketplace.http// CEscalated anti poaching actions starting to yield resultsSouth African National Parks (SANParks) announced earlier this months that more poachers have been apprehended in recent weeks due to the increa sed efforts to supply ship down on poaching of rhino and other high value wildlife in the Kruger National Park. In July 2009 SANParks announced that the organisation had garbled 26 white rhino and one black rhino to poaching and an added 10.3kg of rhino horn through a violent robbery in the Addo Elephant National Park.It is with sadness that we announce that since our announcement at the end of July we have lost a seven white rhino to poachers. However, the greatest news to come out of these despicable activities is that SANParks has since apprehended another six suspected rhino poachers and the recovery of five illegal firearms, said Dr David Mabunda, the chief executive of SANParks.The new arrests bring the number of arrested suspects to 14, with 11 recovered illegal firearms. Dr Mabunda said that what is solemn about this information is that of the 33 rhinos (including 1 black rhino) poached this year 28 of them were illegally killed along the eastern boundary with Mozambique and all the 14 suspects arrested thus far were of Mozambican origin.We intend to increase our efforts even more in ensuring that this scourge is routed out. Discussions have been started with Mozambican authorities to solicit their tending in apprehending suspects and preventing illegal activities from proliferating on their side of the fence, said Dr Mabunda.SANParks has pledged a sum of R5.2 million from its Park Development Fund which is aimed at change anti-poaching interventions in the KNP. The funds are being used for increasing the number of field rangers by 57 people as well as buying more vehicles and a state of the Crime Information focusing System.SOURCE DRhino carnage continuesYOLANDI GROENEWALD Jan 15 2009 0500The illegal slaughter of at least 12 rhinos over the festive season brings the number of the animals poached in South Africa in the past year close to 100. The rising death toll comes amid allegations that Mozambican authorities are not doing enough to crack d own on known suspects and, in some cases, might be abetting the poachers.Another two rhino deaths in Mpumalanga have been reported but not confirmed some game reserves are reluctant to comment on such killings. If the figure is jell it would put the unofficial death toll of rhinos poached in South Africa since January last year at 96. The dead animals include critically endangered black rhinos.An Mpumalanga ranger who has tracked poaching across South Africas border into Mozambique said the countrys law enforcement failures were contributing to the problem.Not a single poacher arrested in Mozambique for killing a rhino has gone through the full process prescribed by the conservation law, the police detective said. Unfortunately, the Mozambican enactment cannot deal with modern poaching methods and this is being exploited by the poaching lords.He said many suspects are repeat offenders who simply effect to poaching. And even if they point out their coachs the handlers can simpl y pay a fine if they are ever arrested.No poachers arrested in Mozambique for offences in the Kruger park and Mozambiques Sabie Game Park have been jailed for longer than two weeks. This includes offenders who have been apprehended twice for similar offences, the tec said.A report he has drawn up reveals that poachers killed at least 43 rhinos between January 2004 and July 2008 in the Kruger park and around its border. Though the Kruger park would not provide official figures, the Mail Guardian understands that more than 40 rhinos were shot there between January and the end of November last year.In many cases Mozambicans, allegedly employed by Vietnamese syndicates operating out of South Africa, are the prime suspects. The syndicates are said to provide their local recruits with high-calibre weapons. Crossbows are also used because they are silent.The investigator said that a community leader from Mozambiques Limpopo National Park had shot rhinos in the Kruger National Park on thre e distinct occasions. Kruger law enforcers pursued him into Mozambique, where he was arrested each time, but on all three occasions the cases were either not finalised or no doom was given.When the poacher tried his luck a fourth time he was apprehended on South African soil. The investigator said that South Africas laws should ensure that he is taken out of the poaching system.In another case in 2007 five rhinos were shot on the border of the Kruger park, in Mozambique. A task team comprising the Mozambican border police and lag from Kruger and Sabie Game Park arrested two suspects along with high-calibre weapons, the tracking equipment and binoculars. The investigator said the suspects and the evidence were handed over to the police commander in Moamba, Mozambique.But the investigator also sent letters about the case to the national government in capital of Mozambique because he felt Moamba police had fail previous cases. In addition, he met with police leaders in Maputo and r aised the lack of detective competency in Moamba. Despite his efforts, he said, the two suspects were simply fined R1 250 and released.The fine should have been at least R1,5-million if it was right investigated and proper channels followed, he said. The horns were worth at least R1,5-million.The investigator said he suspected that some of the police in Moamba were corrupt and actually assisted the poachers. In one case the name of the poachers handler was obtained and the man was arrested. But the suspect has a freedom-fighting history and close ties with politicians and the police, the investigator said. Within one week he was released and South African investigators view he did not even pay a fine.The Mozambican police had not responded to emailed questions by the time of going to print. Carlos Come, a director in the Mozambican police, merely commented that joint commissions between South Africa and Mozambique had been put in place to help Mozambique with its challenges.
Challenges Faced By Abbasid
Challenges Faced By AbbasidThe Abbasid Caliphate overlookd all over the Islamic world, making it one of the influential and longest Islamic dynasties. During the endure of Umayyad, the Abbasids came in a rebellion with the help of coalition of various forces which were in a bad way(p) with the rule of Umayyad. Once the Abbasids were in power they continued with many policies that were reinforced by Umayyad. One thing that made unique the Abbasids than the Umayyads was that the Abbasids embrace Iranian gardening and moved the capital to the spick-and-span city to the capital of Iraq age the Abbasid had grown and faced rise as well as hang up in the caliphate that are linked to diversity in terms of ethnicities and culture as their openness to Non Muslims also. This period is considered as the most successful and chromatic age for the Islamic culture.Challenges FacedIn context of fall or take exceptions faced by Abbasid, author Nigel D. Furlong severalizes that With Kharij ite tensions in the government, the rise of the Saffarids, Shiite enemies, and the emerging Qarmatiyyuns, the Abbasid state could not devote the re themes necessary to deal with the Zanj revolt until ten age after the Zanj began their host and economic campaign (Rise and Fall, 2008).Under the influence of Abbasids, Baghdad was developed and became the most cultured and the leading city in the world. The literature, craft and science were developed under the sponsorship of Caliph Harun al- Rashid and his son, Al-Mamun that created the House of cognizance. The House of Wisdom was accountable for the translation of knowledge in Arabic from all nearly the world. With the implementation of much(prenominal) policies, the Abbasids oversaw an Islamic golden age where the learning of many civilizations was expanded and preserved upon. A number of practical understructures took place in different fields such(prenominal) as art, culture, and technical but major(ip) improvement was notic ed in the field of agriculture. many a(prenominal) in the buff techniques and methods were enforced in order to reduce the labor needs. At the same time, trade and export trade process was enhanced and such Islamic innovation continued even as the government of Abbasid fell into the confusion. Gradually, under the governorship of Emirs and of military that controlled the caliphs, Abbasid power became weakened and began to face several challenges (The Abbasid Dynasty The gilded Age of Islamic Civilization).During the period of early ninth century, by the time of Caliph Al-Radi, the Abbasid Caliphate was succeeded and thrived in spite of of having multiethnic and massive empire because of several capable advisors and caliphs. So, the major challenge the Abbasid faced was the multiethnic and massive empire. At the same time, Abbasid faced challenges of revolts from the northbound Africa and Persia and Harun Al- Rashid was removed from power by the Persian Barmakid family which w as supposed to be source of many great advisors. After this event his son Al- Mamun continued with the caliphate (The Abbasid Dynasty The grand Age of Islamic Civilization).Al- Mamun tested and adopted mihna and Mutazili technology in their caliphate which was influenced by the Greek philosophy. It was compulsory to follow the theory or else they could be lag or killed. It leads to the divisions between the Islamic people and Islamic sovereign that was worsen by his creation of his army only. The Persian governor ruled as a king and set up his own dynasty however he continued to identify the Abbasid. This continuation of trend of impendent governors as well as the cost of running massive empire and maintaining a large bureaucratism became major challenges for the Abbasid caliphate (The Abbasid Dynasty The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization).To overcome with all such challenges, the caliphs granted tax-farms to military commanders and governors and Al-Mutasim expanded its own army called Ghilman. These slaves tried to rule over the people of Baghdad that resulted in the riots and anger of the citizens. Instead of attempt to solve the situation, the caliphate moved capital from Baghdad to Samarra. This step was not faithful and the capital moved back to Baghdad by Caliph Al-Muwaffaq who channelise the caliphate to radical prosperity and hence, Abbasid power gained a new lease on life (The Abbasid Dynasty The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization).Impact Of Their Rise To supplyThe rise of Abbasid was very impactful not only to Muslims but also to near Non-Muslim states. The major important factor in their caliphate was its openness to the people previously which was subject to the rejection by the Umayyad Caliphate. The rise of the Abbasid Caliphate greatly enriched every field such as agriculture, trade, natural science, literature, astronomy, chemistry as well as maths (Rise and Fall, 2008). In context of the cultural values Amira K. Bennison states in his book The Golden Age of the Abbasid Empire that the rulers of Abbasids nurtured the civilized values in their caliphate which western civilizations so often claim to represent and inculcated (Bennison, 2009).During that period, Abbasids were trying to advance all sectors of the thriftiness mostly due to the efforts of Muslim Persians working in those respective fields. In the beginning of their rule many different aspects of Quran were also flourished because of the new idea proposed by the Muslims as well as Non Muslims of the state. The openness dodging of their community lead to the innovation in technology with the implementation of new methods and ideas so that they overcome with their Arabian and Non Arabian counterparts and it reshaped industries into more effective and riches producing industries (Rise and Fall, 2008).Under the rule of Harun al- Rashid, Baghdad became the most important centre for philosophy, science, education, medicament and the literature. It share c ontacts and borders with many distant empires to collect, migrate, expand and translate knowledge of other(a) civilizations like Indians, Persians, Greeks, Chinese and Romans. The Indian numerals which have become standard in the western world and in the Islamic were aided in the scientific discoveries and mathematics. Other Scholars such as Al- Biruni and Abu Nasar Mansur made contribution in the outgrowth of the astronomy and geometry while Al-Kindi synthesized Greek philosophy and revolutionized mathematics with Islamic thought. Many important innovations were taken place in the component part which was important primer for the growth and development and hence, today this period is known as the Islamic Golden Age. This impacted innovation and development in the Muslim as well as in the Non Muslim states. The process of imports and exports were enhanced with new ideas, rules, laws and policies. Literatures were developed with the contribution of many scholars and writers in al l subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, economics or science. Similarly, improved method of agriculture, advanced farming and mould techniques was implemented that reduced the need for labor and increased the productivity that at last enhanced economic situation of the region and also of the neighboring region (The Abbasid Dynasty The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization).
Thursday, March 28, 2019
The Night that Changed My Life :: essays research papers
The Night that Changed My LifeThe nights darkness coverted the confine and the landscape alike a mother and her newly born child. The winter snow on the ground illuminated the moons well-fixed and made it very easy for seeing into the distance, exactly there was zip to see for miles and miles tall pines and rolling terrain contained nothing but Mother Nature. I lay silently in my bed and watched out my window the snow drifting methodically to the ground. The tall pines stood watching over the cabin and their shadows seemed to acquit a life of their own. The howling wind caused an occasional screech and let out of the old wooden door. I was alone in my cabin eject for the wicked cold, which made me a number of cartridge clips reach for my blanket as it nipped at my exposed body. I trembled and my teeth began to chatter as I read my newspaper by the candlelight. As I began interpret I came across an article about an pretermitd madman from a Maine jail. I looked at the pict ure and for some reason I fancy I knew the man, but in reality I knew I did not. I continued to read as I tried to pass time as I expected the arrival of my girlfriend, Michelle, who like myself, was looking for an escape from this harsh world. This isolated spot in Northern Maine had great loneliness and seldom had visitors. I lay patiently awake and a clutch a knocking on my door.Suddenly, without warning, the candle blew out and a dispirit came across my body that was indescribable. I quickly rose to my feet to relight the candle, but I soon realized that I was out of matches. I hesitated to move, I hesitated to breathe, but then there was a knocking on my door and my gist suddenly dropped into my stomach. BANG, BANG, BANG. I stood frozen in the middle of the room like a deer caught in a cars headlights. I practically crawled to the door to see who it was. I prayed after each stones throw that it was Michelle, but for some reason I knew it was not. I went to the door and sto od silent, or so like I was waiting for that person on the other font to open the door before I did, but they didnt. I searched for the hairgrip in the darkness, but I need not to find it.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Free Essays on Homers Odyssey: Powerful Women of Homerââ¬Ã¢¢s Odyssey :: Homer Odyssey Essays
The Powerful Women of Homers Odyssey There is authentic onlyy no way to generalize the women in Homers Odyssey because they only take a crap their own distinct traits that make each of them great, strong, and powerful women. A genuinely powerful woman is Arete. She is as powerful as the king, Alcinous. Her female child Nausicaa is an surprise woman, even though she is so young. She displays great intelligence in use Odysseus. These women I speak of above ar great women in a good sort of way solely there ar likewise more or less truly bad women that still hand some painful qualities. For instance Clytemnestra who has great vengeance and deceit. Another Homeric women that breaks the submit is Helen. She is so independent and headstrong its al near scary. These qualities Im applying to all these women are not their only but they are the most(prenominal) memorable. In fact some of them share the traits I have already set out. One other thing I would like to constitute in the lead I go on is how different these women are from what I expected. I thought they would all be weak and completely infra the reign of the heroic men but all the ones Ive mentioned are very powerful and could probably do with out their men. I make love Helen would be all right with out Menelaus. Helen is extremely independent and plumb evil. For the most part only does what she wants to do. First off she ran away with genus capital of France and started the Trojan war. Now I know its said that Paris took her but I would beg to differ. The best example I have is the sawhorse story Menelaus tells Telemecus. It begins with the men in the Trojan horse wait to mess about the city, and Helen walked around it Three times..... / feeling, and stroking its flanks, / challenging all the fighters, craft each by name - (Hom. 4. 310-312). What Helen wanted to do was blow the Greeks bandaging and financial aid the Trojans win the war. This also shows how smart she is because t he Greeks had been away from there wives for ten historic period and were getting a little lonely. Homer tells us that Anticlus was acerbic to apostrophize her, but of course Odysseus had to save everyone from her (Hom. 4.320). This whole story gives a throne of insight to Helen and what she wanted.Free Essays on Homers Odyssey Powerful Women of Homers Odyssey Homer Odyssey EssaysThe Powerful Women of Homers Odyssey There is really no way to generalize the women in Homers Odyssey because they all have their own distinct traits that make each of them great, strong, and powerful women. A very powerful woman is Arete. She is as powerful as the king, Alcinous. Her daughter Nausicaa is an amazing woman, even though she is so young. She displays great intelligence in handling Odysseus. These women I speak of above are great women in a good sort of way but there are also some very bad women that still have some amazing qualities. For instance Clytemnestra who has great vengeance an d deceit. Another Homeric women that breaks the mold is Helen. She is so independent and headstrong its almost scary. These qualities Im applying to all these women are not their only but they are the most memorable. In fact some of them share the traits I have already laid out. One other thing I would like to mention before I go on is how different these women are from what I expected. I thought they would all be weak and completely under the control of the heroic men but all the ones Ive mentioned are very powerful and could probably do with out their men. I know Helen would be all right with out Menelaus. Helen is extremely independent and fairly evil. For the most part only does what she wants to do. First off she ran away with Paris and started the Trojan war. Now I know its said that Paris took her but I would beg to differ. The best example I have is the horse story Menelaus tells Telemecus. It begins with the men in the Trojan horse waiting to ambush the city, and Helen wa lked around it Three times..... / feeling, and stroking its flanks, / challenging all the fighters, calling each by name - (Hom. 4. 310-312). What Helen wanted to do was blow the Greeks cover and help the Trojans win the war. This also shows how smart she is because the Greeks had been away from there wives for ten years and were getting a little lonely. Homer tells us that Anticlus was hot to salute her, but of course Odysseus had to save everyone from her (Hom. 4.320). This whole story gives a lot of insight to Helen and what she wanted.
Women-and Minority-Owned Businesses Adapt to New Economy Essay
Women-and Minority-Owned Businesses Adapt to bran-new Economy Women-and Minority-Owned Businesses Adapt to New Economy written by Yvette Armendariz was an condition that I found in the archives of the Arizona Republic (October 6, 2002) via the internet. This article dealt with the readings from class over the bypast couple of weeks, especially dealing with women and Global Economy. As the title reads, women-owned businesses are adapting to the new economy, the economy after the New York September 11th attacks. This article is a year old, but I thought that it still had chastity and was worth writing about. In this article there are 4 companies mentioned. Two are owned by Caucasian women and the other two, by men of ethic backgrounds. The companies owned by the wo...
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Characterization within Hamlet Essay -- GCSE English Literature Co
The Characterization within village This essay go out inform the reader regarding the characterization found in Shakespeares calamity Hamlet whether the dramatis personae are three-dimensional or two-dimensional, dynamic or static, and another(prenominal) aspects of the character portrayal. John Dover Wilson in What happens in Hamlet tells how the fig out is capable of even bringing realism to a ghost Shakespeares Ghost is both a revenge-ghost and a prologue-ghost, that is to say from the technical assign of view it corresponds with its Senecan prototype. But there the likeness ends for it is one of Shakespeares glories that he took the conventional puppet, humanised it, christianized it, and made it a figure that his spectators would recognize as real, as something which might be encountered in any lonely graveyard at midnight.. . . The Ghost in Hamlet comes, not from a mythologic Tartarus, but from the place of departed spirits in which post-medieval England, despite a veneer of Protestantism, still believed at the end of the sixteenth century. And in doing this, in making horror more awesome by giving it a contemporary spiritual background, Shakespeare man geezerhoodd at the same time to lift the undivided ghost-business on to a higher level, to transform a ranting roistering generalization into a thing at once tender and majestical. (56-57) The genius of the grace is revealed in his characterization. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt in Literature of the western sandwich adult male examine the universal appeal of Shakespeare resulting from his sharply etched characters Every age from Shakespeares time to the present has found something different in him to admire. every last(predicate) ages, however, have recognized his supreme skill in inv... ...tts Institute of Technology. 1995. http// settlement/full.html West, Rebecca. A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption. Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT Yale University Press, 1957. Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. Shakespeare. Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992. Wilson, John Dover. What happens in Hamlet. New York Cambridge University Press, 1959. Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. Hamlet A Man Who Thinks Before He Acts. Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The disaster of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Ed. Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar. N. p. Pocket Books, 1958.
Essay --
Keywordsrecommender system of rules fuzzy system social matchmaking sharp set fuzzy setI.INTRODUCTIONIn the information eon, one of the key puzzles is to deal with more information than to practice to work practical decisions. User is bombarded with information whether or not he positively looks for it. Recommender systems ar designed to help individuals to deal with this information overload problem and enable them to make evaluative decisions 1. Traditional RS provides items, information and services to the user. These items ar c are products, movies, CDs, music, discussion, books etc. Tapestry 17 is the first gear manual RS and Usenet newsgroup launched by GroupLens is the first automatic collaborative filtering RS 6. The most popular existing recommender systems are for e-shopping 7, MovieLens recommending movies, news by Googlenews, music at Pandora, EntreeC giving restaurants 11, CDs at CDNow 18 etc. In many past years, for building recommender systems v arious approaches have been developed that engage non-personalized, demographic, content based, collaborative filtering, knowledge based and hybrid 11.Evolved research areas like social matchmaking RS enable people to people matchmaking 2 like coupling system recommends bride to groom and vice-versa. Using such systems, users can meet the other individuals of complemental needs like getting jobs (employee-employer), college admissions, mentor-mentees, student helper, addressing community issues, solve practiced problems and counseling 3. In social matchmaking systems, successful reciprocal recommendation occurs where devil users find each other based on their complementary needs. For example, a bride finds the ideal groom, and the same groom li... ...= Very Low (0.2) The sample of recommendations for the active lady is shown in TABLE IV. The snapshot of the result for same expectations is given in Fig. 2. The system is not providing the partners who having Low value for cri sp sets (religion, caste, occupation, diet, smoke, and drink). The experiments are observed for ten users and precision, recall, F1-measure is calculated. For getting these values, recommended results are used. The average of precision, recall and F-score are 79.45%, 85.65%, 82.43% respectively. V. CONCLUSIONSThis paper focuses on Partial Fuzzy Recommender System used for matrimony in the context of the Indian society. This system addresses the abundance of information and directs users to dead data requirements in terms of matches, eliminating irrelevant information. Recommendations can be just improved for reciprocity.
Monday, March 25, 2019
To Kill A Mockingbird, Movie Vs. Book Essay -- Compare Contrast Haper
To Kill A Mockingbird, Movie Vs. Book Neither the allegory nor film version of To Kill A Mockingbird is superior to the other, undecomposed different. In the rule book you delve more into the separate characters while in the film you see the relationships in action. The book gives you a broader view of everything, only if at the aforementioned(prenominal) time the motion-picture show points out everything that seems important. Lastly, the novel shows lookout as a girl caught in the middle, when the movie seems to paint scout as a girl without a inkling of what is going on. The book shows the separate characters. In the novel you see The whole character by what they say. Cal drive out be described as a teacher to the children. She shows them the modal value that others live when she takes them to her church in chapter twelve. She also remarks that ...Dont matter who they are, anybody sets pick in this houses yo compny...(p.24) this says that everyone is important no matter w ho they are. The recital I know all that, Scout. It was the way he said it do me sick, plain sick.(p.199) shows how much Dill really understands of what is going on. Jem is basically the same person in both the movie and the book. He seems to be the distant, insofar loving, brother.Although the book shows the individual people, the movie shows the relationships in action more than the book. The movie shows Cal and the children in action. It shows how they act around each other, the looks and the tones of voices that are being used, that can chang...
Mariam: A Legitimate End to a Life of Illegitimate Belongings Essay
Like a compass needle that points north, a publics accusing finger always finds a woman. You remember that, Mariam (Hosseini 11). Mariam, a child born out of wedlock, grew up lacking the genuine live she yearned for. Despite everything, her mother told her, she believed that her father, Jalil, meant the best for her. That was until she made the shocking discovery on her own he actually wanted to get rid of her. Pressured by his many wives, Jalil forces Mariam to marry an abusive shoemaker. As the last tear rolls surmount her cheek, she starts to understand the hardships that her mother went through. Emotionally neglected, they left her alone to live in a two-story house in Kabul this becomes a life ever-changing experience. On her journey through life, a quiet girl transforms into a potent female persona that eventually gives her life for a excusable cause. Mariam overcomes the obstacles and hardships of her inferiority to the male gender through her courageousness and endurance .To start off, Mariam plays a powerful role by enduring the countless strikes and lashes of her husband, Ras...
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Romeo And Juliet Film Review Essay -- essays research papers
Dont Hang Up philosophical system Philosophy Can Make A MovieFilm Romeo and Juliet film director Baz LuhrmannStars da Vinci DiCaprio & Claire Danes Plot Two lovers of rival, disputing families take their lives.Rating referee Claire GinnWelcome to Verona Beach, a sexy, violent other-world, neither future nor past, ruled by two rival families, the Montagues and the Capulets...So begins Baz Luhrmanns production of Shakespeares beloved play, "Romeo and Juliet," from the famed opening line of "Two Households both alike in dignity.." to the tragic end, the viewer is whisked away into the abstrusitys of heightened realism in the world of Verona Beach. Casting includes Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo and Juliet as well as great performances by bum Leguizamo (Tybalt) and, Harold Perrineau (Mercutio). Danes brings life to the character of Juliet and reaches far beyond the subservient stereotype of roughly Elizabethan characters with her ambition and asserti on, although she just abouttimes sounds like a schoolgirl reading lines clamorously for a teacher. DiCaprio is not quite as polished and in some scenes you may find him off-hand and whiny, however he manages to capture the depth and thoughtfulness associated with Romeo.Updated to modern Verona Beach (rather than Verona, Italy), this film has all the pop and naught one would expect from a tale of family feud, star-crossed lovers and bloodthirsty vengeance. It includes a potpourri of classical and religious imagery....
Death Penalty Survey Essay -- Survey Death Penalty Essays
Death Penalty SurveyIts my belief that people often miss enough information to have an informed opinion, solely go in advance and give their opinions anyway. Given the time, money and desire to complete this survey once again Id change my approach. Id attempt to educate them more on the subject by providing them some detailed information such as factual statistics on both the pros and cons of the closing penalty. Thus providing them with a broader background relating to the subject. I sapidity that by providing factual statistics and historical data that it would greatly add to the harshness of the survey. Of the many questions available to base my survey on, I chose Are you in favor of the death penalty?. With this question I interviewed twenty-four people. I had to get their name, age, race, sex, marital status, birthplace, religion, and of course the answer to the question. Then with the results of the survey I wrote this composition. Two weeks ago my neighbour received an unfortunate phone beef that his sister had been killed in a car crash. While traveling at a high rate of speed, three underage boys had broad-sided her as they proceeded through a red traffic light at eighty-five mil per hour. The boys had previously stolen the car and were being chased by the police. Besides my neighbors sister, the foregoing rider in the stolen car was also killed. The driver and another passenger were only slightly injured. Initially my neighbors father was not going to hire any legal action against the boys or their families. That was until he found bulge out there was both alcohol and a high-powered rifle in their vehicle. The driver of the car now faces two counts of murder as swell up as the death penalty. This event forced me to reflec... ...led Id have to say yes, but if it were someone elses no. Also two people surveyed were my neighbor and his wife. The neighbor whose sister was killed in the previously mentioned car crash. Without hesitation, the y both responded with agile yes answers. My immediate thoughts on their response was I wonder what their answer would have been preliminary to the accident. These two examples both support the fact that emotions really may tactical maneuver a part in our decision making process. In case of this survey, I was not surprised at all by the outcome because I knew that it was going to come out this way. Doing this survey was a gaiety and interesting experience. It gave me an opportunity to speak with some people I havent utter to in a long time. It also provided me the opportunity to reflect on my decision on the question, Am I in favor of the death penalty?
Saturday, March 23, 2019
The Civil Rights Movement :: African-American Civil Rights Movement
In the postwar years, the NAACPs legal strategy for well-behaved rights continued tosucceed. Led by Thurgood Marshall, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund challenged and tip-tilted many forms of discrimination, but their main thrust was equal studyal opportunities. For example, in Sweat v. Painter (1950), the SupremeCourt decided that the University of Texas had to integrate its constabulary school.Marshall and the Defense Fund worked with sulfurern plaintiffs to challenge thePlessy doctrine directly, careen in effect that separate was inherently unequal.The U.S. Supreme Court comprehend arguments on five cases that challenged elementary-and secondary-school segregation, and in May 1954 issued its landmark ruling inBrown v. Board of Education that stated that racially segregated education wasunconstitutional. White Southerners received the Brown decision first with shockand, in some instances, with expressions of goodwill. By 1955, however, whiteopposition in the South had large(p) i nto massive resistance, a strategy topersuade all whites to resist respect with the consolidation secerns. It wasbelieved that if enough people refused to cooperate with the federal court order,it could not be enforced. Tactics included firing school employees who showedwillingness to seek integration, resolution public schools rather thandesegregating, and boycotting all public education that was integrated. The White Citizens Council was organize and led opposition to school consolidation allover the South. The Citizens Council called for economic compulsion of blacks who favored integrated schools, such as firing them from jobs, and the creation ofprivate, all-white schools. some no schools in the South were desegregatedin the first years after the Brown decision. In Virginia one county did indeedclose its public schools. In Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957, Governor OrvalFaubus defied a federal court order to admit nine black students to Central HighSchool, and President Dw ight Eisenhower direct federal troops to enforcedesegregation. The event was covered by the case media, and the fate of theLittle Rock Nine, the students attempting to integrate the school, dramatizedthe seriousness of the school desegregation issue to many Americans. Althoughnot all school desegregation was as dramatic as in Little Rock, thedesegregation process did proceed-gradually. ofttimes schools weredesegregated only in theory, because racially segregated neighborhoods led tosegregated schools. To inhibit this problem, some school districts in the 1970stried busing students to schools outside of their neighborhoods. Asdesegregation progressed, the membership of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) grew.The KKK used violence or threats against anyone who was suspected of favoringdesegregation or black civil rights. Klan terror, including intimidation andmurder, was widespread in the South in the 1950s and 1960s, though Klan
Time Warner :: essays research papers
In January 2000, AOL and succession Warner announced a record setting $166 Billion horse merger. Referred to as the Deal of the Century the talk immediately centered on the potential synergies the overbold ac confederacy would realize.Steve Case, announced as Chairman, championed the mood of AOL/Time Warner as the Wal-Mart of the media and entertainment industry a one-stop shop marketplace for advertisers to orbital cavity their audience. Case envisioned fully integrated advertising campaigns with bundled AOL/Time Warner products.The idea was simple enough through a single point of contact, a marketer like Pepsi could get product placement in a major event movie, run a sweepstakes promotion on the wind vane with the winner appearing in a Warner Brothers sitcom, sponsor a Warner practice of medicine artists concert tour and distri providede a bailiwick print and television branding campaign.Investors applauded.AOL/Time Warners scale & oscilloscope would give it a clear adv antage over stand unaccompanied competitors.Furthermore, with the integration of Time Warner, AOL, the leading ISP, with 40% of the US market, would be equal to(p) to differentiate its products with proprietary content from such established brands as quite a little Magazine and Sports Illustrated.Time Warner executives, in turn, saw AOL as a new distribution pipeline into consumer households that could be used to promote and extend their order of brands.The deal seemed to make sense for both sides.So what went wrong?The vainglorious question these days is Should Time Warner sell AOL? Is the company stronger together or apart? Over the past year, analysts, investors and company executives have grappled with this issue.Since it helps to understand a companys past when making a decision more or less its future, we have structured this presentation in the following format first-class honours degree we will briefly review AOL & Time Warners market positions as separate companies.Se cond we will cover the complex merger issues that touch on federal regulators.And third, we will take a look at the period of time directly following the mergers approval.Finally, once we have multi-color the full picture of the merger and its results, we will conclude with our recommendation for the companys future.Prior to merging with AOL, Time Warner, was itself the result of two victorious mega mergers. The first was in 1989 when Time-Life, a print media company, merged with Warner Communications, an entertainment company with interests in movies and music. This was subsequently followed up with the merger of food turner Broadcasting Systems, Ted Turners Atlanta based company with cable properties like trinitrotoluene and CNN. These two mergers had created a powerful, vertically and horizontally integrated media company but still, something was missing.
Friday, March 22, 2019
LSD :: essays research papers
On October 27, 1906, a tiddler by the name of Albert Hofmann was born(Albert, 1). This child would grow up to change the humans forever. His research would create of subcultures of both the 1970&8217s and 1990&8217s. His discoveries would cause both grief and delight. His work in pharmacology brought the world one of the closely howling(a) discoveries of the 20th century, lysergic acid diethylamideIt was a prosaic day in July, 1938 when Swiss chemist, Albert Hofmann, foremost discovered Lysergic Acid Diethylamide(LSD). He was hoping to discover a smart circulatory and respiratory stimulant, when he stumbled upon one of the world&8217s most horrifying man-made substances however, when this phenomenon was first tested it had no effects on the lab animals, therefore its study was discontinued.LSD&8217s study was bring round in 1943, when research indicated it could potentially be used as preaching for schizophrenia, collectible to its similarity in structure to Nicatamide, a chemical make in the human brain, which directly affects the experiences of a Schizophrenic (DEA,1). On April 16, 1943, time Dr. Hofmann was measuring a fresh quantity of LSD, he accidentally dose himself and was overcome with confusion. He was then obligated to leave work due to &8220a superstar of mild dizziness and &8220extreme activity of imagination.(Discovery, 2) On April 19, 1943, at exactly 420 pm, Dr. Albert Hofmann ingested 0.25 mg. of liquid LSD and journeyed on the first intentional &8220acid trip. In 1947, Dr. Hofmann&8217s employers, Sandoz Laboratories, began marketing LSD in Europe. It was introduced into the United States a year later. They advertised it &8220as a repossess for everything from schizophrenia to criminal behavior, &8216sexual perversions,&8217 and alcoholism.(Henderson/Glass, 40) Sandoz Laboratories urged many doctors to experiment with LSD to encourage further knowledge of experiences which may occur to a Schizophrenic.The effects of LSD are com pletely unpredictable. The substance abuser usually experiences wild mood swings and the sensation of feeling multiple emotions at once. Colors seem more lifelike and objects appear to move in an almost stroboscopic manner. It has also been known for the user to feel as though they are seeing sounds and hearing colors. If a large enough dose is taken, the drug may produce perceptual delusions and hallucinations.
George Orwells Animal Farm :: George Orwell Animal Farm Essays
George Orwells Animal FarmGeorge Orwell has utilize m from each one techniques of writing such as irony andhumour to outline markerificant events throughout Animal Farm. Thisextract, dear after the slaughter of the disloyal animals (one ofthe some emotive of the events in the book), is no exception and so I provide be analysing and interpreting the response of readers as well as qualification links to other parts in the book.Loud tattle could be heard from the farmhouse, this is just afterthe pigs have come across a case of whiskey. It is not the singingitself, which is the surprise to the animals but the song that isbeing sung, Beasts of England. Beasts of England, the song ofrebellion and hope, has just been banned. The proscription of the songstood for the destruction of old Majors vision of a perfect unitybetween animals. withal the song signifies rebellion and so Napoleon hasforbidden it to extinguish any fighting spirit against hisdictator-led regime. The pigs, after bei ng intoxicated, lose all theirinhibitions it seems juiceless how they are now relying on their naturalinstincts rather than their brains. Them singing Beasts of England ishypocritical of the banishment, and supports the readers dislike ofthe pigs.Napoleon is seen wearing a Bowler hat and gallop rapidly round theyard, this is the except time where Napoleon loses control. In myopinion, which may be disputed, this is a sign of Napoleon evolving into the pig to man he becomes in the end. His wearing of the bowlerhat, an period of clothing, reveals his human behaviour in contrast tohim galloping, which exposes his animal instincts. To us this stick out ofa boar in a bowler hat is ridiculous although the animals must have beenconfused.The following morning Squealer appears, walking slowly anddejectedly, already the readers are able to make the link that thepigs must be hung e realplace hence no pig appeared to be stirring.Squealer announces to the animals that Napoleon is dying As ar eader I have no sympathy towards the promulgation but only humoursince I know he is not going to die, he is only hung over. On theother hand the reaction from the animals is tremendous a cry oflamentation went up and they had tears in their eyes while askingeach other what they should do if their leader were taken away fromthem. As readers it is very frustrating to see the animals act sopathetically, that they are so subject upon comrade Napoleon theirleader. Later on Squealer declared the drinking of alcohol was to
Summer at the Cabin :: Descriptive Essay About A Place
Summer at the confineThe cabin was built in the 1950s when my Great Grandpa rode up there, and it looks alike(p) not some repairs have been made since that time. The cabin is astir(predicate) 15 feet by 20 feet, and is made out of pine logs. There argon places where you can see between the logs because the chinking is falling out. The cabin faces to the east. It has a petty(a) porch that was made by leaving the first four logs of the cabin about six feet longer than the rest. There is a small set of corrals in front of the cabin. There is an old shed to the north of the cabin, and the outhouse is merchantman it.The porch has a hole in it where a horse stepped through it when mortal forgot to put the chain across the doorway. In the rafters hang old outfit that we tack on when one of our horses loses a shoe. Half the porch is cluttered with tools, shovels jacks, chains, shoeing equipment and an axe. The some other half is full of firewood. The only electric thing in the cabin is the phone. Propane or wood runs everything else. There is only one propane light in the cabin. To light the rest we use Coleman lanterns. There isnt any running pee in the cabin so we have to haul water. The floor to the cabin is made out of scrap lumber. It used to be rough, but has been gaunt smooth with time. There be places where it has rotted out and has been patched. There are also places that have been burned by sparks from the two stoves, and people spilling the ashes. inside(a) the cabin, behind the door, is a long bench we stack pop, canned stew, and many other things on. In the corner is the dog food, which we keep inside so the squirrels and birds dont get it. However that doesnt stop the mice. At night you can try them run across the floor and into the sack. We trapped mice for three weeks before we halt hearing them at night. A large hand made delay is pushed against the left wall of the cabin. This is where we eat and play cards. I also eternal sleep under the get across at night because it is the only open space. At each end of the table is a homemade chair, and for the length of the table is an old bench.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
What Are Visual Defects And How Common Are They ? :: essays research papers fc
What Are Visual Defects and How Common Are They ?byNate Schackow second Period December 17, 1996The human inwardness does alot more than allowing you to see. It is very analyzable and has many authoritys and features which can have defects. However, tounderstand defects you must prime(prenominal) know how the eye works.First light passes through the cornea, which is the transparent part ofthe sclera, or white of the eye, which is composed of tough fiberous tissue.Behind the sclera is a watery fluid called the aqueous humor. This fluid fillsa cresent-shaped space which with the cornea helps bias the light toward thecenter of the eye.Under the aqueous humor is the iris which gives the eye color. Thecolor of the iris has no effect on how you see and is contractable through genes.The iris contols how much light is allowed to enter your by theory up furtherwhen it is dark and closing up more to staunch out some light when it is bright.Everything that passes through the pupil, whic h looks like a vitriolic dot, is whatyou see.Next the light passes through the lens. The lens focuses the light raysonto the retina forming an fig in reverse and upside-down. Finally light-sensitive cells in the retina transmit the image via the middle nerve to thebrain by electrical signals. Then the brain flips the image so it looks right-side-up to you. You can find a diagram of the above on page 3.The most common visual defects are nearsightedness and farsightedness.In nearsightedness, also known as myopia, the eye is longer than usual. This iscorrected by using a concave lens to spread the light rays however enough to
Two Rivers :: essays research papers
two Rivers, WisconsinIf one were to set off 36 miles Southeast of Green Bay they would run into a teentsy townsfolk known as 2 Rivers. Two rivers is located on the coast of Lake Michigan. Two Rivers is surrounded on three sides by the violet Lake Michigan. Not far from Two Rivers is its sister city Manitowoc. French Canadians as well as the Chippewa Indians founded two Rivers. The Chippewa Indians called the area Neshotah that means a spliff of 2 rivers, since the twin rivers join to nameher before entering Lake Michigan. The Chippewa Indians likewise named the twin rivers. The West River is known as Neshoto sum west, and the East river is Mishicot meaning east. Two Rivers is obviously named after these twin rivers. The rivers themselves are almost geographically the same. The rivers are split between the city capital that is located in the center of downtown, and then rejoin together right before they touch on Lake Michigan. There is more than seven miles of clean and wid e white blonde beaches along the citys edges for the towns people as well as the tourist to enjoy. Swimming, wind surfings, beach coming, or upright even to take a brake and relax in the lie are vindicatory some of the things you can enjoy in Two Rivers. Not to mention one of the biggest activities to enjoy is the fishing. Fishing charters is a study tourist attraction, the Kiwanis fishing derby brings anglers from throughout the Midwest. You can fish on or off shore in almost all of the tetrad seasons. Not only are the Twin rivers a good option for fishing they are a major and important resource for water. The rivers drift are usually calm and slow, which you could say it matches the way of life of Two Rivers.Two Rivers is a town were the pace of life doesnt get any slower. Its slow paced atmosphere and friendly townspeople make you smelling like you are in the South. Trees line the quiet streets of the all American city. In the center of town are gracious old buildings th at project Central jet. Young and old gather here for festivals, or just to sit and talk. Band Concerts are also held in Central Park on a regular basis. Tourists shop at all the trim stores and are often greeted with a friendly smile. Two Rivers is a town were every body knows your name.
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